Hi pro


Full Member
Jan 6, 2012
York, PA
Detector(s) used
White M6, White 6000di
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I started trying out the hi pro program instead of the coin and jewelry program at my honey hole that I have been hitting hard for the past 4 years in hopes I find something I may have missed. The program is very “chatty” when I use it and I am afraid I am missing targets. Do you all know how I can calm this back ground noise? Have had some success though finding a silver Rosie and this beautiful ring. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1580996643.971264.jpg

Hello, have used the Hi-Pro program a few times, yes its chatty. I did remedy this by setting the program to accept VDIs above 60 only, but then I may miss rings and good relics. Seems to me Hi-Pro is a god program for a site that doesnt have much trash

Set up right for your conditions in Hi Pro you can find targets deeper then the machine can pin point. The first time I use HP was at a park that I had previously hit maybe 50 times. Got a very tight loud consistent signal in both directions but when I tried to pinpoint nothing...not even a hint of a sound. X patterned the signal, trusted my machine, dug and 12” later had a cut 1900 Barber Dime! Now I hunt almost exclusively in HP unless the EMI is really bad. I have also had really good success hunting HP with a smaller coil and the sensitivity turned up to max which also seems to help with chatter.

Thats good advice Tiger Glide. When you run Hi-Pro, do you change the ground filters to 7.5 or 5.0 ? And run in single frequency 2.5 KHZ for coins...what are the settings you use to find the cut Barber...just checking so we can all learn something new, thanks !

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