Foil- to dig or not to dig


Full Member
Jan 6, 2012
York, PA
Detector(s) used
White M6, White 6000di
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have a honey hole of a permission. A community pool built in 1951 with very few pull tabs. Some one got to it before because I have found only 3 silver quarters but scores of silver dimes and nickels. Also have found my share of rings. The only targets I don’t dig are iron and foil. I have a V3i. Unfortunately, the pool serves it’s hot dogs in foil. I know thin rings will sound off in the foil range so the question is do you all think it is worth going after the foil targets? If so are there settings on the V3i that could slightly separate the foil from the rings. I would appreciate any advice

Dig the foil. My most recent gold coin I almost didn't get because it rang up like folded over foil.

Find some patience and DIG EVERYTHING!:tongue3:

Now I only have to take my own advice. My problem is I usually don't dedicate 3 or more hours to a hunt so I Rush along looking for recognizable tones. This is extremely problematic when hunting old parks with lots of trash :BangHead:

I don't do parks. I need more clad like I need a hole in the head and I prefer the older relics. My favorite places are private permissions.

I don't do parks. I need more clad like I need a hole in the head and I prefer the older relics. My favorite places are private permissions.

Indeed... I need to ask more.. I have a number of early 20th century homes in my town and round about. I may sneak over to one a town over to sift through some of the dirt of one while its vacant..


Oh yeah! I'm looking at a few new permissions this fall. Waiting for the yellow jackets to die off first. I generally don't do places built after 1850 or so. We have a lot of those sites around here. The places where there used to be a house and the house is now long gone are the best ones.

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Thank for the encouragement. Do you all think just running in the 22.5 hertz help ?

I have to FORCE myself to dig foil, so far all I have got is foil, still waiting for that 40's signal to be something. Admittedly I do get lazy and blow over those signals :tongue3:

I had the V3i and had some success with testing about 20 rings of various sizes so I knew what VDI range to focus on. I had a custom program that I actually notched out anything lower or higher, with the exception of a dime/quarter with different audio.
Then I used the XY graph to determine if the target was foil or a nice round (straight line) target.

- This isn't as good as digging everything of course but gets you some additional goodies. I would also lower your recovery to <60 to at least try to mimic the speed of a Equinox or Deus. I ran gain around 10-12 if EMI wasn't an issue. When you lower your recovery to 60 you'll want to try and test the depth and if you can get 6" then your good to go in my opinion.

The V3i can be setup to do anything, In fact it is still more advanced than any other detector on the market in terms of customization and multi-freq. It also surprisingly one of the only machines I know of that has a color screen! Why is it that in 2019 all detectors don't have this? It really is a shame that it is just using a 10 year old processor and weights 5-6lbs and you can't get it wet.

The last gold chain i dug rang up in the foil range. One nice gold find will buy you handfuls of silver coins so something to ponder as you clean up foil lol. That said in trashy sites I dig the first 20-30 nonferrous targets to get the lay of the land and then start cherry picking if I haven't seen enough wheats or old stuff to justify indiscriminate digging. That sounds like a good site. To get any silver quarters I would think it hasn't been hit or the person was not good or had a terrible machine. If I find a silver quarter best believe I'll beat that turf up.

Thank for the encouragement. Do you all think just running in the 22.5 hertz help ?

I'm still a newbie but I use multi for everything EXCEPT when I've already ground balanced and I keep getting a constant static-y sounding bEbbEeepEEb BEEp.pbeeepppeep.
It settles down for me when I take it off multi and select one of the 3 frequencies on the Nox 600

DIG THE FOIL - I found one of the rarest Confederate buttons out there, by digging a risky sounding foil signal. My avatar is my button.

That site dictates digging everything, just do it and you will be pleasantly surprised. :icon_thumleft:

Good Luck! :occasion14:

If it were me I would come up with some rule to dig at least some of the foil sounds. I say that because one of my gold nuggets read just between iron and foil. Oddly I also found a thin silver ring that read right about the same, right between foil and iron. It makes me wonder how much silver was in it. The gold nugget I can understand because the small size ones that I find read low.

My Confederate use St. Timothy's Hall buttons were found a place other folks had detected - a lot. They rang up just under a pull tab range. I wasn't sure what the signal was saying, but dug them anyway!

Thanks guys. Since I am not under a time constraint(except how many years I have on this planet) I will start digging the foil. Let you know how it goes.

Having used a V3i a lot (my go to machine) I would dig it all, see if you can narrow down what the foil is giving off VDI#, scale and sound wise. Then after educating yourself a bit on what those targets will come up as you can decide to dig or not. The problem with foil is it could be in any shape and then that makes it hard to say well if I have a VDI# of this and the scales show this I know what it is. Good Luck, tell us how you do!

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