History: Vets tear down barricades as feds back down

Alan Colmes?:notworthy: follow his lead, and you can end up on PBR!!!!:laughing7:
I get a kick out of them, They are blind to their duplicitous arguments at all times. Amazing how many times they can insult someone while telling that person they are being insulting. LOL
And while politicizing something screaming someone is politicizing something? Like children.

all historians re write history...that is why they are called historians.

and every time someone posts something that does not agree with the right wing nuts, they are insulted.

political theater...for cruz and palin...wonder how many of those "veterans" were paid political hacks?

so, we should call you a historian now?:censored:

:laughing7: You and alan colmes are my hero's!!!!!!!!

Here's a better photoshop job ... It's entitled "After the Impeachment"


In the spirit of the thread, vets took down the barriers because of the way the vets are getting treated from the WWll vets to the bodies of vets being returned from war today. o-bama is supposed to be the Commander in Chief, the ultimate leader of our military. It doesn't matter about the scary Confederate flags and Sarah Palin or anything else. Don't even matter than some very scummy politicians were supporting protesters in the mall. o-bama could have waved his Executive Order wand, like he did so many times to control our guns, and our vets and their families would have been treated with the respect and honor they deserve. Instead, they got treated as "Non-essential". He has no business as Commander in Chief. I'm sure most of our military feel the same way about him and his cronies. How can you serve an administration knowing that, should you get in a bind, odds are help is NOT coming?? Cruz and McCain, Sarah or Rangel couldn't do it with an Executive Order but our peace prize winning loser could have and chose not to. Shame on him although he is not capable of recognizing it. Go back to the Acorn giveaway neighborhood where you belong!!

Good job packer. Cut right through the subterfuge and readdressed the issue. Hats off to you.

packer. I understand the frustrations of veterans at this closure...{and other government related topics}
I have serious issues
one: the confederate flag at the rally....bad karma...there is no treaty ending the civil war...it was a flat out surrender, they lost...honor the veterans and burn that flag and bury the remains.
as much as some people would have others believe I photo shopped the confederate flag in front of the crowd at the white house ....sorry...delusion and propaganda.
two...every one of the people interviewed, in the videos I have reviewed...not one person was a veteran..." my daddy served in WWII..." ok...all due respect... how did this guy avoid service{draft age}...yet has such a grand opinion about veterans?

this is just another political party attempt to swing voters to support their position, not help veterans in any manner.
every vet I know is disgusted that these monuments are closed...yet we did not commit criminal acts, attack the police...and blame Obama.
some where, some how. reality must set in.

I agree pippin, reality must set in at some point. My point is o-bama could have used his famous Executive Order power to STOP what was and is being done to our vets but he choses not to. It seems to me that, no matter what side of the fence you are on, you have to agree o-bama should know what is being done to his military and he should take action to stop anything that will adversely affect them. "Take action" being key words. The military is our "sacred cow", the force we call upon to take care of this nation's threats and should be treated with respect by all who benefit from their actions and sacrifice. He has deemed our sacred cow to be non-essential.

yes...here we go...accuse me of photo shopping to support your racist position.
instead of sheets and hoods, you wear tea bags.

The next time accuse or call a member here racist your going on a vacation...

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There is nothing racist about the confederate flag. There is no law against someone flying or carrying the confederate flag.

Warning to all, keep race out of it or face timeouts...........

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