How easy it is to get 15 min. of fame


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Nov 30, 2004
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Wow just have someone call you a s! ut on the radio and all of a sudden you are on every left wing news station I guess all that's going on in the world is non important. And how do we know when she lays down and looks like a certain letter in the alphabet the furnace stops working :dontknow: When this fade's she still will only be a student.

How easy it is to get 15 min. of fame :dontknow:

Sounds like she had to work to get that reputation :laughing9:

Sounds like she had to work to get that reputation laughing9

WORK ??? sounds dirty to some.

Smart, enterprising young woman.....making good money with lots of free exposure in a bad economy. :thumbsup: :laughing9:

"When this fade's she still will only be a student."
I do suspect a whole lot richer while doing that.

Doesn't she spend about 60,000$/ year on school, and another 20k on rent,, or some such. And then she wants another 1-3k / year for her extracurricular activity, who pays for the 80 k? She really is a plant. Law school. PHHHHBBBBT way to many activist lawyers already!

bigscoop said:
Smart, enterprising young woman.....making good money with lots of free exposure in a bad economy. :thumbsup: :laughing9:

Anyone want to take a wild guess what the title of her best seller will be? :laughing9:

bigscoop said:
bigscoop said:
Smart, enterprising young woman.....making good money with lots of free exposure in a bad economy. :thumbsup: :laughing9:

Anyone want to take a wild guess what the title of her best seller will be? :laughing9:

"WHO'S THE DADDY?" and how to keep track of who's who? :angel7: Red :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

For about five years I was on the local TV news every night - being slid into the back of an ambulance during their opening credits.

I'd rather be rich than famous!

The Internet has made us ALL famous! If you're a "regular", facebook, twitter etc etc then you're well known...worldwide!
Take me....I'm known in one form or another in almost every state in the USA, yet i've never been there! My best female friend lives in San Francisco. My best (online) male friend lives in Boca Raton. People know me all over Texas, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York, New Orleans and Washington state, to name a few. People know me in Canada, mostly in Ontario for some odd reason, but also British Columbia and New Brunswick. I'm known by people in many parts of Australia, Europe and probably Asia,though i can't recall anyone there right now lol.
All this is without Sweden, where i live and the UK, my homeland, where a lot more people know me. For better or worse, i'm "world famous"....As are the rest of you, and we get a lot more than 15 mins! ;D

The only difference with "fame" in it's true sense is that many of them are better looking than us and get paid a lot more! :BangHead:

Although the Original Posts makes No sense ????

This does

bigscoop said:
Smart, enterprising young woman.....making good money with lots of free exposure in a bad economy. :thumbsup: :laughing9:

:icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

What is there a full Moon ?
posts are getting Way out there lately :icon_scratch:

first post is darn confusing to me :laughing9:

summary is some student got called a slut on a radio and somehow is capitalizing on it??? I dont' know what situation he is referring to tho cause I haven't heard about it. (which suits me just fine)

good for her. I say find the money anyway you can. For those who are funding her fame, you are idiots. hold onto your hard earned cash :headbang:

FarmerChick, what makes this story funny, especially to me is that it comes from Rush Limbaugh. An ultraconservative radio host who is nothing more than a walking joke himself.

He talked about locking up drug addicts and throwing away the key, all the time he was addicted to Oxycontin :laughing9: More than once has he not only stuck his foot, but his whole leg into his mouth.

It's no wonder he is so big :laughing9:

oh, a Rush story. that explains it :laughing9: :laughing9:

lock up all the addicts and throw away the key? hmm...govt. would have to hire unemployed people to fill the spots to build, say, 10K more prisons. yea that will get us moving in the right direction :laughing7:

spartacus53 said:
FarmerChick, what makes this story funny, especially to me is that it comes from Rush Limbaugh. An ultraconservative radio host who is nothing more than a walking joke himself.

He talked about locking up drug addicts and throwing away the key, all the time he was addicted to Oxycontin :laughing9: More than once has he not only stuck his foot, but his whole leg into his mouth.

It's no wonder he is so big :laughing9:
exactly. :thumbsup:

Yes he was joking, Never heard of him saying to throw all addicts in jail, though.
The other side of the coin, the ultraliberal hosts, call private individuals, who do not go to Capital Hill begging for more money, A whole lot worse! No apologies offered from them!

Matter of fact, when they say many vile things, they say conservatives just do not understand they were joking. ::) Or like this one, from the Governor of N.C. "We should suspend elections so that the house and senate can finish their work." She claimed she was joking there.

Don't fall for Sparts antics Farmerchick. He is trying to draw you out! :whip2: :laughing7:

Dave44 said:
Yes he was joking, Never heard of him saying to throw all addicts in jail, though.
The other side of the coin, the ultraliberal hosts, call private individuals, who do not go to Capital Hill begging for more money, A whole lot worse! No apologies offered from them!

Matter of fact, when they say many vile things, they say conservatives just do not understand they were joking. ::) Or like this one, from the Governor of N.C. "We should suspend elections so that the house and senate can finish their work." She claimed she was joking there.

Don't fall for Sparts antics Farmerchick. He is trying to draw you out! :whip2: :laughing7:

So this is a Political Thread ?

Not at all Jeff, I just love pointing out hypocrites, nothing more, nothing less :laughing9:

It's even funnier how some people can take to any on air personality and make excuses for them. Nothing like defending any bloated windbag when they are hypocrites :tongue3:

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