How many of you know where chocolate milk comes from?

I had guests over for dinner the other night. I cook everything from scratch and just finished up the blackberry cobbler. We were all sitting around talking about stuff just exactly like this. My friend is a professor who is at the end of his rope trying to teach these morons. I told everyone about this young girl who used to work for me part time. I had bought a bushel of green beans to can and freeze. She didn't even know what they were and said she thought they all just came in cans? Wth? I had also made fresh squeezed lemonade for dinner too. Then my friend the professor told us that one time his mother was at the grocery store buying lots of lemons to make lemonade with and the cashier asked her what in the world was she going to do with all of those lemons? His mom said I'm going to make lemonade and the cashier goes wow I didn't know you could do that? So his mom asked her why did she think that it was called lemonade? She says I never really thought about it. I just use the powder in the can. :tard: So yes, I do believe this chocolate milk story.

When my parents planted their first garden, my four year old brother wanted to plant hot dogs. Hey he was four, he had an excuse.

Which reminds me of something I saw on tv a few years back. It was a fictional series about the Vikings. The Viking father, who is a farmer, takes his approximately 12 y.o. son into the city for the first time. They attended an execution. In this modern, liberal, version of history, this kid had never been exposed to death. Come on, he's a farm boy. It's more realistic that he saw his first animal slaughtered before he could crawl. Needless to say I stopped watching after the first episode.

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Y'all know there is a built in problem here. That's devaluing education because of a few slackers, neerdowell's. along with some where their parents should have saved their money.
Education is just a tool. It might have strayed from it's original intent. IMO an education is a preparatory course to understanding and interacting with the world. Many today think it's job preparation. A philosopher, who's name escapes me right now, felt children should go to school full time and finish HS at 16. Then go into the world, get a job, mature for a couple years then go to college after that. Food for thought.

My nephew, very smart with degrees in computer science told last year that he wished he had taken shop classes. He is needing some vary practical skills to do some necessary things both around his house and the new business. He is a natural mechanic but even with that some things need to be shown/explained to both save time and wasted materials. I can explain why revers are best left on a table saw but if someone removed them and stuck them in a corner, who's to know?

I highly value education. I know not everyone that goes to college is not a good fit but parents believe w/o education their kids will fail. Actually it will take more than a degree to keep some from failing.
Seems a lot will discount education because they don't have one. That's another trap. Easy fix...Go get one. Even if it's a local college class on anything that interests you. Like geology! Actually I'm not sure a junior college can teach geology. I think it has to be a four year college. Could have changed. But there's others.

Y'all know there is a built in problem here. That's devaluing education because of a few slackers, neerdowell's. along with some where their parents should have saved their money.
Education is just a tool. It might have strayed from it's original intent. IMO an education is a preparatory course to understanding and interacting with the world. Many today think it's job preparation. A philosopher, who's name escapes me right now, felt children should go to school full time and finish HS at 16. Then go into the world, get a job, mature for a couple years then go to college after that. Food for thought.

My nephew, very smart with degrees in computer science told last year that he wished he had taken shop classes. He is needing some vary practical skills to do some necessary things both around his house and the new business. He is a natural mechanic but even with that some things need to be shown/explained to both save time and wasted materials. I can explain why revers are best left on a table saw but if someone removed them and stuck them in a corner, who's to know?

I highly value education. I know not everyone that goes to college is not a good fit but parents believe w/o education their kids will fail. Actually it will take more than a degree to keep some from failing.
Seems a lot will discount education because they don't have one. That's another trap. Easy fix...Go get one. Even if it's a local college class on anything that interests you. Like geology! Actually I'm not sure a junior college can teach geology. I think it has to be a four year college. Could have changed. But there's others.

Education is supposed to train you how to think ... thus the evaluation that education has failed is valid.

If I don't do my job, they hire someone else. If I devise a solution to a problem and it doesn't work, I start over.

If your educational system is a failure, it isn't the students' faults. It is a failure because the system is defective and is not doing what it is designed to do.

...Actually I'm not sure a junior college can teach geology. I think it has to be a four year college. Could have changed. But there's others.

Naw, theres Jr and Community Colleges that have geology courses. Associate Degrees can be obtained there + can use the credits at 4yr institutions if you find you like it.

What is lacking today, is common sense...try finding that as a college course!

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

Naw, theres Jr and Community Colleges that have geology courses. Associate Degrees can be obtained there + can use the credits at 4yr institutions if you find you like it.

Times change. When I went in the early 80's geology was included in geography and included the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. The last two ware reserved for four year schools. Not all credits transfer. That's a tough one for someone counting on them.

What is lacking today, is common sense...try finding that as a college course!

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

I remember in a philosophy class where Plato or Aristotle was saying something similar about youth of their day.
A similar thing was said about my peers in the 60's. Regardless we reinvented the world.
Rock & Roll, mini skirts, drag racing, a new politic, involvement. Don't dismiss the day of small beginnings.
Lack of common sense isn't restricted to being young Que'No!?

I beg that the theory of choco milk coming from brown cows originated from an episode of I Love Lucy She visits a farm or some such thing and that joke was spun way back then Poor Lucy thinks it comes from brown cows.

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What is lacking today, is common sense...try finding that as a college course!

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

Even that requires a functioning brain with at least some brain cells left.

What is lacking today, is common sense...try finding that as a college course!

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

They teach you how to find the surface tension of a piece of hair suspended between two pillars with a certain area at a certain distance, but can't teach kids how to balance a checkbook or budget money. Baffles me. Always has

I remember in a philosophy class where Plato or Aristotle was saying something similar about youth of their day.
A similar thing was said about my peers in the 60's. Regardless we reinvented the world.
Rock & Roll, mini skirts, drag racing, a new politic, involvement. Don't dismiss the day of small beginnings.
Lack of common sense isn't restricted to being young Que'No!?

... and raised the dumbest generation to walk the face of the earth.

The most information ever available in the history of man, easiest to access, and accessible from anywhere ... and don't know where chocolate milk comes from.

IMO it is not the job of schools to teach budgeting. Budgeting is a skill that needs to be practiced over time. I knew a family that gave their kids a huge allowance. But they expected their kids (teenagers at the time ) to buy their own clothing, pay their school fees, and other things they wanted. Those boys had more financial sense than many adults.

IMO it is not the job of schools to teach budgeting. Budgeting is a skill that needs to be practiced over time. I knew a family that gave their kids a huge allowance. But they expected their kids (teenagers at the time ) to buy their own clothing, pay their school fees, and other things they wanted. Those boys had more financial sense than many adults.

Hmm... in my high school, that was part of the class called "Senior Math". They even taught us how to do our income taxes.

Sometimes I think the problem is with the way the person is brought up. You can purchase chocolate milk in a container. Some people never had to mix their own chocolate milk.


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Times change. When I went in the early 80's geology was included in geography and included the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. The last two ware reserved for four year schools. Not all credits transfer. That's a tough one for someone counting on them.

Yeah, I've seen those non credits happen to people too many times. Hopefully, with all the net resources today, a student will have the foresight to know what credits will transfer to where before wasting time and money on them. But it seems like most real courses (science, math, etc) transfer to most mainstream colleges.

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