How to access a coinstar reject bin?

there are two reject bins, an external one for customers to get the coins coinstar doesn't take, then an internal one for catching junk the screen doesn't shift out and the really beat up or too big of a coin. I have found many of Ike dollars in the internal reject bin because they are just too big to go through the external one. External ones are for any customer or person with a sharp eye to get coins left behind. rather than do the scoop method to check, run your fingers around the edges. I have found many of silver dimes caught and hidden by the inch high ledge in the reject bin. Hope this helps.

Sincerely, Garoulady

there are two reject bins, an external one for customers to get the coins coinstar doesn't take, then an internal one for catching junk the screen doesn't shift out and the really beat up or too big of a coin. I have found many of Ike dollars in the internal reject bin because they are just too big to go through the external one. External ones are for any customer or person with a sharp eye to get coins left behind. rather than do the scoop method to check, run your fingers around the edges. I have found many of silver dimes caught and hidden by the inch high ledge in the reject bin. Hope this helps.

Sincerely, Garoulady

How did you access the internal bin?

How did you access the internal bin?


Garo - do you work at a supermarket and have a Coinstar key?

I work at a store that has a coinstar. I can get the key to open it, accessing the internal reject bin, only by getting it from my manager. They trust me since the coinstar is one of my 'babies' along with all the SCOs, self check out lanes. Normal everyday customers can not get access to the internal reject bin. Not unless you want to go to jail for breaking into one of those. I don't push my luck opening up the coinstar to clean the insides out. I mostly find Ike dollars inside, and some foreign coins that I tend to love. But i keep my hunts to the external reject bins and listening for the silver song of rejected silver. Then if I am lucky I get the customer to come to my lane, to see if they had any coins the machine didn't take. I even take the canadian coins. If I am lucky I can find some pre-1967 canook silver.

Hope that helps and please don't get any funny idea about B&E on coinstars. It's so much more fun to hunt than go to jail.

Sincerely, GarouLady

How did you access the internal bin?

You can push the plastic at the bottom just slightly and get a cent or two if you're lucky from the bin, otherwise, you need to work at a supermarket.

You can push the plastic at the bottom just slightly and get a cent or two if you're lucky from the bin, otherwise, you need to work at a supermarket.

Interesting... I work pt at a grocery store with one, i should ask the desk manager if she has the keys for it.

Interesting... I work pt at a grocery store with one, i should ask the desk manager if she has the keys for it.

and put them in clay (or silly putty if you are not a real professional), take it too a lock smith and have them massed produced and sell them on T-net with a charter membership for alot of money. sounds like a plan eekman, whatchuthink?

me and joe will be your first customers

Can you do it yourself?

Yes and No Just take all of your Dirty clad In and Run it through the Machine Eventually it will Jam up Then the Nice People will Show up with the Key and If you are really Nice They will Let you search through the Other Bin!!! I Have Done it a few times Nothing Yet Chug

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