Hunted out or just too deep?


Full Member
May 2, 2023
Cassopolis, Michigan
Detector(s) used
Whites 6000-D, Garrett GTA-1000, Minelab Sovereign, XP Deus I, Equinox 800, XP Deus II
My experience has been a lot of the old house yards will not yield Wheaties or Mercs and Roosies, but will yield deep IHPs and Barber dimes. My thinking is that the older detectors cleaned out the larger and shallower pieces. I've been in yards that I could get IHPs and an occasional dime at 8" deep, but nothing newer or shallower. Right now I am working a yard that goes back 150 years and the only thing I have gotten is three wheaties, 1921, and two 1928s, all 8" deep. A yard that old should have all kind of wheaties in it, as well as IHPs. The Deus II is just barely hitting those 8" deep dimes and pennies. I have a feeling the IHPs and older dimes are at 10, 12 and 14 inches in some of those yards. How do we get them? I'm running the Deus II in Deep HC, unmodified. Is there a way to squeeze a little more depth out of it?

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My experience has been a lot of the old house yards will not yield Wheaties or Mercs and Roosies, but will yield deep IHPs and Barber dimes. My thinking is that the older detectors cleaned out the larger and shallower pieces. I've been in yards that I could get IHPs and an occasional dime at 8" deep, but nothing newer or shallower. Right now I am working a yard that goes back 150 years and the only thing I have gotten is three wheaties, 1921, and two 1928s, all 8" deep. A yard that old should have all kind of wheaties in it, as well as IHPs. The Deus II is just barely hitting those 8" deep dimes and pennies. I have a feeling the IHPs and older dimes are at 10, 12 and 14 inches in some of those yards. How do we get them? I'm running the Deus II in Deep HC, unmodified. Is there a way to squeeze a little more depth out of it?
In my honest opinion, if your not getting anything but 3 wheat pennies, in a yard that's 150 years old, there probably isn't much left.. you have top of the line metal detectors, But you can't find what's not there... IMO.. :dontknow:
If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me.... Its never been hinted... and I find NADA... I wouldn't need to play the lottery 🤣, but I have also been to places like you describe, where all the targets are 8-10 inches down and nothing newer close to the top, just means someone else beat you to it, Good Luck..

The thing is that on lawns that have been mowed for many years ,each year the new mowed clippings ad another layer to the soil and thus the finds are deeper and deeper over the years. I hunted an 1850s yard last week. It had mild soil and easy digging. Got some good signals with solid id. The targets were from 1970 and newer 10” to 12” deep. A little frustrating but I got a good workout.

The thing is that on lawns that have been mowed for many years ,each year the new mowed clippings ad another layer to the soil and thus the finds are deeper and deeper over the years. I hunted an 1850s yard last week. It had mild soil and easy digging. Got some good signals with solid id. The targets were from 1970 and newer 10” to 12” deep. A little frustrating but I got a good workout.
But you know, I cut my grass 10-15 X a year and those clippings go to the curb, or they are chopped to nothing... I'm not convinced that cutting grass for 150 years puts coins at 20 inches down.. The scenario you describe I would more likely put down to lawn work landscaping and soil movement than the coins moving 10 inches down in 30 years because of cutting the grass... that doesn't explain how you can get a 1975 quarter at 10 inches and feet away, you get an IH penny at 5 inches.... on a screaming signal.. I think there is a lot in play here... but who knows..
I just know that when I hit a place that is old, and get almost nothing, I move on because its not worth trying to fight out 1-2 more (missed) coins..

Another thing that should be considered is that not all yards had a lot of activity. In the 1800's, people would gather at a common house for family reunions, holiday celebrations, church meetings, etc. My grandparent's house built in 1875, was one such location. I found lots of coins and relics at various depths in their yard. I've been to other homes built in the late 1800's and found very little. Even today there seems to be specific houses that families gather year after year for celebrations.

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