Hunting Nickels and Pennies!


Dec 4, 2019
New Jersey
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Just went through two boxes of pennies and one box of nickels and let me tell you, im freaking out on just how lucky i am!

Penny box #1: 18 wheats (earliest 1941.) This one was okay, its the two after that im pumped about.

Penny box #2: 12 wheats (earliest 1912) and i pulled a 1925 s in pretty good condition, searched up the rarity of the coin and a previous coin of this type went for 1800$! Very cool

And now for the best part..

Nickel box #1

About the third roll in i pop open and a 1920 buffalo nickel is starring right at me.. cool find for first nickel box ever searched!! Not only that, about a couple rolls later i found 3 silver war nickels in there as well. Must be pretty lucky right? Im going to search nickels more often! It was super fun :)

Total searched

Pennies 5000
Nickels 2000

Upvote 7
Welcome, Dan!
That is some pretty good odds on coin-roll hunting. Definitely worth the time invested.
Nicely done...

Go back maybe some old person crashed a bunch of their savings in. Welcome slso

Hurry I'd leave skid Mark's back to that bank lol

Haha, i already went back as soon as i saw what those boxes had! Searching them as i write this post right now!

In the middle of searching now, just found another buffalo.. in my first two boxes.. exciting!

you would be surprised...good luck my friend

Nice finds, congrats! :occasion14:

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