
  1. Please help identify.

    Hi found this odd coin but can't find out what it is looks as if I maybe Roman found in UK England Buckinghamshire. Look to be made of copper
  2. Possible Chondrodite Found in Ohio?

    Hey Guys, First post here. I was digging in my yard about 1 foot down and I found a couple rocks that looks like this. Some are just crystals that look like glass and come attached to a rock. Is this possibly chondrodite? Any help IDing would be awesome! Would be willing to send a small one for...
  3. Map of US taverneums and micro-museums

    Say friends, do you know where to find a map of taverneums, not for paintings but dectectorist's findings?
  4. 1959 Permission

    Got bored today, so I took a trip downtown to visit a townhome bound to be restored in January. Not a bad 2 hours of digging Thanks for looking! HH!:occasion14:
  5. 🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Heavy Equipment Detecting ( Gold Ring )

    A friend of mine lost his wedding ring while checking the water level's in his rice field. I pack up the Metal detector and tools and hit the road in search of lost Gold !!!! I attempt to find it but have to call in the Heavy Equipment for a little help. I hope you enjoy the journey and...
  6. What do you all DO with your non-money finds?

    What do you all DO with your non-money finds? I mean jewelry, relics, toys, tools, knives. Do you keep them? Give them away? Display them? Return to owner? Sell them on Ebay? What are the different things you do?
  7. Uncovering Family Artifacts ( Sifting History )

    I return to the Family Homesite this time to Sift through the dirt looking for Family artifacts. Filmed in the Fall of 2019 we uncover a Chauffeur's pin that belonged to my Great Aunt Kathryn's husband William Ernest Thrower. The pin dates back to 1935-36 # 51927 from California. a little bit...
  8. Hunting Nickels and Pennies!

    Just went through two boxes of pennies and one box of nickels and let me tell you, im freaking out on just how lucky i am! Penny box #1: 18 wheats (earliest 1941.) This one was okay, its the two after that im pumped about. Penny box #2: 12 wheats (earliest 1912) and i pulled a 1925 s in pretty...
  9. Please Help with Chain I.D.

    I found this chain detecting in a wash in Arizona. I would like to know what it is and how old it is? Its 12 inches long and about 1/2 inch wide. Its Not magnetic, possibly brass. I dont see any markings on it. The ends have rivets, but no material was attached to it when I dug it. Looks like...
  10. What is your strangest find?

    Ok, maybe this was a previous thread on this forum or another popular forum. Well I am not sure so here is mine. When hunting along the Chattahoochee River in a popular park along the river I was seeking some more wheat pennies. I had found a few in the woods near the river bank a month...
  11. German Helmet WW1 Pickelhaube

    Hi friends ! Great find today
  12. Hows Your Summer Going?

    Just checking in to see how everyone's summer hunting is going? Tell us about those finds good and otherwise... Anyone ran across any big snakes or maybe gators? Mine next to nill, I haven't had the time to get to far from home and do not have enough permissions nearby to be able to get out...
  13. Fossil hunting and wheat penny

    My best friend, Jake, is moving in just over a week and we go fossil hunting every couple of months. Me and my dad and him did it one last time today. We arrived at Westmoreland state park and headed down to fossil beach. We had a great time and a good haul! Mine included a dolphin vert, lots of...
  14. Ebay finds, treasures and deals we've been lucky enough to buy

    I'm sure we've all found our share of deals on Ebay and after reading a recent post by insontis, I figured that other people here might also wish to share their some of their interests with other forum members. ========= Well, I've been on ebay since 1998 and (of course) I have my selection of...
  15. TOP 10 best finds of 2016!

    Hi friends! Here you can see all our top 10 best finds from this year. All together in one video! ;) On YouTube: Happy new year!
  16. Found a pair of RC Royal Crown Cola bottles

    I found these RC cola bottles back in the woods behind my house about a week ago. I think they are from the 50s.
  17. Finds: A detectorist humble beginnings

    Just a short video of my finds for the first 2 years. :hello:
  18. Some Charms some Spin and a Boom or two today.

    Got out for a couple of hours of swinging in my favorite yard. Nothing great but it was fun as you can see :headbang: Happy Hunts to you all !
  19. Ft. Lauderdale beach today..Holy crap, bottle cap!

    Hit the beach this morning just north of Las Olas in Ft. Lauderdale. Either this beach hasn't been MD'd for years, or our fellow MD'ers aren't picking up tabs and bottle caps!!! Naughty, Naughty:dontknow: Found about a thousand old and new bottle caps and enough pull tabs to fund Ronald McDonald...
  20. Found a construction area in a park, some nice results !

    Found a spot today where some construction was going to happen they had put in fill dirt and tilled the area, I've been over the spot before they tilled it and might have got a few clad. Got some really big trash too like a 3 foot long piece of steel pipe. Today I went by there and they had...
  21. Superb Wheat recoverd

    'Superb' Wheat recoverd Every once in a while a wheat cent in 'Superb' condition will turn up. It looks even better in your hand than the photo which really doesn't do it justice, the rim feels sharp to the touch even. The clad take was 9 Quarters, 16 dimes, 1 nickel, 19 copper cents(1 was...
  22. "School Patrol" badge and Good Luck charm found today!

    The Good Luck charm was about eight inches down and on edge. The signal was very repeatable and had the E-Track totally pegged out on the conductive scale. It was an obvious signal but the search coil had to be swept slow and low or the response was not repeatable. The brass badge says...
  23. MY First Finds A Few Weeks Ago - Plans for Next time

    ITs addictive already Just want to plan it out better. I got a bunch of duds that night, The watch is nice and was easily repared, the Lee jeans was perfect and sold on Ebay for 25$. The earrings was cheapo and sold localy on a Facebook Group. I had a fun time out there and cant wait to go...
  24. GameStop Dumpster Dive! Nice finds!

    Went diving the other day and wanted to show off some finds, all of this is from one store! A Tritton Trigger headset, no mic but uncut wires!! A Micro USB PS3 Controller charger, uncut A mic AUX cable, nice find to go with the mic 4 rechargeable battery packs and a wall charger for them...
  25. Awesome day! Help me out guys!

    This is my first post, so i'll try to keep everything short and sweet. I live in crawford co arkansas, and figured I'd go out on my grand parents land today and do a few sweeps as it's right off the Ozarks. Anyways while detecting a creek I came across this rock. Something I've never seen...
  26. Old style phone charm !!

    You know what they say theres always one item of interest, found it with my pro-pointer while digging for another signal =D It reads 15 on conductive on my machine thats just a bit above regular nickels.Got really good nickel count today also ! Hope you enjoyed the post ! Happy Hunting to you...
  27. Were off to see the Wizard! The wonderful wizard of coins!

    Today was a good day to hunt again soil moisture was good but the heat was up just a bit. The aluminum was brutal today tho I ended up emptying my pouch before the hunt was over ! Did find one item of interest, funny how there is almost always one at least !! My wild guess is that the wizard...
  28. My first 2 months hunting this year (very slow so far)

    Has been a tough year so far. I have about 8 weeks in since I started detecting this year. Anyway the only really exciting finds for me have been the 1908-O Barber half in F-VF condition and the 1899 Barber quarter which is the first 19th century silver I've found in many years. Anyway it is...
  29. Old Bottles

    I found these back around when we first moved into the house. I found them back in the small woods behind out house. You can see what one is and I think the other is just a plain old drink bottle. The area where I found them that being the small forest has been there for a long time according to...
  30. - page about my interesting hobby

    Hey guys About six months ago, I dicided to try magnet fishing as my hobby. It was really fun and interesting being out fishing, so I decided to make a blog/website about my finds. I hope you like it There haven't been that many "treasures" yet, but I keep hunting, someday...
  31. My older tokens, foreign coins and play money for 2013.

    Some of my older token finds etc. from 2013...had one more old Muncie bus token but gave it to the property owner as she was very nice to me on a VERY bad day: ended up finding 3 silver coins in her yard as well.
  32. 64 Silver coins for 2013: 5 halves,9 quarter 5 war nickels & 45 dimes.

    All from private property except 6 coins: lots of detecting to get these and the best silver year I've had.
  33. 2013 finds :Watch Fobs AND Chauffeur badges

    4 Watch fobs and 2 chauffeur badges (1935 & 1946) from 2013. Two of the fobs are from the election campaign of Teddy Roosevelt , one is from Purdue University and one that is shaped like a varnish can from "Flood & Conklin, varnish makers, Newark,N.J.
  34. Not a bad day

    With the AT Pro. I found 58 quarters, 14 dimes only because I stopped digging them. The nickles and the pennies are still in the ground. Someone musn't of hit this place in 10 to 15 years. I know there is no silver but I have some battery money. Going back in the am if my neck doesn't have...
  35. 1800s trash pit in my yard, Tons of great finds.

    I got a copper penny signal in my backyard (Which is from the 1800s). I dug down a little and found an oil lamp. I dug some more and found dishes, and bottles. I kept digging in that spot and found a total of 4 oil lamps, a chamber pot, 4 buckets of broken glass and broken dishes, a brass barrel...
  36. Please help identify some finds in the UK

    Hi there, I am very new to the forums, so I'm a little unsure whether this post should go here. I'm hoping that somebody can help identify this hammered silver coin, I know that the coin is Edward, but I cannot narrow it down to the exact coin. Secondly I am hoping that somebody will recognize...
  37. 5 silver halves for 2013

    My first and most silver halves (I found 3 clad halves and a clad dollar as well I like the ratio to the silver versions!)
  38. My treasure from Finland

    Hi. I'm from Finland :hello2: Treasure and Garrett Ace video : Old coin video :laughing7::
  39. My finds in my field!

    I found a lot of things today in my field. I found bullets , bullet casings, a nail, a shotgun shell, and my first coin (2000 "D" dime).
  40. A newbie and his Vaquero

    I just got my first metal detector the Tesoro Vaquero and am having a blast ! I'm slowly learning the language of my Vaquero and wanted to share my finds. After 6 weeks a little over $60.00 in clad and a bunch of other stuff. My favorite is what I think is a musketball. Here are some pictures.
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