Hunting Quarters for 1 year


Sr. Member
Jan 4, 2013
I’ve decided to hunt quarters for silver. Even though halves are better. There is just something about finding a silver quarter in circulation.
I know they are more scarce. But I’m interested to see how many I can pull in 1 years time.
From June 2018 to June 2019 I’m going to see how many I can pull. I will post results and how much I search through. Wish me luck! :))))

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Just wow.
If you think about it. Your #s are pretty good. 1 silver per around 1500.
Sure it’s a lot to go though just for 1 coin. But who cares

"1 silver per around 1500" is a very optimistic way to state it but I guess it takes an optimist to hunt large numbers of quarters. I'm excited to watch this thread and see how it turns out. It's possible you'll find a collection dump. I'd say less likely than halves but more likely than dimes.

"1 silver per around 1500" is a very optimistic way to state it but I guess it takes an optimist to hunt large numbers of quarters. I'm excited to watch this thread and see how it turns out. It's possible you'll find a collection dump. I'd say less likely than halves but more likely than dimes.

I've hit far more collection dumps for halves and cents than I ever did for quarters or dimes.

Picked up a box of MWR’s

Results: skunk

Total searched: $3650
(1400 in CWR, 2250 in MWR)
-1 silver from MWR-

Total silvers found: 1

Good Luck!!!

Picked up 600$ CWR

Results: skunk

Total searched $4250
($2000 in CWR, $2250 in MWR)
-1silver from MWR-

Total silvers found: 1

This was in the 2nd to last roll.
It looked good. Didn’t look like a foreign. But sadly it was. Definitely fooled me. I was kinda mad lol ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1529725293.438123.jpg

This was in the 2nd to last roll.
It looked good. Didn’t look like a foreign. But sadly it was. Definitely fooled me. I was kinda mad lolView attachment 1604378
I got used to that while searching dimes and quarters here in Mich.
On average I would get 15 or 20 Canadian dimes per box, quarters 5 or 10.
I did find 150+ silver Canadian dimes and a half-dozen silver Canadian quarters over time.
I spent the dud Canadian dimes/quarters at the party store and learned to never take them to my bank, where they were refused with a passion!

I got used to that while searching dimes and quarters here in Mich.
On average I would get 15 or 20 Canadian dimes per box, quarters 5 or 10.
I did find 150+ silver Canadian dimes and a half-dozen silver Canadian quarters over time.
I spent the dud Canadian dimes/quarters at the party store and learned to never take them to my bank, where they were refused with a passion!

Haha ya. I can usually tell the Canadians though. This one was not Canadian. And had a worn edge like a 50’s washington. It really fooled me lol

Picked up box of MWR.


Total searched: $4750
($2000 in CWR, $2750 in MWR)
-1 silver from MWR-

Total silvers found: 1

Unreal lol this is way worse than I thought LOL

Hugh: that's why most of us stay AWAY from quarters because they are so unusually WHITE in color, but you just never know if you can get bags, from a collection dump. Keep trying, if you can stand the pain.

Hugh: that's why most of us stay AWAY from quarters because they are so unusually WHITE in color, but you just never know if you can get bags, from a collection dump. Keep trying, if you can stand the pain.

It doesn’t make me feel so bad now that halves have really been almost just as awful.
I’ve been able to find silver dimes. But like 8 out of 10 half boxes have been skunks. And quarters have been obviously rough.

U are a glutton for punishment but you are also proving what most of us suspected: quarters are the least return on time invested. Just before Xmas may have been a good time to start on quarters. I stay away unless I suspect they are part of a good dump.

Guy I went to Walmart earlier today. I went and checked the coinstar and saw some coin In the reject. I pulled the coins out. And bam!
My response was, “NO WAY!”


I was in shock. Because I have searched over $4200 in quarters and only found 1 silver. So this was definitely a welcome sight.

I thought it was great, until I go to pick up my uncle from the washateria and find out he won 600 dollars from the gambling machines they have there.. lol
He bought me Starbucks though, so. I can’t complain Hahaha
Have a good night guys! HH!

Also I guess since this is a coinstar find, that I probably should not count it in my coin roll hunting count? What do you guys think?

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