I returned to my GRACELAND and it didn't disappoint... Multiple GOLD


Hero Member
May 27, 2010
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
CZ7A Pro / CZ21 / F75 LTD
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
A few years ago I went on vacation and got 21 rings with 7 GOLD and I finally made it back. It was a spur of the moment trip so I called the management and they were more than happy to let me hunt for the day. Some people asked last time why I don't go in from the water and things like that but I just don't want to do anything to piss them off. They are so nice and have never said no so I am happy to hunt when I can and that's not that often here but I can guarantee I only hunt a small percentage of the beach. I decided for the first time in my life I was only going to dig middle tones which is what 90% of gold falls under on the CZ21 and would only dig one scoop blasting high tones. I hunted the same area I hunted last time and the third target brought chill bumps to my whole body. I couldn't believe that it was starting again...........


14K GOLD and I was in the water only 5 minutes. My wife was in the water next to me and wasn't nearly as surprised as I was. She said it says 14K and I was shaking. There were targets everywhere and I would have to pass 10 or so signals before I would dig one. If it was middle or mixed I dug it. Low or high got skipped. I dug some trash and odds and ends then came the two junkers. Both were Tungsten rings back to back about a foot apart then a few more junk targets and then this monster.....


Luis hated losing this beast I'm sure. It tests 14K and I was rolling. I was thinking "Oh My God" could this really be happening again?? Well for about an hour I got another junker and some trash and then just when I thought it might not be as amazing as last time this little charm shows up......


18K and by pure luck it is also my zodiac sign. I searched for quite a while for the chain with no luck. That was 3 down and I was only a couple hours in and I was thinking this could be my best day ever. The 7 gold I got here last time is my personal best and I was thinking it was within reach. I wondered away from the location where I found most of the gold and wasn't getting much but then a blasting middle tone and one scoop down out pops this beauty....


another thick little 14K band and my 4th of the day. I hunted around for about 30 minutes with nothing and as soon as I get back to my favorite part of the beach the targets returned and I find what I have no idea what it was.....


This is cleaned up and is obviously a bracelet but it was very corroded then I found it. I was looking at it when I hear a lady asking what I found and I go to her and show it to her and she asks if I found anything else and I admit to her that I have 4 gold already and she says no way. I show her the last ring because my wife has the others and while she is looking at it I get a great sounding signal and jokingly tell her here's number 5 and proceed to scoop this beautiful sight into my scoop.....


Another 14K chunk and she couldn't believe it as much as I couldn't. My fifth GOLD of the day and I'm thinking this is incredible. I was having the time of my life but little did I know what was a couple steps to my side. She hands me my 5th gold back and begin to hunt away from her and BANG.... another blasting signal and when I ID it it is as solid a middle tone as I've had all day. I take one scoop and it's in the bucket. I can hear it knocking around. I look in the scoop and just cannot believe my eyes. I thought it has to be fake. I look back and she's looking at me and I almost don't tell her. I was afraid to show her or anyone this one and she wades over and she says "What is it?" I'm pretty sure I'm in shock because I don't answer right away. I finally tell her that if this is real it may be the best ring I have ever found. I take it out of the scoop and by the weight I knew it was real......

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It is not marked but tests good for 14K and starts to fade a little at 18K so I assume custom made and all 36 diamonds test absolutely real. Arguably the best ring I have ever found. Number 6 and it's only about 2 o'clock. I'm thinking "I've got this" well the wife and daughter decide to go to the room because it's just too hot and no way I'm leaving so they take off with all my booty and all I need is one more to tie and two to win. About an hour later finally a great sounding middle and out pops the biggest heaviest gold ring I have ever found. When I picked it from my scoop I thought "this is 20 grams if it's 1" and noticed some white concrete looking stuff on one side. I thought NOOOO and look inside and see those dreaded words Tungsten Carbide. I thought I had it but this one wasn't gonna do it. I hunt feverishly for another hour with another ring or two that could have been but wasn't and decide to call it. It's getting late and I've had a great day and in about knee to ankle deep I get a screamer in Autotune. I say a prayer and flip it to ID and there it is. A solid middle tone. A couple scoops and I can't believe my eyes.....


Only my second solitaire ever. 14K and I am beside myself. All the sudden it hits me that I just tied my best hunt ever. I wanted to go back in but had to go. The wife and daughter were waiting and I didn't want to push my luck with the owners because I was the first one there that morning and the only one left in the water at this point so I hated to leave but I did. I got to the room and the only disappointment was that the beautiful diamond in the solitaire tested bad. Oh well. 7 more gold and all tested 14K or better. I talk to the owner and ask if they mind if I come back and they say go for it so I will be back again this year. I knew I was going just a couple days before we went so my crew couldn't make it again but will definitely be going later this year or at least I hope they will. Here's some of the rest of the stuff. Oh yeah.... I caught most everything on video and hate that I can't show it but can't for obvious reasons. Good luck and HH.......

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Upvote 0
Great hunt and great story! WTG!

If you wet yourself in the water, nobody would have noticed....outstanding hunt!

I've never had an opportunity to hunt a beach. 😞 I'd most probably have fainted and drowned after the first ring. Nice work.

Great story, nice pics, and some super gold finds. Congrats

Did you invent a gold ring magnet and not telling the rest of us. SUPER GOLD RING FINDS!!!! perfect day at the BEACH.

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AS HIGH TONES (ALONG OF COURSE WITH SILVER) - - so who knows what you've bEen passing up

WOW that's all that needs to be said!

Wow ..just wow! Great finds and love ALL that Gold!!!

A great return!! I remember last years hunt! Wow!! Love it!!

Fantastic hunt! Thanks for taking me along! When are we going next!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations and thanks for posting your great adventure.

Just one question. Where were you at? lol

You did it again...great story...that's a banner day if Ive ever seen one...you might have a hunting partner on your next trip.

Congrats on an awesome hunt. I to use a CZ21 and there is nothing like getting a nice loud mid tone when I switch from auto tune to discriminate to check it. That's a sweet spot you found to hunt. The diamond in the solitaire ring looks like possibly a vintage diamond like maybe a European cut but it just may be the angle of the photo. Also the big multi-diamond ring has a very unique look to it and once again could be the angle of the photo but have you checked to see if the center opens up in some way, like maybe there's a compartment underneath it? I would be so obsessed after finding that many good rings on both trips, I would end up putting everything off until I knew I had hunted every square inch of the area. What was the depth like on most of the targets and also compared to your first hunt of the same area? Good luck on finding many more.

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Mike, One heck of a hunt.................BANNER VOTE IS IN!

These are unbelievable results for one day at the beach. We don't see many Banners from the beach hunters but this is special.
My buddy Dave received a banner on a post a few years back with a four gold ring day and he deserved it....
This is way beyond his finds on that day.

I would venture to say if you posted this up on Today's Finds side of the board you would be surprised at how much it would be appreciated.

Great finds, pics and great story.


Excellent hunting! Nice work cherry pickin the mid-tones! I love hearing mid-tones in the wet sand, always gets me excited!:occasion14:

Mike, One heck of a hunt.................BANNER VOTE IS IN!

These are unbelievable results for one day at the beach. We don't see many Banners from the beach hunters but this is special.
My buddy Dave received a banner on a post a few years back with a four gold ring day and he deserved it....
This is way beyond his finds on that day.

I would venture to say if you posted this up on Today's Finds side of the board you would be surprised at how much it would be appreciated.

Great finds, pics and great story.


Thanks so much Wildcarrot and thanks for the Banner vote. I did consider posting on the "Today's Finds" section but I really wanted to share it with all my friends on the "Beach and Shallow Water" section because this is where my heart is. Over the years I am lucky enough to have met a lot of the people from the beach section and wanted to share with all of you. This section of the forum has definitely died down over the last year or so and I'm not sure why but people have stopped posting their finds for some reason, Admittedly I haven't been finding as much but I think we all get good finds from time to time and wish more people would share their finds because it kind of gets me pumped up and wanting to get out there. I have made the Banner in the past and cannot express in words how grateful I am for that but it came from this part of the forum and this is where I feel like I belong. I visit other parts of the forum but always end up right back here. It saddens me that I come here and see that no one has posted or replied here for days but that's okay. I will keep posting here because this is where my heart is. Once again, Thank you so much and to everyone else please keep posting your finds. I understand that at some point I've heard people were being followed to their spots or things like that and if that's the case I don't blame them but I don't care about all that. You can bet that I will continue to post my finds....... I do it because it's fun and I like to share my excitement with my friends. If I did it for the money or value of my finds I would have went broke years ago. I refuse to let that negative crap run my life. I love this stuff and won't quit hunting or posting my finds for any reason. I enjoyed seeing all the finds here for years and will continue to even though it has dropped off so much. I'm sorry for the rant but it's been on my mind for a while and Lookindown and myself talk about it regularly but we will continue to do what we love and share it with our metal detecting friends.....

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Incredible! I'm guessing you will be back there again! congrats

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