I Still Can Not Believe it...


Silver Member
Jul 27, 2014
New York City
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab Excalibur II, Ace 250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Here's today's epic treasure adventure story:
With these last few days being relatively warm I decided to hit one of my favorite old spots out on the island... I didn't expect to find much - boy was I wrong. I started out detecting the tree line where I left off last month and almost immediately found my first silver - a little .925 broken locket. A few minutes later I found an ancient copper spoon, then a 1941 Washington and a worn-out nickle. I then dug an 1887 Indian! Amazing, can't get much better than this right?

I was about to pack up and head over to another site when I got a really high tone. Dug down and saw something... something eerily familiar... it was a silver shaker cap. Though slightly different in appearance it looked like the style of the 1738 Colonial pepper pot I had found here last month! Could there be more colonial silver trinkets out here, I thought, or even an ancient colonial treasure of epic proportions?! Maybe a forgotten pirate came to Long Island long ago and buried some treasure here! Romantic historical fantasies took hold of me. Bent on finding more treasure I quickly made a rudimentary grid in the dirt and began checking everywhere in it.

I found a clad quarter, some melted lead, a broken clay pipe, a few pieces of extremely rusty iron, and then... a high signal... perhaps another copper spoon or silver coin? Dug down 6 inches very carefully and... time stopped. There was a topless silver pepper shaker. Completely compacted with dirt both inside and out. How?! Why?! This never happens! Holy $#*%! This was too much excitement, this was the other half of the lost shaker that that silver cap goes to!

Back at home I cleaned the dirt out of the inside of the shaker and then I straightened the rim of the silver cap I had found earlier. The two pieces fit together perfectly! This was indeed yet ANOTHER complete colonial-era silver pepper pot! This had to be the mate to the other pepper pot I had found in that area last month, I thought! I quickly took out the original 1738 shaker and compared the two. Although they looked nearly identical on the outside their hallmarks were very different from each other. Maybe they were together when they were lost, but they were not a mated pair.

Edit: I've just been informed by Crusader that this artifact was not made in London as some of my previous sources had indicated. This was made in the city of Exeter, making it a far rarer artifact than my first London-made pepper pot. Since this piece was made in Exeter the date of manufacture must now also be different. It can not be from 1718, as this is the date according to London markings only, according to the Exeter hallmark chart this piece was most likely made in 1703. As for the actual maker, this is still unknown. I will keep you all posted. One thing is for certain this piece, although it is a similar style to the previous shaker I found, is not part of a "set" with it. It is possible the two shakers had the same owner and were lost at the same time but they were definitely not originally used together as they differ in age by 35 years and were made in different cities.

Edit 2: Okay, new revelation! I've been calling these things "pepper pots" but I just discovered they are officially called "Bun Peppers". According to a website on old tableware, "Bun Peppers were only made during the reigns of George I and George II. They appear to have been made singly and not very decorated. They were most likely used during less formal occasions."

I also discovered that the maker is most likely James Whipple. His stamp was "JW&Co" this is the only Exeter maker's mark that has the last letters as "Co" and this matches up with the "Co" on the bottom of the shaker.

Today's finds:
Putting the cap back on after 200+ years in the ground:
The holes on this one are nearly twice the size compared to the original one:
The two shakers (1703 on left 1738 on right) The tops and bases are noticeably different:
This must have been a popular style. These two although similar looking are actually not related,
they were made 35 years apart in two different cities by two different silver smiths:
The hallmarks of the latest shaker (left) compared to my original (right):
The one on the left from 1703 Exeter while the one on the right is from 1738 London.
Hallmarks 1718.jpglion mark2.jpg

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Upvote 34
Wow, nice find!! Looks pretty much like a match to me. Did they use salt/pepper sets back in the early 1700s? If so, the different cap perforation styles would be enough to differentiate. Pepper was always more costly so i'd imagine its shaker would be the one with smaller holes (much like today, which is quite annoying personally because i use huge amounts amounts of the stuff, to the point I take the caps off and sift out what i want, heh).

Anyway, great discovery! Makes me wonder if some silver flatware got lost in the area, but managed to sink deeper because they were solid instead of hollow like these? Maybe someone shook out their picnic blanket and away went the shakers, along with their pocket spill of spanish silver... One can hope anyway! :thumbsup:

It might be a little too early to tell but I think this site may have more to offer. Given that there were artifacts from the 18th, 19th, and 20th century there I bet this site has never once been detected. Perhaps there was a fire in the 1700's and a plantation house burnt down, this would explain the melted piece of lead and some of the iron bits I found with carbon embedded in them. Maybe the locals tried to salvage/loot the house and the artifacts got scattered. Or maybe a family just had a picnic but then a storm rolled in from the sea and they fled home without their silverware - perhaps the copper spoon is from the same time period as the shakers? If this is true there might well be more stuff scattered in the area buried deep underground. But the mineralized soil doesn't help, since the ocean is literally within visual distance of the area the ground is very high in salt that interferes with the coil. I need to take the Excalibur-II next time and maybe get past the interference.

My biggest hope is that this is the scattered loot of a vast fortune left here by some mid 18th century pirate or maybe even some pillaged loot of the Revolutionary War. Here's hoping this is just the tip of the iceberg! I really want to find some old Spanish doubloons next. :laughing7:

Salt and pepper shakers are supposed to have different size holes, bigger for pepper, smaller for salt.
Great finds, both!

It's deja vu, and I'm sure another banner for you. Banner vote is in for an incredible piece X2. Fantastic! :hello2: I just posted on Friday a very belated congrats on your first colonial-period shaker from last month. I felt bad not complimenting you on it and figured better late than never. Now you've done it all over again three days later. Man, the detecting gods have been smiling down at you. Can I stand next to you to catch some of that good fortune in the afterglow? :sunny:8-)

Dang Bro, another great shaker!! Doesn't get much better than that!


It's deja vu, and I'm sure another banner for you. Banner vote is in for an incredible piece X2. Fantastic! :hello2: I just posted on Friday a very belated congrats on your first colonial-period shaker from last month. I felt bad not complimenting you on it and figured better late than never. Now you've done it all over again three days later. Man, the detecting gods have been smiling down at you. Can I stand next to you to catch some of that good fortune in the afterglow? :sunny:8-)

Hahaha! Thanks! Here, I'm sending you some of my good luck! :4leafclover: :leprechaun-hat: ::coins: :laughing7:
I actually have an upside down horseshoe on the grill of my van to offload some of my excess luck to the world. :)

I personally think this is a separate banner. the set was not made as a set. I would argue it is like finding 2 x separate CS plates if in similar style on different days. I think each is banner worthy. Let's not "short change" this find by marrying them up. this find is in its own right banner material....

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:notworthy: Splendid times two! :notworthy: Soon you'll be opening your own museum! Well, not that soon because you probably have a lot more treasure to dig on that site! Andi

Unbelievable! Congratulations bud!

As crazy as it is it makes sense because it's not like they threw one away. Sure makes a person wonder how they were lost, or who knows, maybe even hidden.

am i the only on wondering how that 1941 quarter is clad? counterfeit?

Read it again. He says he found a1941 Washington. Later he says he found a clad quarter. I am guessing he didn't find the clad quarter picture worthy.

WHAT !!! how did I miss this last night... holy crap ...
Sheesh man... now that is lightning striking TWICE...
Banner again.

P.S. - Title of thread is wayyyy underdone... mislead me.

Sheesh man... they are in condition that is... um... unbelievable.
This is really a far blown out of this world find.
2 ? wow...
This has to be set... even if stamps are off.
super weird...
And even more SUPER friggin cool.

Just showed my girl... who is now sick on couch...
She said "ask him why isn't he camping out".

Look at the pic again , it has a clad look to it, anyone else agree?

It sure looks odd doesn't it. I'd like to see him stick it in some lemon juice or something to see what's hiding under that odd color. But I have a feeling that coin is getting very little attention right now :-)

It sure looks odd doesn't it. I'd like to see him stick it in some lemon juice or something to see what's hiding under that odd color. But I have a feeling that coin is getting very little attention right now :-)

No brainer!
Not the star of the post but it is a head scratcher, when the dust settles more info may come to light

No brainer!
Not the star of the post but it is a head scratcher, when the dust settles more info may come to light

Yeah I'm curious as well

His silver locket looks the same. Probably just the soil in that area.

You're probably right I just don't think I've ever seen that particular color on silver. But I'm usually surprised by something on here at least once a day. So this is prob just another lesson for me to learn

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