i wanna hunt but.....


Hero Member
Apr 27, 2008
central new york
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2 compass coin pros
it is so damn hot 1130 and 85 already. humidity is nasty. i have a ton of sites lined up and don't have the guts. sissy i guess. i just rescued a biker on the road. poor guy was pumping up the hill and he stopped. i thought he was going down. no water. i took him a bottle and then refilled for him. i showed him the hose if he needed more on the way home. complete stranger but i dedicated my life to help people. then the bastard that stole a char grill i put out for $20. yesterday. i would not think of doing that. probably at the koa across the river. if i see it flying. HANDGRENADE!

I feel for you. It's hot and muggy here too. I haven't been able to MD in weeks due to the heat! I'm having withdrawal. That was a good thing to do giving water to that guy. I'm pretty much the same way. Sorry the grill was stolen.

Pepper2004 said:
I feel for you. It's hot and muggy here too. I haven't been able to MD in weeks due to the heat! I'm having withdrawal. That was a good thing to do giving water to that guy. I'm pretty much the same way. Sorry the grill was stolen.

I know the feel, Bill. If you don't have your outside chores completed by 11:00 it will be continued after 5:00.
Now, that biker should had known better...don't go anywhere without a bottle of water/gatoraide in your possession. Sorry to hear about your grill, seems some people just like stealing for the fun of it. My neighbor down the road had his Toro riding mower stolen. >:(

:wink: RR

Hook a fan up and drag it along with you. like Nana40's husband Charlie. :tongue3: I have heard of people taking a sock full of wheat and freezing it. Then you put it around your neck. I don't know if it works or not but going through the south the sout the last two weeks I know what you mean about the heat. WOW!!


I guess you just have to go flying then :wink:

you sure the guy stole the grill, that stinks, I will ask God to give him a concience about it

i'm hopin the guy will stop back and pay for the grill. i'm an optimist and trust folks. too much. and yeah, i hooked a 46 H.P. fan to my butt and flew for two hours. GREAT! but steamy. when i touched down, water in my face from the dew. felt good.

i forgot to tell you the biker was a simple man who lives in the adult care home on the other side of the viilliage. i don't know why i spell village that way. any how he was going to a garage sale 2 miles out and up a big hill. he said he only had 15 cents to spend. i gave him a buck. maybe i am the simple guy. i don't think so. it made me feel good. LATER! Bill

bill kudos to you. i'm the same way. old man just shakes his head. people like us will be the saving grace of this world . if not ,i'm happy and not hurting anybody. keep keeping on goldie hh

UPDATE on the biker. i just saw him and he couldn't stop saying thanx. he looked o k today. he knew he was in trouble. glad he stopped.

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