I wonder the odds He sets Fire on the Tent again

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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Damn...what a horrible existence that must be. Seattle is now absolutely stuffed with homeless camps, and many areas look just like it does there in Philly. The people living in Seattle brought it on themselves, now they have to deal with the errors of their ways.

It's almost 7am there in Philly, and there's a lot of people moving around on that live cam, including kids walking through that garbage on the way to school.

Gotta wonder what they're using as fuel for that campfire...not many trees in Philly, but they could probably pick up enough paper off the ground for a small bonfire.

Yet another reason why I live in a small, old-school town roughly 125 miles NE of Seattle.

That's what Happens when you have no self Respect, Or Education & Just give Up !

& by Self respect & education I mean Real World Smarts, initiative and resourcefulness. not a Piece of Paper from a school that says you were Pushed Through with a Passing Grade :tongue3: !

90% of them Probably never had real Parents either.
Just someone who Beat them if they "Harshed their Mellow"
then told them to get out of their Sight !

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I can't imagine sinking that low. But mental illness and drug addiction are things our society just doesn't deal well with. My daughter counsels addicts and sees them from all walks of life. A lot of people are genetically prone to addiction. So it doesn't matter if your mother was a prostitute or if you are from a rich familiy and you graduated from Harvard. Sometimes all it takes is that one drink of alcohol when you were 16 and your life begins that downward spiral.

The stark reality it is age old problem and not just a problem in the United states. Because of social media it is more viable today. While there is some genuine hard luck stories of homelessness. Many was from poor life choices.

There is often not one single reason for someone to become homeless, it is often due to a chain of other life events.

Some people are more vulnerable to becoming homeless due to factors such as; poor physical health, mental health issue, alcohol and drug problems, bereavement, the experience of care, and the experience of the criminal justice system.

Structural factors are also part of the problem and these can include poverty, inequality, housing supply and affordability, unemployment, welfare and income policies.

Structural and individual factors are often interrelated; individual issues can arise from structural disadvantages such as poverty or lack of education.

While personal factors, such as family and social relationships, can also be put under pressure by structural forces such as poverty.

I could not live in those homeless camps even if I was homeless as I have impulsive desire to clean up the trash and make it look better. I suppose regards how poor and down trodden I am I still would have self respect drive to make things better.


Yep ! I've gone through Some tuff times ! swore To myself I'd
Never Go into a Bread Line of Sleep in a Room full of Cots !
{never ever even Imagined the Streets in a Tent}
Self Respect imo works Both ways ,there is Help out there & If you Look for it, But don't take Too much Advantage of it, You can Survive Comfortably ! (& avoid the Pusher Man !!)
Everything seems to be addictive these days !
Cheaper then Grass & Addictive & Deadly !

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Mr Clean Tends Yesterdays Fire 😨 ... Kensington, PA​


Post removed, per our rules no politics, please.

I think I rather be dead than exist like that? A sad reminder how to fall through cracks of society to a living death.

40 yrs ago I could of very well played the part of many in these sad videos.
I can wear it like a badge of honour I guess.
Some might think it's nothing to be proud of being on the streets living like an animal.
One just seeks a viable way of getting enough to get high and to forget the world.

So I look at some of these videos as a reminder of what it was like to sleep in shelters of 200-1000 others.
Living under buildings, selling the plasma, eating at the soup kitchens.
Renting in the flop hotels.

Been there done the scene-but these new drugs weren't on the scene back then.
Meaning they worse the crank was is when the baby laxative was too much.
None of this horse tranquilizer bullshit.

Yes the zombies of today, the skin dripping sores is bad.

But I figure if I escaped and survived so can they.
23 yrs later I retired @ 48.

I can't imagine sinking that low. But mental illness and drug addiction are things our society just doesn't deal well with. My daughter counsels addicts and sees them from all walks of life. A lot of people are genetically prone to addiction. So it doesn't matter if your mother was a prostitute or if you are from a rich familiy and you graduated from Harvard. Sometimes all it takes is that one drink of alcohol when you were 16 and your life begins that downward spiral.
True it doesn't really matter how a person got there.
If a person is wired to an addiction-then it's a "One too many, and a thousand isn't enough" type story.

Someone Finally Used the Trash Can at the Allegheny & Kensington Train Station !!!



Drugs Are Legal on Kensington !
Chairs are Not !


I was at a park yesterday for about 2 hours. Shortly after I arrived the FD and PD showed up, soon they made the transients move and put up the yellow tape, as I worked my way closer there was a body covered, it took almost 2 hours before the detectives to arrive. Do not know if it was a murder or overdose.

Oops, I Didn't See Your Tent There! 🎪 ... Kensington, PA​


Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You ... Especially when the hand belongs to a Woman who can pass for a Men at a Distance !​

Like Soup Nazi Says " NO SOUP FOR YOU ! "


There but for the grace of God go I.

Being homed or homeless can be a fine line....For multiple causes.
a surprising amount of life can be.
But it could never happen to me!

legal document. What you've worked for and the house your in? Get out. Now. Then stay away.
Don't get funny with accounts.
Been there twice!

No one has ever tried something /anything once?
Heck , people flirt with pufferfish on a fork. people well monied at that.

We spin the wheel daily.
Again this year in my cold winter time clime a fire will put folks out. And they be uninsured. Or underinsured. Or a paycheck away from empty.

One bad decision (this'll knock the edge off) from the downhill slope they don't even see.
Good people. That's drugs.

Addiction? Sure it can factor.
One bad dose is worse when it's someone you know.
And the cops are in no hurry for just another dead junkie.
And his momma and her momma (who lives with me) cries.
Nicest kid you'd want to meet. Boss spoke well of him.
He just took a step backwards to take another dose with a friend. Who bailed upon noting the obvious problem.
No tent. No street of homeless.
Very little difference.

Feel alright? Want to?
Or just want the voices or nagging to stop a while?
Or want to blame your actions on something besides yourself?
Spin the wheel. See so many others doing it alright?

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