im looking for someone to helo me with all the Golden Umax settings.

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And my buddy goes out & finds a $180 gold ring with with BH Elite on his fourth or fifth hunt. Go figure! Luck is always such a huge part of it.

WHAT! You mean he found it with a no frills metal detector?!
Not one of those big expensive bells and whistle detectors you where telling me about earlier!?
Go figure..

WHAT! You mean he found it with a no frills metal detector?!
Not one of those big expensive bells and whistle detectors you where telling me about earlier!?
Go figure..

Yes, that is why they call it luck. I found a silver chain, guess what? With no detector. I used my eyeballs, but I would rather have all the advantages available to me. BTW he used ZERO disc and dug every pulltab or nickel signal. That may have factored into it...

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Yes, that is why they call it luck. I found a silver chain, guess what? With no detector. I used my eyeballs, but I would rather have all the advantages available to me. BTW he used ZERO disc and dug every pulltab or nickel signal. That may have factored into it...

LOL ....
yup ok whatever you say..

LOL ....
yup ok whatever you say..

Its not what I say, it is the truth! The Compadre is a gold jewelry killer so why would you want the Golden if that is what you are searching for? Set disc to the 'o' in iron and dig every solid repeatable signal. You can set to 'o' in foil but miss smaller jewelry like small earrings. Don't forget the 'Tesoro shake'. That can HELP you ID trash like foil. If I had a Golden, I would basically use it the same way as far as hunting gold jewelry. The Golden is nothing ground-breaking that's all Im trying to say.

Woodknack, I'll tell you what, go buy a used Xterra 505 or hell a 305 and a used Golden, these can be purchased for about the same money. Hunt the cleanest or trashiest places imaginable for a couple of 3-4 hunts with each one and get back to us on how well the stuff you see in the video works and the trash/good find ratio of each hunt. I'm not bashing all Tesoros, just speaking specifically about this "ability" to weed out all the trash and dig all the gold and silver.

Are there any loyal Tesoro fans on this forum. I need help! I'm getting squeezed by the mine lab Twins!!!

Are there any loyal Tesoro fans on this forum. I need help! I'm getting squeezed by the mine lab Twins!!!

Its not just Minelab. There's alot of great detectors on the market! I really like the EuroTek Pro. Fisher/Tek make great machines. AT Pro has some great reviews & I almost bought one about 4 years ago. Whites has many great detectors, and they are bulletproof.

Woodknack, I'll tell you what, go buy a used Xterra 505 or hell a 305 and a used Golden, these can be purchased for about the same money. Hunt the cleanest or trashiest places imaginable for a couple of 3-4 hunts with each one and get back to us on how well the stuff you see in the video works and the trash/good find ratio of each hunt. I'm not bashing all Tesoros, just speaking specifically about this "ability" to weed out all the trash and dig all the gold and silver.

Sorry not interested in your challenge nor am I interested in buying a x-terra! If I was I'd be on the mine lab forum not the Tesoro forum! I already own a vdi machine. And if I was going to get a better one, it wouldn't be a mine lab. It would be a whites v3i. Why? Because it's my choice not anyone elses.
Please stop shoving this down my throat. I'm on the Tesoro forum because I want more info on a tesoro, not a mine lab or any other brand. I'm sure your detector is the best in the world. But that's not what I'm looking for. But thanks for all your help here on the Tesoro forum..

Its not just Minelab. There's alot of great detectors on the market! I really like the EuroTek Pro. Fisher/Tek make great machines. AT Pro has some great reviews & I almost bought one about 4 years ago. Whites has many great detectors, and they are bulletproof.

Again if I was interested in one of those models I'd be in that forum. But I'm not. I'm interested in tesoro.that's why I'm in the Tesoro forum not another metal detector forum.

Like I told your twin brother I have a vdi machine already. That is not my interest right now.

Sorry not interested in your challenge nor am I interested in buying a x-terra! If I was I'd be on the mine lab forum not the Tesoro forum! I already own a vdi machine. And if I was going to get a better one, it wouldn't be a mine lab. It would be a whites v3i. Why? Because it's my choice not anyone elses.
Please stop shoving this down my throat. I'm on the Tesoro forum because I want more info on a tesoro, not a mine lab or any other brand. I'm sure your detector is the best in the world. But that's not what I'm looking for. But thanks for all your help here on the Tesoro forum..

I think fletch is just trying to help save you some cash & frustration. Best to just learn on you own I guess. The technology has come a long since the 1980's.

I think fletch is just trying to help save you some cash & frustration. Best to just learn on you own I guess. The technology has come a long since the 1980's.

To each there own. Someday you may get it. Not ever one wants a digital machine.

To each there own. Someday you may get it. Not ever one wants a digital machine.

Fisher CZ? Minelab Sov? Garret infinium (although it is a PI)

Maybe check them out then! Just to see how others compare?
Trust me this isn't my first rodeo. I read all the forums on different machines and watch plenty of YouTube videos. I'm pretty sure I know what's out there.
But thanks for that brotherly love!
Now stop trolling the Tesoro forum telling me what I should do and run back to your mine lab forum. And stop being a troll on the Tesoro form. In case you don't know what a troll is.

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

Trust me this isn't my first rodeo. I read all the forums on different machines and watch plenty of YouTube videos. I'm pretty sure I know what's out there.
But thanks for that brotherly love!
Now stop trolling the Tesoro forum telling me what I should do and run back to your mine lab forum. And stop being a troll on the Tesoro form. In case you don't know what a troll is.

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.
Well I hope watching videos & reading forums gets you what you are after. I wasted way too much time/money hunting with a 'magic' detector that gets amazing depth after watching countless videos and reading forums. In the field is how you will best be able to judge a detector's abilities. Nuff said.

Are there any loyal Tesoro fans on this forum. I need help! I'm getting squeezed by the mine lab Twins!!!

Actually I no longer on any ML. I merely used the Xterra as one example. I could have just as easily used any machine from FT or Whites. I have owned several Tesoro's , I'm just trying to keep you from spending a lot of money chasing something that doesn't really exist in real life hunting situations. I've owned Silver uMax (twice),Cibola, Vaquero, Tejon (twice), Outlaw, Tiger and Sand Shark. Buy a used Vaquero or Tejon if you buy a Tesoro. Those were my 2 favorites of all the ones I tried and you won't lose nearly as much money if it's not everything the videos show it to be.

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have the old tone golden which Ive had for around 2 1/2 years. For a long time it was a detector that I wanted to put it on ebay because it was just one frustrating machine, , but there was just something about it that just niggled in the back of the mind to persevere with it. It lacked depth, its tones blended into each other and it just didnt seem to do anything really well. But Im glad I kept it now, I was predominantly a coin hunter but now with the golden and its adjustable tones I spend my time first of all looking for gold.Its a bit hard to explain, but you can do all sorts of things with the notch width dial if you experiment enough, you can put a hollow in the tone of a certain conductive ring while leaving the pull tab in that same range without one, adjust the tones for shallow detecting, or adjust for deeper detecting The notch width dial is one of its neat features, you can adjust the tones to suit your different detecting conditions, it is noww one fun detector

have the old tone golden which Ive had for around 2 1/2 years. For a long time it was a detector that I wanted to put it on ebay because it was just one frustrating machine, , but there was just something about it that just niggled in the back of the mind to persevere with it. It lacked depth, its tones blended into each other and it just didnt seem to do anything really well. But Im glad I kept it now, I was predominantly a coin hunter but now with the golden and its adjustable tones I spend my time first of all looking for gold.Its a bit hard to explain, but you can do all sorts of things with the notch width dial if you experiment enough, you can put a hollow in the tone of a certain conductive ring while leaving the pull tab in that same range without one, adjust the tones for shallow detecting, or adjust for deeper detecting The notch width dial is one of its neat features, you can adjust the tones to suit your different detecting conditions, it is noww one fun detector

Thanks for the info! Its so good to finally here from someone who ACTUALLY has this detector and to here his take. So does it work like the video above?

Well no it doesnt... mine is a bit different, maybe because it is the old tone version or maybe they dont all leave the factory the same ( it has been back to tesoro to be checked out but it came back the same so I guess its OK) With my notch width adjustment in the 2 o clock position pretty much every thing but iron has a high tone, even foil , so I lack the adjustment he has in the video to change the foil tone around the 10 O clock position he has (if my memory serves me right.) That video was the reason I bought the golden in the first place so I was gutted that mine had such a narrow window of tone control. I have learnt to make the most of the tone width control I have and that still serves me well. That duck tone that others have referred to makes detecting in the foil range far more interesting and informative than just a beep, if you listen to the duration of the duck tone , the sharpness of it. Plus having no screen is a big bonus when looking for gold, well that s my take anyway. To cap it off the tones on the golden are just so rich in may just about rap the thing around a tree in the learning process with it

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