Is this a good idea?


Sr. Member
Sep 22, 2008
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter Land Star
I have been detecting for almost a year and son got a metal detector for Christmas. I haven't found any good finds, but I not giving up.

When I was cleaning my kitchen, I found a 1936 Buffalo Nickel that was in a coin card, or whatever they are, to keep it clean. I don't know where it came from and neither does my husband.

I am thinking of taking it out and putting it in the ground when son and I go metal detecting and letting him "find" it.

Do you think this is a good idea? Have you done anything similar?

TIA for your input and/or suggestions. I want to keep interested in this hobby.


It depends on the age of your son, but I personally wouldn't plant finds. In the beginning, Everything dug is cool in its own regard. You couldn't buy from me the first thin dime I dug (a clad one).

It is important for some of us, as we grow in this hobby, to know that we "did it ourselves." Whether that is research, MDing technique, skill, or selection of sites.

I would be upset personally if I found out that someone had planted something that I dug. But then again, I have always taken MDing pretty seriously. In the link above, the son is 15 years old. I began detecting when I was 13--and I've always wanted to know how I'm doing (and finds are a good way to find that out). I've always wanted to do it myself too. If someone had planted a silver coin in a new church yard for me to find, I'd have made trips back there several times at age 15 to see what else I could find in the fill dirt that had to have come from some old house's yard. And I'd find nothing else there. What did that teach me? So eventually I'd be set up for disappointment.

If the child is very young, perhaps it is not a bad idea--but don't set them up for false expectations.

It'll be interesting to hear others' ideas.

Best Wishes,


If its in circulated condition I say why not seed the yard, maybe put in some wheats also. If the coin looks as though it just came from the mint I wouldn't want to damage it. Post a photo of it if unsure.

Hi there,
Great intentions. Before my detecting passion my son, 6 years old at that time received a little kiddie surface detector and I tossed some coins in the yard. He had a blast finding them but, was disapointed when he learned years later that mom and Dad really planted them. He got even though. He has the family record of the oldest coin found now. He dug a 1944 wheat and reminds me all the time. lol I have only found clad modern coins. I wonder if he planted it and had the last laugh after all! ;D


I keep coming back to this thread, and thinking about it some more. I'm trying to put my finger on why the idea of planting coins for a Little Adult bothers me.

I guess my thought is--if you want them to find something right away (and it doesn't matter what its age is), take 'em to a park. For a six year old, everything dug is cool.

But if you want them to find something old, let them do it on their own. If they dig up planted finds from you, then one day later on in life they may think that their early years at the hobby were the Golden Years, and there's nothing much left to be found now. My other thought is, don't deprive the child of the beauty of the moment when they find their first Buffalo, old silver coin, or what not.

So what is the best idea? In my opinion it is to do a good bit of research for them, and take them to an old site where they (and you!) will find old, cool, and interesting things. If they are old enough to understand that they are the first person to touch these items since they were lost 100, 150, or 200 years ago, then they'll be Hooked! And every outing is a lesson in history--just by the virtue of What you two will find. The joy of figuring out what these items are, or were, and putting the pieces together is something that will never fade from memory.

If you stress the importance of Finding (by planting items), then this creates an expectation that may or may not be met in the future. And the History of items found is not there.

I started thinking about what got me hooked on metal detecting at age 13--and this is what I came up with. The History is what caused me to start thinking about the past, what life was like back then, admiring finds I had dug, and dreaming.

Kids are worth it. Do the research for your child and find an old homesite for you two to hunt together. Then you can share all of the joy that this hobby has to offer with your child. They already have a curiosity about everything. Give them even more to be interested in. :)

Best Wishes,


Maybe you could show him the coin, then bury it in the yard to see if he could locate it. It would be good practice (and fun) for him, before going on a real hunt.

If you haven't already "hunted out" your own yard, there's bound to be some coins. . . maybe older than that nickel ;D

Or. . . take him hunting in the wood chips at the tot-lot. . . lots of coins for sure.

Good luck!

Thanks everyone for your replies. I am still not sure what to do and got a couple of months to think about it.

I have gone through my back yard, but I know there is more out there. I haven't touched the front yard, which used to be the back yard back in the 1930's, son is going to do that part. I am also letting him MD the neighbors yard before the house gets torn down.


I don't think planing coins is a good idea. My daughter is 5 and I take her out with me to the park or school yard where I know that I can find coins. She really get into it for a while she get in there and helps me dig up the coins and she puts them in her pocket to hold onto. She get bored and off she goes to play for a while then she comes back and helps some more. She want to work the detector for a while so I let her. It gets her intest and I hope as the years go by she will want to keep on hunting with me. So take him to a place where you can find coins old or new as long as you find them it will keep him intest.....mlayers

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