Gare said:
If you have to DISARM IT be sure to WEAR EAR PLUGS !
I'm sure you were (mostly) joking. But just so you and everybody else who reads this discussion-thread will know:
The iron ball's finder sys it is "approximately 5 inches in diameter" and "weighs 17.2 pounds."
According to the historical cannonball diameter-&-precise-weight size charts here:
Cannon bore, shot, and shell diameters for smoothbore guns
an iron ball which is 5.1 inches in diameter and weighs 18 pounds is a Solid-Shot ball, not a hollow explosive one.
In addition to charts telling the very-precise diameter and weight of cannon balls, Grapeshot balls, and Canister-shot balls, at the bottom of that webpage is another very helpful chart. it tells the precise diameter of a SOLID iron ball whose weight is 1 pound, 2 pounds, and so one, up to 50 pounds.
My point is:
Knowing a spherical object's material (such as iron), its exact size, and its exact weight, can tell you whether it is a Solid object or a hollow one. That fact, and the cannonball/Grapeshot/Canister-ammo charts at the link above, are very helpful when you've found an iron ball and you need to know whether it is a Solid or a hollow one. The only way a solid one can hurt you ios if you drop it on your foot.