✅ SOLVED Is this navy related?


Full Member
Apr 13, 2020
North east
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Equinox 800
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All Treasure Hunting
Hello everyone! This is my first post on here so I’m sorry if I’m doing anything incorrectly! I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this? I found it in a farm field and didn’t think much of it until about an hour later when I was lucky enough to be able to save a USA Continental army button. After returning home I did some reading about the area and in a local history book I found out there was a reported Revolutionary war camp on the exact road of the farm I was detecting. I’m obviously hoping it’s connected to the Continental Navy but I know chances are it’s just a piece to appeal to those interested in nautical items, either way I can’t find any information about it and would love some help!

Cool dig! I think we've seen one of those posted on this forum in the past. Sadly, my aging and addled brain can't recall enough detail to find the old thread. It was more than 2 or 3 years ago. I believe it was solved and that the item is related to US Naval Officer's dress uniform from the turn of the 19th C. Maybe not Rev War but maybe 1812. I'll keep searching. Hopefully others will chime in.

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Cool dig! I think we've seen one of those posted on this forum in the past. Sadly, my aging and addled brain can't recall enough detail to find the old thread. It was more than 2 or 3 years ago. I believe it was solved and that the item is related to US Naval Officer's dress uniform from the turn of the 19th C. Maybe not Rev War but maybe 1812. I'll keep searching. Hopefully others will chime in.
Hey Matt thank you for the reply! That would be awesome and I’d be thrilled if it were from a War of 1812 Naval officers dress uniform! Hopefully someone can find the old thread I’m very intrigued!

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early neck stock ornament may be the answer, here is an older thread about an identical one. I remembered it because I have one on my cases that I also dug up.


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Here is the thread that I posted mine in.......https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/homespun-woman-and-anchor-plate.464786/#post-4649300

sorry, didnt load properly....
Wow you solved it! Thank you so much, Ive been wondering about this piece for about a month now and to find out it actually is from the Continental navy is absolutely incredible! Thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate it!

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Welcome to the forum from Oregon! As you can see there is lots of knowledge available here!

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Welcome to the forum from Oregon! As you can see there is lots of knowledge available here!
Thank you! Ive read threads on here many times over the past couple of years, but I’m excited to be getting involved!

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