hi interested party. i will try to answer your all questions here in this post, including those you asked in other threads. like many people who end up in unusual places and with unusual lifestyles ,i owe my fate to some predetermined destiny or more likely the us army. for that reason i ended up in latin america, and as one would expect of a young man if their 20's ,i met and married a young colombian girl. i also fell in love with the natural beauty of the country and that part of the world, and needed to find a way to make a living. to make a long story short, i started operating a suction dredge. and i guess i had some remarkable success. people started seeking me out ,for help and guidance on a wide array of projects. in the end i had worked in over a dozen countries and participated ,in exploration ,setting up of mining operations placer ,hardrock , gold ,and diamonds, buying and selling gold. people also hired me for assistance in looking for "treasures". to date i have participated on three successful treasure extractions for other people. i currently do advisory work for people who are looking for lucrative opportunities in the field of mining and minerals in the country of mexico. i do this only part time now. most of my clients are individuals who have knowledge of something , a deposit ,lost mine ,a letter their grandfather left in the bible etc. i fell into this line of work by accident but i tried to get very good at it. because of the inquiries i recieve i started compiling lists of stories ,placers ,mine dumps . i have thousands of pages of research ,written in my own hand. which i am trying to compile into some kind of order. i actually have no interest whatsoever in treasure, in my lifetime of reviewing treasure leads ,i have only seen a few that i believe are real enough to pursue. i appproach things from a profitibility point of view, i have too. land based treasure has the lowest probability of success of any treasure venture.only today with the existance of ground penetrating radar have things changed somewhat. you will see why all salvage operations are in water, there are shipping manifests and sunken ships can be found with sonar. if the idea is to make money, there are many projects out there where you can calculate returns ,high rate of returns in a very short time period ,such as this waterfall mentioned here. that are in my view much more practical and rewarding. and are treasures in itself. i do have my own projects and i always work alone. i began participating on this site ,because i thought i had information ,proven information on some of the topics being commented on and wanted to offer help. i guess i wasn't always well recieved. i am bilingual and most of my research is in spanish and my versions of history comes from that prespective, which is much less adulterated and not written to sell books about treasure stories. //// that being said i do enjoy the search, and my work has taked me to some pretty incredible places. but im just a regular guy. no indiana jones here. don't drink ,don't carouse. just use what skills i have to get results for the customer. but i am not a dreamer nor an armchair treasure hunter. so i have a very pragmatic approach to what i do ,and its given good results so far. i have utmost respect for the community where i work and for the environment, i will do nothing that will compromise either. and everyone in rewarded. i have traveled almost 30 years and so far never an altercation ,never a problem. so ,as you can see ,i approach things very differently. to hold gold or emeralds or treasure is ok ,but i'd rather hold a child. i'm rather indifferent to it . only i have a deep feeling for history and nature. i have a beautiful collection of mineral specimens. my comment on the sacambaya treasure being one of three that could be intriguing without trisecting information is attributed to the fact once again that im a big fan of gpr.and it can be verified very quickly and cheaply as far as this kind of work goes. the other two treasures are a well on a hacienda here in mexico which has a side door about 20 feet down ,which leads to a hidden chamber, and the other is a huge tunnel that also has hidden chambers, both have cross references to their contents ,and the location is known for both. also i don't seek to raise money ever ,if i can't do it with my own funding i won't do it. i have many treasure leads. i thought i'd list some to provoke thought and give people some alternative ideas as to possible treasure ideas. i'm recovering from an injury recently and was entertaining myself by reading and posting on this site.
well ,i think i've written too much ,i hope i've answered your questions and haven't posted incorrectly .