Itsy Bitsy Spider....

I hate spiders... well I like those daddy long legs ones but thats it.

We have some nasty tarantulas here in Arizona. But they don't seem to bother anyone and you can pick them right up.

I did a size reference shot for ya too!


  • wolfspider.jpg
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Please say that you didn't squash that critter! Spiders are very beneficial by controlling other insects.

Spiders are good food for birds and praying mantises, so they are good for something LOL Other than that, kill the dang things. I HATE THEM, besides, I never know which set of eyes to look at when I'm talking to one. :laughing9:

Felinepeachy said:
Spiders are good food for birds and praying mantises, so they are good for something LOL Other than that, kill the dang things. I HATE THEM, besides, I never know which set of eyes to look at when I'm talking to one. :laughing9:

I wounder If that Hornet Spray that shoots Up to 20 Feet would Work On the Huge Spiders!! Not It!!! HH Chug

Yes I'm reminding red Not to look at this one Unless I want to see here Jumping on top of the Couch and Screaming For some one to Help her!!! Chug On day I will Get it on Video!!!!

Eeeeeeeeek!!!! :o I wouldn't have been there long enough to take a picture, let alone put a quarter next to the dang probably wouldn't have seen my feet touch the ground running.....yuk, yuk, yuk.

Ewwwwwwwwww I feel creepy crawlies all over me now ! I have a spider phobia !

I wounder If that Hornet Spray that shoots Up to 20 Feet would Work On the Huge Spiders!! Not It!!! HH Chug

Yes I'm reminding red Not to look at this one Unless I want to see here Jumping on top of the Couch and Screaming For some one to Help her!!! Chug On day I will Get it on Video!!!!

Hey Chug, how does Red feel about snakes and lizards? I could post some of them for her if you want me to.

note to spider haters * mud daubbers are mortal enemys of spiders -- they sting spiders to stun them and pack them (several at a time) into the mud egg cells they make as "living food" for thier larvae to fed upon once they hatch *note by the way unless attacked mud daubbers are not generally agressive towards human beings --so if you hate spiders do not destroy mud daubber nest as they will eat butt loads of spiders

also know this spiders of the non dangerous to human types are actually quite helpful to mankind since they eat large amounts of bothersome insects .

When you can hear a spider growl, get the hell out of there...

And when you hear barking spiders, you're on your own :coffee2:

aussie barking spider--- who's bite is not normally thought of as fatal to adult humans ( however if bit your dog or cat has got say 30 min to live )-- the bite will make you barf your guts out for oh about six or so hours non stop. -- so while the bite is not thought of as being fatal in itself. ---it could make you so sick and helpless that you could die quite easily in the "OUTBACK" IF ALONE.

some tarantula type spiders rub their legs together when pissed off * it makes a "hissing" or to some folks a "growling" noise --it means their very mad --and want to totally wear you out if they can bite you --your going to get the "full treatment" cuz their really feeling threatened and they are badly pissed.

After researching this topic, I found the following commentary that may be applicable to this topic:

"A rare species of spider classified as Flatus-Arachnid, more commonly known as The Barking Spider.

Dating back to Prehistoric times it is the only species of its kind to warn its prey by expelling air from its body, and releasing a nauseous odor.

Extremely small it likes to hide in tight spaces like the pockets on jeans, and interacts, and is associated with most living beings."

in aussieland the sound made by the "barking spiders" is reportly somewhat like a fart in sound * so the standing joke is when one passes gas -- "oh must be a "barking spider" hereabouts" :wink:

the tennessee sub group of this type seems to like to hide in the "rear back pockets" of jeans .

We have those brown wolf spiders all over the place here in Ohio. They like to settle into the basement. Of course, I work in the basement so I have them pop out from time to time. They used to scare the heck out of me but I'm used to them now.

I actually had one crawl up my leg one time while I was working on the computer. Yes, I was wearing shorts. I felt a tickle on my leg so I looked down to see what it was. Needless to say, that poor spider didn't live long after that. I don't like to kill them if I don't have to but that one crossed the line even though I'm sure it was unintentional.

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