Jailed While Treasure Hunting?

Have You Ever Been Jailed Due To or During A Treasure Hunt?

  • Nope, Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yep, Been There

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  • Almost

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Full Member
Mar 8, 2007
St. Paul, MN
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter Tracker IV, ACE250
I thought this would be an interesting poll question. I personally haven't. If you have, please describe the situation if you can do so without getting into further trouble.

Also, I'm not condoning illegal treasure hunts, illegal metal detecting, or anything else that could be considered on the grey side of this hobby. I just thought that maybe someone out there was a little bit overzealous or might have a funny story to share.


i found a buried tin next to a tree 2 weeks ago and i was thinking allsorts as you can imagine. it was in an ancient wood in the middle of nowhere.as i dug enough to get the lid open i just resisted the urge to get my hand in there and scoop out what had caved into the tin.
im just glad i did!!

Actually I have never even been questioned while detecting about having permission. I always do have permission, but never questioned.

ME?? Heck no :-* I always only go to the places with big neon signs advertising "Metal Detectors welcome here!" And if I don't see such a sign, I aways make sure to ask, even at the most innane innocuous modern public sandboxes. I go into city hall, with a shovel in one hand, and a copy of ARPA in the other hand (lest they not fully understand the implications of my question), and ask "Can I dig holes on city property to look for treasure?". If they say "yes", I get them to sign a search and recovery contract (after all, you can't be too safe, eh? Don't want to face jail and confisactions, eh?). Works like a charm. To date, I've gotten into zero sandboxes, private property, or anywhere! But hey, I'm not in jail, right? Doh! ::)

No, I've not been arrested for MD'ing nor come close to being. I get permission first.

7 of us were detecting on BLM Land out in the CA. desert with permission from the BLM. We crossed over a small dry creek bed that was a boundry onto National Forest Land without knowing it. Rangers had been watching us and came a running (in their SUV's with lights going) and told us what they could do and should do. They gave us a fair verbal warning and stayed with us until we crossed back over to the BLM's Land. They stayed in the area for the next hour keeping an eye on us. Needless to say we didn't roam out of the BLM Lands again.

Happy Hunting


Most National Forest Service lands here are legal to TH unless posted otherwise, including "Improved" campgrounds according to Deschutes National Forest and Ochoco National Forest. Calif. must have had some bad experiences or something.

Generally,if I see a posted sign I pass it by,being up here in paranoid upstate NY asking permission to dig on anyones land will be fruitless,basically I go into the woods when I can find em or around the schools,old builings that the city is gonna destroy or around the river,,have both the Mohawk and Hudson! I feel so damn guilty at times,,its arush lol !!I try to be neat about my business and Im friendly to all who may see me detecting UNLESS they start being a pain in the ass .The way II see it,its finders keepers,im working for whatever I find and the less people know the better!! I dont ask them about their hobbies or business and expect the same outta John Q Public

Can anyone even come close to giving me one even remotely logical reason why we should be bothered by -anybody-? Is it the digging part? Ludicrous. These laws are the product of the same elected leaders who are always trying to nanny you. This country is ridiculously oppressive. You are truly free as long as you do what they tell you to do. Metal detecting hurts NO ONE or NOTHING. It has literally saved me from bi polar depression disorder. It is the first joy I've had in 20 years. I suppose I could turn to alcohol or drugs, like 'they' apparently prefer most people to do.

greydigger said:
isn't this spelled duh?

"Doh!" is a Homer Simpson variation on "Duh!"

Trying REALLY hard to stay out of jail . . . not that I'm such an honest person,
but with this pretty face of mine, bad things might happen in prison!



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Hey back-2-the-hunt, you're not the first person I've heard give credit to detecting along those lines! A guy we hunt with here in CA was having depression, etc... He got into detecting, started associating with guys on a regional forum we have here. Started hooking up to hunt sites, made lots of friends, etc... And in a year or two realized, his life had changed, he was having fun, he was scoring oldies, had a competitive goal, etc... For me, it led into interest in history, which led into museum work, keepign out of trouble, etc.... ::)

Thanks for that... It's true. I do suffer from depression and MDin'g is really about the only thing that puts a smile on my face and a gleam in my eye. Instead of the prozac, the doc should prescribe an MXT and an old carnival ground! :)

what is BLM ???
i haven't been out on public property much at all, just a couple lakes... and a beach... no problems.
TreasureTales said:
USFS regulations state NO DIGGING (for any reason) on "their" land. Metal detectors are OK, but no digging. How crazy is that? BLM is not quite as restrictive, but it will probably follow the USFS lead some day soon.

I have never been arrested, or approached by law enforcement...except one time when rockhounding. The BLM ranger was mostly interested in why my friend had parked in the wrong direction on the shoulder of the gravel road. Once he determined we were fine and just rockhounding, he asked us to fill in the holes if we dug any (we didn't) as we hunted for petrified wood. Then he bid us good luck and left us alone. No biggie, but for a minute we thought we might be in trouble. Shows how we've gone from welcoming the approach of law enforcement to fear of them. Why? I think it's due to the growing number of restrictions placed on public lands, and the fact that we may not be aware of all of them because they change so frequently.

The fact that the USFS in California was waiting for desertfox and his friends to cross onto "their" land is not surprising. In many places, the USFS has become an anti-use agency as far as I'm concerned...a look but don't touch mentality that makes no sense to me.

pookie said:
what is BLM ???
i haven't been out on public property much at all, just a couple lakes... and a beach... no problems.
TreasureTales said:
USFS regulations state NO DIGGING (for any reason) on "their" land. Metal detectors are OK, but no digging. How crazy is that? BLM is not quite as restrictive, but it will probably follow the USFS lead some day soon.

I have never been arrested, or approached by law enforcement...except one time when rockhounding. The BLM ranger was mostly interested in why my friend had parked in the wrong direction on the shoulder of the gravel road. Once he determined we were fine and just rockhounding, he asked us to fill in the holes if we dug any (we didn't) as we hunted for petrified wood. Then he bid us good luck and left us alone. No biggie, but for a minute we thought we might be in trouble. Shows how we've gone from welcoming the approach of law enforcement to fear of them. Why? I think it's due to the growing number of restrictions placed on public lands, and the fact that we may not be aware of all of them because they change so frequently.

The fact that the USFS in California was waiting for desertfox and his friends to cross onto "their" land is not surprising. In many places, the USFS has become an anti-use agency as far as I'm concerned...a look but don't touch mentality that makes no sense to me.

Bureau of Land Management. Many millions of acres in western states. Grazing rights are often leased to ranchers, but it's still public land.

Bureau of Land Management. Many millions of acres in western states. Grazing rights are often leased to ranchers, but it's still public land.

Yeah, and many see that as a real sweetheart deal for the ranchers.

As for the poll, it's interesting that we still have a ZERO for the going to jail
for metal detecting. I cannot imagine anyone serving time for MDing, unless
the are destroying property or something.

Bureau of Land Management. Many millions of acres in western states. Grazing rights are often leased to ranchers, but it's still public land.

Yeah, and many see that as a real sweetheart deal for the ranchers

I have heard that mining and prospecting is also allowed on these Federal lands, while metal detecting is not. It seems illogical to allow some to blast huge holes, while blocking others from digging small holes that are easily filled.

Uncle-Vinny, I had to chuckle at your observation: "As for the poll, it's interesting that we still have a ZERO for the going to jail for metal detecting." You are right, no one has chimed in on that original question. You find very few cases of it, and when you DO hear of them, they are often guys sneaking obvious off-limits sites, or someone who couldn't take a warning, etc... For simply going to a regular city park or beach or whatever, you will find next to ZERO examples of fines, jail, or confiscations. But what boggles my mind, is that whenever the topic of "do we need permission for parks, schools, beaches, etc...?" Someone else will always chime in that you DO need permission "lest you face fines, jail, and confiscation" ??? I keep wondering how do they come up with that fear? A few freak examples, that .... in the wonderful modern age of the internet, get posted and re-posted ad-naseum, and people start focussing on the exceptions, rather than the norms (that people generally don't care or notice), I suppose.

I find it odd that with all the talk about fines, jail, being run off, confiscations of equipment, like Tom just said, it's all about the fear. I've been MD'g off and on for a few years now and I have only Once even seen another person MD'g. And I'm always looking. From what I've read, rarely does anyone see another Md'er other than the occasional unfilled holes.

Nope, no one's been to jail.......

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