Jefferson Mining District Order of Rejection; MMAC


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Apr 25, 2014
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Nov 8, 2010
Camptonville, CA
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Meg, Bluestar, and others thanks for your time, that try to inform us miners, thanks for the post, very long, more importantly well worth the time.
Most know, Left will use deceptive practice along with their cherry pickin science and we miners must be vigilant not be afraid to ask and challenge,or protest
more importantly take action.


Silver Member
Jul 21, 2013
Northern California
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WOW! Thank you, Thank you, an opinion that refrences facts, shows research and thought and backs itself up with applicable law! How hard was that? No secrecy for your own good, false sense of urgency, or third party cheerleading. Sorry folks as much as we may want - THERE IS NO EASY BUTTON! We are going to have to do this ourselves it is our right and responsiblilty!

When some person or outfit tells you they can do something but won't tell you how -THEY CAN'T DO IT!

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Jr. Member
Feb 21, 2015
The Great State of Jefferson
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Meg, Bluestar, and others thanks for your time, that try to inform us miners, thanks for the post, very long, more importantly well worth the time.
Most know, Left will use deceptive practice along with their cherry pickin science and we miners must be vigilant not be afraid to ask and challenge,or protest
more importantly take action.

Thanks for the compliment but in all honesty I hardly deserve mention in the same breath as MEG, Hal & others. I'm like an incoherent toddler when standing next to them. I am learning though. :notworthy:


Silver Member
Jul 21, 2013
Northern California
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I'm having more of a problem right now with myself and those I send money and support to then these folks that are actually trying to do something. We all make mistakes, but the folks we are relying on for advice and guidance need to do their homework as well and not be so quick to go all in. Wrong of me, but before this I've never really questioned their endorsements. Guess that's part of the deal of getting involved- research research research. I won't let it stop me from continuing to support those I have in the past- they all have good proven track records, chalk this up to a good wake up call for all involved.


Silver Member
Jul 21, 2013
Northern California
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We sure had a lot to say when we first heard about them. Now that it looks as though they may be forced upon us no matter what their stance or agenda we as usual have gone silent and will patiently await the inevitable outcome. It really bugs me that when we started asking tough questions and asked for more discussion, they did what the opposition is famous for - go quiet, circumvent and ignore us. Tells me my concerns are of no concern to them- already adopting the typical government agency attitude. On the bright side, I have one less bumper sticker on the truck and annual membership fee to keep up with- I won't donate to the government anymore than I have to. Question - will our new "ecoboundaries" match the ones the Sierra Fund (another defacto government agency) and Water Board are using against us?


Gold Member
May 26, 2009
Sailor Flat, Ca.
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All Treasure Hunting
Yea... it's a shame our own side is now working against us and the already existing strong rights we have....Makes you wonder what the end game actually is on their minds


Bronze Member
Apr 4, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
A lot has happened since march when MMAC started and we should keep an open mind and take another look.
I didn't like the top down approach with no input from the little guy, then they were trying to re-write the critical minerals act
and create new mining districts. A lot has changed since then.
Now they have a new bill that looks a lot better, and they have realized they cant form new mining districts the way they were tiring to do.
and have gone with the term Organized Districts to comply with state laws. and have now hired a lobby group
AMRA, PLP, Keene and a lot of others are now involved and providing input from the mining community.
Nothing is going to be perfect for everyone but I don't think we need to treat them as the enemy.
new bill;


Silver Member
Jul 21, 2013
Northern California
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Winners- I always look forward to your input, it's obvious your a do your homework type of guy. Thanks for posting the link, I hadn't read the latest bill version. Alot of the bill sounds lovely, wonderful, and nice, and very much a wish list of all things pro-mining. Now red line any item currently in litigation or a matter of contention with the opposition. Once you've redlined it, re-read it, what is left? Because of the obvious desperation based on their previous tactics to get this rushed thru and into fruition, the "They's" are gonna have a field day hacking it to pieces and turning it into a defense bill more to their liking. Until the rights and laws already in exsistence are followed and respected by both the Feds and even more so the States, it's all smoke and mirrors. But these folks have learned well and by following the template of the suction dredge moratorium, Lake Combie funding by the Sierra Fund or SB637 it's probably too late and we will just have to wait and see what we get and how "green" it actually is.


Gold Member
May 26, 2009
Sailor Flat, Ca.
🥇 Banner finds
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SDC2300, Gold Bug 2 Burlap, fish oil, .35 gallons of water per minute.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Winners- I always look forward to your input, it's obvious your a do your homework type of guy. Thanks for posting the link, I hadn't read the latest bill version. Alot of the bill sounds lovely, wonderful, and nice, and very much a wish list of all things pro-mining. Now red line any item currently in litigation or a matter of contention with the opposition. Once you've redlined it, re-read it, what is left? Because of the obvious desperation based on their previous tactics to get this rushed thru and into fruition, the "They's" are gonna have a field day hacking it to pieces and turning it into a defense bill more to their liking. Until the rights and laws already in exsistence are followed and respected by both the Feds and even more so the States, it's all smoke and mirrors. But these folks have learned well and by following the template of the suction dredge moratorium, Lake Combie funding by the Sierra Fund or SB637 it's probably too late and we will just have to wait and see what we get and how "green" it actually is.



Bronze Member
Apr 4, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I certainly don't have the answers, but I know we wont get justice on the state level, or even our day in court.
I'm just a poor guy with a few mining claims, this interest in the mineral estate, it means a lot to me,
I'll never own a house, this is my version of the American dream, what can I do, I'm not taking anyone to court,
So I send Money to the organizations that that are fighting for our rights, I research and send comments,
I know that there are a lot of things that are being worked on behind the scenes.


Bronze Member
Nov 8, 2010
Camptonville, CA
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GMT&GM3 Whites MXT Pro, Shadow X5, Fisher 1280, OMG and the TDI
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Pat Keene is working on this bill and i have faith, he is a dredger/miner/manufacture business owner, unlike some that thump thier chest we have fed mining rights, (I have heard for a couple of decades) yep and thats why i have invited some from this site be dredging on my claims. what a joke
Sadly we are dealing with Crazyfornia whom have no respect for fed law unless it suits them, we will be stuck in courts a very long time and the people need to change the way they vote

brain fried and sick of the Bull, the corrupt justice system, educated Jim Jones followers, propaganda machine perpetuating the second greatest hoax on tax payers,, politicians oin the take with insider information. look no further then the recent Gov. Brown incident mapping out his family property for oil and gas and not one word of this on the local news. media bias oh no no no, sadly, the miners themselves are splintered or uninformed ( unlike us members here, right?) plenty of miners , hunters, fishers , off roaders, mountain bikers, vote Democrat ( the enemy) had i showed up to last night's meeting i would have yelled i am so pissed " Why are the Native Americains and Asains not running around like madhatters"if mercury is so toxic, "why did the environmentals push for mandatory CFLs in all family homes"I am afraid all user groups will have to lose before their is a revolts

help Brandon
James Buchal
C/O Brandon Rinehart case
3425 S.E. Yamhill, Suite 100,
Portland , OR 97214



Sr. Member
Apr 25, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
What you are watching as things are patched up to hide the truth is the techniques used by the ignorant, con men, and sustainable Eco-terrorist to persuade their victims.

The bottom line is, these are a bunch of people who profess to know the mining law that don't. Any one who has read and understands the laws sees the ongoing deception for what it is, no matter how often they "fix" their problems. Starting from a faulty premise will get every one nowhere good.

That they haven't gotten “legislation” correct yet doesn't raise a red flag for any one?
That anyone thinks they can get the “legislation” correct, is the real scary part; Pure willful ignorance.
Is any one going to take responsibility for themselves that they give it over to these bureaucratically bent buffoons?

They have not addressed direct challenges to their competency, instead resort to name calling.

The supposed “legislation” is a cob-job. The “legislation” itself is proof those dealing with it do not understand mining law, do not understand its proper function, and do not know how to use existing laws and rules to expose the government agents for the criminals they are or how to protect themselves with existing rules or their underlying laws.

After repeated inquires Joe Mortari has not responded to Jefferson Mining District to explain his wrongful action regarding the Rand District, the wrongfulness of the MMAC in relation, and his ill-advised even dangerous administrative actions regarding Rand, or to show, light of these proofs, that he has any adequate understanding of the mining law, or that what he is doing will not harm people. Jefferson Mining District will publish these findings soon, as time warrants.

No matter how the "legislation" is mashed together it won't be more powerful than existing law is right now, without the MMAC or legislative overburden. Your problem isn't needing more legislation, it's arresting those ignoring existing law after you've made the record of the employee of officer felony trespass or infringement.

If you understood the technique being used, any one truly caring to would see those promoting MMAC are doing exactly what the Eco-terrorist do to undermine property rights . . . even as good people acting in utter ignorance. Refer to the JMD Rejection Order again and understand what it is explaining.
In fact, in regard of the use of this technique, and if they didn't "fix" that evidence too, didn't any one else notice Emerald Planet was a "partner", it's attorney listed on the MMAC website? How Green.

What these people are doing under color of authority, claiming to represent all grantees under the charade of administrative protection/security is a felony. They won't be able to patch that fact over.

The failure of miners is not realizing the protection to their property. What we actually need, beyond proper exercise of the law and record making, is accountability, not more legislation or more harmful bureaucracy over the miner. What sense does more bureaucracy make? How much lipstick does it take before no one notices, it's still a pig?

No matter how any one tries to exempt application of the FAC Act, admitted applicable in the terms of the "legislation", whatever new color lipstick is painted on that pig, whatever these bureaucratic call ECO-REGION districts, an administrative mining ECO-REGION district is not the same thing nor has the same power as the mining district ALREADY recognized by Congress. And it is coming to the time that any unsupported opinion to the contrary is not going to cut it.

That the Beast keeps changing its colors to avoid detection doesn't mean it won't strangle you with its tentacles and eat you when it gets the opportunity.

The MMAC by any name, through any artifice, whether most people can see this or not, is a very bad deal.

Jefferson Mining District has not solicited donations for what it accomplishes, whether or not anyone knows or cares or bad-mouths it. But I notice the first thing PLP has done is asked for more money to pay more people who have no knowledge of mining law to pass more “legislation” disrespectful of the reason for mining law, to enslave grantees. Why is that? Why does any one promote these profiteering tactics? And what of the attorney$ who continue mining the miners?

Jerry Hobbs told us years ago, on the question as to why PLP would not actually assert the mining law properly, that he had trouble with his board when he insisted on applying the mining law correctly. We can see why today.

If the military colors now patriotically parading as some supportive authority for this subversive project were actually upholding an oath, we'd long-since have seen accountability for the found treason to the laws of the United States of America committee by officers and employees of the government, domestic terrorists. Instead, the uniform acts to support harmful “legislation” that attacks the very purpose the symbol of the military, national security, is being used now to persuade people. Why?

The MMAC or the promoting of additional bureaucracy upon a congressionally granted private property is not and can not be the needed accountability it is promoted, no matter how much lipstick they put on their administrative pig or patch up their legislative dingy.

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