Judge claims DHS delivering smuggled children to illegal immigrant parents

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Judge claims DHS delivering smuggled children to illegal immigrant parents

By Judson Berger
Published December 19, 2013

Judge claims DHS delivering smuggled children to illegal immigrant parents | Fox News

A federal judge in Texas is accusing the Department of Homeland Security of hand-delivering children smuggled into the United States to their illegal immigrant parents.

U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen revealed the practice in a blistering court order filed late last week. He said the "dangerous" practice is effectively aiding human traffickers and particularly the drug cartels, which run many of these operations.

"These actions are both dangerous and unconscionable," he wrote.

The judge attempted to lift the curtain on what is happening behind the scenes of the Obama administration's changing approach to immigration enforcement. It has been well-documented that DHS is allowing some illegal immigrants already inside the country to skirt deportation, and particularly those who came to the U.S. as children.

But the "conspiracy" outlined by Hanen would take that controversial policy a big step further. He detailed the case of an illegal immigrant parent in Virginia, but used that as an entry point to describe what he suggested was a broader program.

Hanen claimed that, in more than one case before his court, immigration officials are arresting human traffickers smuggling children into the U.S. -- and then "delivering the minors to the custody of the parent illegally living in the United States."

"The DHS has simply chosen not to enforce the United States' border security laws," he wrote.

Further, he said this is simply encouraging risky smuggling operations. "Time and again this court has been told by representatives of the government and the defense that cartels control the entire smuggling process," Hanen wrote. "... the government is not only allowing [illegal immigrants in the U.S.] to fund the illegal and evil activities of these cartels, but is also inspiring them to do so."

He added: "To put this in another context, the DHS policy is as logical as taking illegal drugs or weapons that it has seized from smugglers and delivering them to the criminals who initially solicited their illegal importation/exportation. Legally, this situation is no different."

Representatives with the Department of Homeland Security and other immigration agencies have not yet returned a request for comment on the judge's statement.

Chris Crane, president of the National ICE Council union, told FoxNews.com the judge's claims are "absolutely correct."

"This is exactly what's happening," he said, describing how agents "can't keep up" with the number of minors crossing the border, either by themselves or in the custody of smugglers. Crane said immigration officials, then, are tasked with finding a place for the children to go.

"That's what we do now. We babysit kids and change diapers," he said. "It's out of control."

Crane said the best short-term solution would be to return the children to the family members they were staying with in their home country.

The judge's statement was prompted by the case of Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez. She was arrested at the Texas-Mexico border in May and pleaded guilty to trying to smuggle a 10-year-old child originally from El Salvador. After the sentencing, the judge wrote, he decided to go public with additional details from the case.

He wrote that the "conspiracy" started when an illegal immigrant in Virginia hired smugglers to get her daughter from El Salvador to Virginia. She paid $6,000 in advance. But after the smuggling operation was interrupted by federal agents, he wrote, "the DHS delivered the child to her."

Further, he wrote, this was the fourth case he'd seen in as many weeks along these lines. In one case, he claimed, the U.S. government "flew a child to multiple locations" in the U.S. at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. "This is an absurd and illogical result," he wrote.

The judge noted that after the court inquired about the incidents, a federal prosecutor apparently "requested" that the mother in Virginia be placed in immigration proceedings. He said it's unclear whether that has happened, and he's been told the government will not pursue prosecution.

Hanen wrote that he is "not unsympathetic" to the parents in these cases, but noted the danger these children are put in.

"If [DHS officials] persist in this policy, more children are going to be harmed, and the DHS will be partly responsible because it encourages this kind of Russian roulette," he wrote.

Washington Times

Homeland Security helps smuggle illegal immigrant children into the U.S. - Washington Times

No news here. Rumor has been around awhile. Don't send the kids back because they are unsure what will happen to them. Donde esta sus padres? they are asked and then they are sent there. And by kids, this includes teens too. not just little ones. Don't know if it's true, but pretty much believe it...

When you put innocent children in the hands of people with no moral values at all and who don't give a fat rat's behind about human life at all, what does anyone think will happen! Yes, DHS has some responsibility in this situation, but the parents of these children carry the major load of the responsibility themselves directly! The word travels fast within the illegal community about the treatment children recieve from the coyotes and the cartels when the children are smuggled into this country to follow their parents. Hell, the parents themselves many times saw it first hand when they were smuggled in by the same people. To then turn around and turn their innocent children over to that scum is beyond understanding to me.

Man, this stuff makes my heart break - No real answer to the problem. Pure Evil is so hard to fight.


Many of these parents don't have a choice. At least, they don't have any good choices. Violence of different types in their native lands forces some parents to do what is best for their children - if there is more risk staying than there is in going, who wouldn't go?

The initial post is, sadly, over simplistic. That's a trait of the so-called "conservatives" - in words of former Defense Secretary Gates, a cartoonish view.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Many of these parents don't have a choice. At least, they don't have any good choices. Violence of different types in their native lands forces some parents to do what is best for their children - if there is more risk staying than there is in going, who wouldn't go?

The initial post is, sadly, over simplistic. That's a trait of the so-called "conservatives" - in words of former Defense Secretary Gates, a cartoonish view.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
So parents jumping the fence and leaving their children behind in a dangerous place so they "need" to be rescued is fine with you ? You want to talk about "sad" ? What's sad is that you have some sick need to jump into every single thread that's posted by anyone on your "list" of conservatives and immediately disagree with whatever they have posted no matter what the subject. Obsessed much ?


Many of these parents don't have a choice. At least, they don't have any good choices. Violence of different types in their native lands forces some parents to do what is best for their children - if there is more risk staying than there is in going, who wouldn't go?

The initial post is, sadly, over simplistic. That's a trait of the so-called "conservatives" - in words of former Defense Secretary Gates, a cartoonish view.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Your first paragraph is where you and I will immediately disagree. Those parents do, and did, have a choice. They could have stayed in their "native country" most of whom will point to Mexico as that country. Yes, there is violence in Mexico, but it's a big country and those parents did not have to cross the border into the US to get away from the violence. They could have opted to go to another part of Mexico to get away from it. No, the parents chose to come to the US for MONEY and most didn't do it to get away from violence. They got here, got established, and then wanted their wives and/or children with them. That's a natural desire but it certainly is not just about violence in Mexico. At that point it then becomes a problem for the US and I'm not so sure that DHS has any options at this point beyond what is presently going on. It is horrible and the children are the innocents affected by this horror, but it still goes back to the major portion of responsibility being that of the parents themselves. I personally know of and liked a Mexican family, that refused to put their children through just what we are talking about, so they went back to Mexico to live. They were illegals and are happier now than when the family was split between the two countries and would not do it again because of the cartels and coyotes they were forced to use to come here initially. They saw the horror first hand when they came here illegally and refused to put their children in the hands of those animals. Every illegal has a choice and they make that choice themselves, and them dump the end results in our country and on our doorstep for us to deal with, knowing that we, as Americans, will do our best to do the right thing morally. They take advantage of Americans and it's not right! ( gotta go watch the Cowboys/Redskins game so won't be back in for a few hours)


Yes, we will disagree. You wrote "They could have stayed in their 'native country' most of whom will point to Mexico as that country."

The issue is far more complicated than that. I don't agree with your generalization.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Yes, we will disagree. You wrote "They could have stayed in their 'native country' most of whom will point to Mexico as that country."

The issue is far more complicated than that. I don't agree with your generalization.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Oh well, what's new about us disageeing on almost everything! Have a Merry Christmas!


We agree to discuss things in a civil manner. As long as we stick to that - well, I guess there's hope for both of us!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

PS: I'm not trying to dodge the issue. A discussion of the whole Central America upheaval, US (CIA and other secret organizations) involvement in revolutions, civil unrest, wars, the population movement north through Mexico, etc., etc., is far beyond the scope of this sub-Forum. I see people on the streets seeking work every day I'm out in Oakland and other parts of the East Bay. They are not from Mexico.

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