Just Venting

Oww! When salvaging some wood from the wreckage, before they remove it tomorrow, I stepped on a big round nail. It went straight through my shoe and deep into my foot. It isn't bleeding much, or made a big wound, but hurts pretty bad. I probably need a tetanus shot now, though I got one in 2015 for a bad cut in my knee. Could these past few days get any worse? Luckily I am still on antibiotics from (I think bronchitis), which should hopefully take care of any infection if it occurs. Last time a got a bad injury, the time I fell on a rock and got a cut going down to the bone on my knee back in 2015. I couldn't walk for a week, and I got a really bad infection which needed IV to treat. I went metal detecting as soon as I was feeling like I could walk, and found my colonial sundial, my greatest find ever. Hopefully the same happens here.

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There's some intestines and testicles you need to remove from those people.


There's some intestines and testicles you need to remove from those people.

Too late, he agreed to have them tear it down. its over. No insurance claim no recourse. You only need a tetanus shot every 7 years or so so you are at least good on that one.

Too late, he agreed to have them tear it down. its over. No insurance claim no recourse. You only need a tetanus shot every 7 years or so so you are at least good on that one.

I should have read what you guys said here, and looked into it before making the decision. My foot hurts incredibly bad, I cleaned it up, the actual puncture mark doesn't hurt (kind of scary), but the area all around it is swollen and beyond painful. I can't walk on it, or move my toes. There go my metal detecting plans today and tomorrow evening. I hope it doesn't get infected like my knee did.

I should have read what you guys said here, and looked into it before making the decision. My foot hurts incredibly bad, I cleaned it up, the actual puncture mark doesn't hurt (kind of scary), but the area all around it is swollen and beyond painful. I can't walk on it, or move my toes. There go my metal detecting plans today and tomorrow evening. I hope it doesn't get infected like my knee did.

Sorry to hear you stepped on a nail and the wound is really giving you problems! A good anti inflammatory and ice pack might help but it would be best to see a Doctor right away as the antibiotics for a Bronchitis infection may not work for an infection from a rusty nail and it could get serious. I know as I stepped on one when I was a kid and the nail went clean through my' foot as I was barefooted.


Damn, wonder who they are going to sell the wood to - guarantee it didn't make it to the dump. This was a win-win for them.

Damn, wonder who they are going to sell the wood to - guarantee it didn't make it to the dump. This was a win-win for them.

I have a coworker who hired a criminal on the "cheap" to do his central air unit. The guy asked for the money, $2600.00, up front and NEVER did the work! He's got to go to court now to get his $$$ back. As treasure hunters we should know how to do our research when choosing contractors to perform services around our property. Going for the low bid isn't always the best option and as it often is may turn out to bite you on the proverbial ass.:BangHead:

Now dont laugh coinman 123 , but for the nail injury put some sugar on a rag ,pour on some turpentine and wrap it up .old time remedy that works ,pain gone the next day. one of my mothers old remedys

I just wanted to vent, because I am not very happy right now. We hired some tree removers to remove a couple large, semi-dead pines, that we were scared might land on our shed, house, barn, or livestock. Anyways, they were not supposed to come until Thursday, but came today, which was fine. Anyways, they said on Thursday they were going to bring the crane to remove the monster pine that is just ten feet away from our house. Anyways, I heard a big crash and crack half an hour ago, looked out and saw a tree crash right on top of our late 19th century shed that we were going to restore. I am extremely angry right now, but tried to stay polite to them, they are calling their boss over to assess the situation in half an hour. The hole roof has a two foot wide gash, and the wall in the right corner has it too. I will post photos soon.

Here is a photo of the shed that I took before we bought the house (old owner's stuff is outside the shed), we were planning on doing a restoration to make it more stable, it had a very good frame. All the nails I could find in it were square nails.
View attachment 1478483

I am not sure if I want them to remove any trees around my priceless historic chestnut gun stalk post barn. Or my new house, which I am very proud of, which has lasted 270 years, and I am not sure can still withstand a tree landing on it.
View attachment 1478484

Wow anyone with any experience in cutting trees out between buildings or other objects do so in increments. Unlike out in the middle of the field where you can just cut her down. You cut limbs and branches first in such a way you don't damage something. Then you go for the stem of the tree and do it in sections. Best of luck they owe you. Remind them the shed is historic.

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Update on my foot. I couldn't walk really, but my addiction the metal detecting overpowered. I went in the woods, walking slow and clumsily, where I found a beautiful colonial flat button with a great design. I went to the doctor today and had it checked, the nail fractured the bone on my foot, and I have an infection (they are afraid it may be a bone infection, due to the dirty nail going straight to the bone). They also said no metal detecting until it heals :(.

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Hope your foot heals soon.

Gives time for your batteries in your detector to either charge... or go bad. :)

I use castor oil bandages for things like that, neosporin too, and an up to date tetness shot too.

$500? As my Dad used to say, "Don't make me laugh my lips are chapped. "

Update on my foot. I couldn't walk really, but my addiction the metal detecting overpowered. I went in the woods, walking slow and clumsily, where I found a beautiful colonial flat button with a great design. I went to the doctor today and had it checked, the nail fractured the bone on my foot, and I have an infection (they are afraid it may be a bone infection, due to the dirty nail going straight to the bone). They also said no metal detecting until it heals :(.

Sounds bad and most likely will require surgery! I know because I was chopping some dead Poke Stalks with a machete and slammed my' right middle finger into a broken sharp stalk. It penetrated all the way to the bone and got really bad infected. When I went to see my Doctor about it, he sent me straight to the Hospital and said that if I didn't get surgery quick, I could lose part of my' finger. They admitted me to the Hospital and pumped me full of antibiotics awaiting surgery but I got sick as a dog that night and ran a fever of 105 degrees. Felt better at about 5 AM the next morning and they rushed me into surgery to cut out the infection. Well, it worked because I still have my' big bird finger, LOL!!

It is my hope that they can stop the infection without surgery and everything will be fine!


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I hope your foot is doing better today.

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