Knights of the Golden Circle "RISING SUN" symbol

"TJ" invented his own cipher to "communicate" with L & C; too many Frenchmen "passing through"... "google" TJ's SECRET CIPHER with Lewis & Clark.

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NO proof that Thomas Jefferson was EVER a Freemason; HOWEVER! He WAS greatly "influenced' by the FRENCH ROSICRUCIANS, when he served in France. It is seen in his designs of buildings, his desire for the ACADEMICAL VILLAGE
(aka UVA)... AND! His POPLAR FOREST Retreat (@ 5-6 miles WEST from me in Lynchburg, Va.). ENLIGHTENMENT "movement" then was NOT Illuminati "takeover", tho. Will do R & I on Lewis & Clark as "Freemasons"...

There is no public proof that J.S. Morton was a Freemason. We had to dig it up and decipher the proof. Morton was a big fan of T.J. and quoted him often. 'Birds of a feather".......

History of the United States Democratic Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The democratic convention was held at Nebraska City, April 19th. T. W. Bedford was its presiding officer, and J. Sterling Morton was nominated for governor; Charles W. Sturges of Sarpy county, for secretary of state; Guy C. Barnum of Platte county, for auditor; St. John Goodrich of Douglas county, for treasurer; William A. Little of Douglas county, for chief justice; Edward W. Thomas of Nemaha county and Benjamin E. B. Kennedy of Douglas county, for associate justices of the supreme court; and Dr. John R. Brooke of Richardson county, for representative in Congress.
The convention adopted the following platform:

Whereas, We regard the support of the state governments in all their rights as the most competent administration of our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-democratical tendencies; the preservation of the general government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad. Therefore,
Resolved, That a jealous care of the right of election by the people; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority; economy in the public expense that labor may be lightly burdened; the honest payment of our just debts; the sacred preservation of the public faith; freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of the person under protection of the habeas corpus; and trials by juries impartially selected are the fundamental doctrines and tenets of the democracy.
Resolved, That the official action of Andrew Johnson, president of the United States, in his legitimate endeavors to restore, under the Constitution, the several states to their legal status in the American union, elicits and receives the full, free and honest commendation of the democracy of Nebraska, and that we promise him our faithful and active support in all his efforts to sustain the constitution and laws.
Resolved, That we regard the platform adopted by the radical official convention held at Plattsmouth on the 12th inst., as a direct and explicit condemnation of the wise and just policies of President Johnson; a clear declaration in favor of the destructive policies of the Stevens, Sumner and Fred Douglas directory; and that we hereby do invite the people of Nebraska to unite with the democracy and aid in verifying the historic saying of Andrew Johnson that "This is and shall be a government of white men and for white men."
Morton was credited, or charged, with the construction of the platform; and after the republican press had heaped the matter-of-course partisan strictures and ridicule upon it, he took malicious pleasure in retorting that the preamble and first resolution were copied verbatim from the immortal Jefferson's first inaugural address.
L.C. Baker

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There is no public proof that J.S. Morton was a Freemason. We had to dig it up and decipher the proof. Morton was a big fan of T.J. and quoted him often. 'Birds of a feather".......

History of the United States Democratic Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HE democratic convention was held at Nebraska City, April 19th. T. W. Bedford was its presiding officer, and J. Sterling Morton was nominated for governor; Charles W. Sturges of Sarpy county, for secretary of state; Guy C. Barnum of Platte county, for auditor; St. John Goodrich of Douglas county, for treasurer; William A. Little of Douglas county, for chief justice; Edward W. Thomas of Nemaha county and Benjamin E. B. Kennedy of Douglas county, for associate justices of the supreme court; and Dr. John R. Brooke of Richardson county, for representative in Congress.
The convention adopted the following platform:

Whereas, We regard the support of the state governments in all their rights as the most competent administration of our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-democratical tendencies; the preservation of the general government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad. Therefore,
Resolved, That a jealous care of the right of election by the people; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority; economy in the public expense that labor may be lightly burdened; the honest payment of our just debts; the sacred preservation of the public faith; freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of the person under protection of the habeas corpus; and trials by juries impartially selected are the fundamental doctrines and tenets of the democracy.
Resolved, That the official action of Andrew Johnson, president of the United States, in his legitimate endeavors to restore, under the Constitution, the several states to their legal status in the American union, elicits and receives the full, free and honest commendation of the democracy of Nebraska, and that we promise him our faithful and active support in all his efforts to sustain the constitution and laws.
Resolved, That we regard the platform adopted by the radical official convention held at Plattsmouth on the 12th inst., as a direct and explicit condemnation of the wise and just policies of President Johnson; a clear declaration in favor of the destructive policies of the Stevens, Sumner and Fred Douglas directory; and that we hereby do invite the people of Nebraska to unite with the democracy and aid in verifying the historic saying of Andrew Johnson that "This is and shall be a government of white men and for white men."
Morton was credited, or charged, with the construction of the platform; and after the republican press had heaped the matter-of-course partisan strictures and ridicule upon it, he took malicious pleasure in retorting that the preamble and first resolution were copied verbatim from the immortal Jefferson's first inaugural address.
L.C. Baker

TJ said THAT...? I AM SHOCKED! Hmmm...

Benjamin Franklin Ficklin, a suspected high ranking Knight of the Golden Circle and rebel blockade runner with direct links to Judah Benjamin and Jefferson Davis..the /transcontinental telegraph and railroad/U.S. mail and freight contracts, and John B. Floyd in 1860....Ficklin bought Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's plantation home from the C.S.A. for 85,000 dollars he still kept the bust of Thomas Jefferson on the Fourier area of the main entrance. The plantation was confiscated from the rebel spy after the war, but he still managed to get government mail contracts until his very suspicious "choked on a fish bone and a Yankee surgeon accidentally cut his throat getting it out" death. Ben Ficklin Texas is named after him, but he was from Charlottesville, Virginia where he is buried.


He was the first man arrested and he was held in custody by the War department for complicity in the Lincoln assassination for nearly three months without pressing charges or setting bail on him, they knew he was guilty, but they couldn't get any of the others to say his name right up until they faced the hangman's noose. K.G.C. brothers of lasting faith until the end.:thumbsup:

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TJ said THAT...? I AM SHOCKED! Hmmm...

He was J.S. Morton's idle. Julius and eventually his son Joy Morton tried to copy Monticello.

first_floor montecello.jpg arbor lodge.jpg

P.S. That is an "observatory" on top of Arbor Lodge where he and his sons spent time observing the stars together.

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In a company, the position typically reports directly to the CEO, and its duties involve overseeing and identifying the legal issues in all departments and their interrelation, including engineering, design, marketing, sales, distribution, credit, finance, human resources, production, as well as corporate governance and business policy. In other terms, he is the man that decides who ever gets their palms greased or is awarded city contracts like municipal water and public transportation repairs bridges walkways etc etc.etc.. The Irish had more than one group of money hungry sects out to rule the roost, maybe some of them were in the same crews but split up when they got cheated by their supposed brothers. Mad enough to kill them.....but unable to give the true reason why without exposing the "Brotherhood". ???

there was some drama even between the elite members when it came down to who was going to be the boss. Bickering between young brothers :laughing7:

Scroll and Key - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Chicago... "The Brotherhood" with MOB(s) "ties"...?

Depends on the 'MOB" you are talking about. O.A.K. were all distinguished gentlemen (puppet masters) The organized crime syndicate would have been cutting into their business. As far as I can see, the USA/CSA established the F.B.I. in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. If anyone was going to be making money on Whyskey it was going to be the USA/CSA. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF, BATF, and BATFE) is a federal law enforcement organization within the United States Department of Justice. Its responsibilities include the investigation and prevention of federal offenses involving the unlawful use, manufacture and possession of firearms and explosives; acts of arson and bombings; and illegal trafficking of alcohol and tobacco products. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a lifelong abstainer who had contributed $350,000 to the Anti-Saloon League, announced his support for repeal because of the widespread problems caused by prohibition.

I think it is safe to say that the USA/CSA wanted to stamp out the competition just like they had been doing sense May of 1865.
corn hint at government money.jpg

Just my 2 cents, L.C.

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Depends on the 'MOB" you are talking about. O.A.K. were all distinguished gentlemen (puppet masters) The organized crime syndicate would have been cutting into their business. As far as I can see, the USA/CSA established the F.B.I. in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. If anyone was going to be making money on Whyskey it was going to be the USA/CSA. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF, BATF, and BATFE) is a federal law enforcement organization within the United States Department of Justice. Its responsibilities include the investigation and prevention of federal offenses involving the unlawful use, manufacture and possession of firearms and explosives; acts of arson and bombings; and illegal trafficking of alcohol and tobacco products. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a lifelong abstainer who had contributed $350,000 to the Anti-Saloon League, announced his support for repeal because of the widespread problems caused by prohibition.

I think it is safe to say that the USA/CSA wanted to stamp out the competition just like they had been doing sense May of 1865.
View attachment 1025644

Just my 2 cents, L.C.

Chicago... after NYC; MOB "underground" descended from CONFEDERATE UNDERGROUND...?

Chicago... after NYC; MOB "underground" descended from CONFEDERATE UNDERGROUND...?

I don't think that the O.A.K. had anything underground after 1896 except for the gold their Daddy's had buried. They were all big time business executives from that point on. there were Sentinels put into place to guard what their forefathers had hidden, but the secrets died out with the men. As B.Brewer says in his book....he thought his uncle would teach him all of the secrets some day, but he died without telling him anything more. The K.G.C./ O.A.K. were Freemasons, men of honor, I just can't believe that they would have a crime syndicate. Now insider trading and dirty politics...that would be more like the O.A.K.. They may have been buying Southern The Mob might have been buying white lightning from ex Rebels, but that would just be a business deal for cash right??:laughing7:

Just my two cents. L.C.

But, Rebel, they are branches of the same tree. It is the root structure that predates, supports, and gives life to those branches that interests me ...

Sun symbolism is old stuff. And very pervasive amongst the oligarchs of the world. The Royal Dutch Shell corporate logo is a perfect example of this:

View attachment 1030255

In 1907, the Dutch Royal Family got involved with he company to use its shipping lines for their oil. Prior to that, it was a trading company, trading things like sea shells. Note the logo change after the oligarchs got involved. Nuttin' but sun symbolism. Point being, sun symbolism is everywhere. I advise scrutiny before tying it all to KGC (not necessarily you, L.C., but more for the casual fancier and reader of your threads).

I am a multi-concussed ex-skibum living in the High Country afterall, so perhaps it is that, or perhaps I just haven't had enough coffee this morning to remember what I want to. The hour glass symbol is one to look into. Can't remember exactly what right now, but something is nagging at me to study that symbol a bit as it pertains to the activities that surround this site ...

LOL! THAT is a SEA-SHELL! HENCE... the name, SHELL! :icon_thumleft:

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This is tangential to the thread, but is important, overall, to be able to recognize things like this, Rebel. Ya know, things that are hidden in plain sight, right in front of you. I am blown away that someone with your level of training in Secret Societies doesn't instantly recognize the very, very obvious sun symbolism in the shell corporate logo. I mean, isn't that one of the core elements of your training? To be able to read more than one message from symbolism? Both in cases like this and in allegorical form?

I'm a land locked knucklehead, but I bet you don't come across too many bright yellow and red shells on the beach. Any beach. Again, everything sea shell related to Shell went away in the early 1900's when the Dutch oligarchs acquired the company to use their shipping lines to move oil. I'm not sure why you seem to like to jump into threads and deny the completely obvious, but if that's yo' thang, well, that's yo' thang. LOL!, as you like to say ...

Sorry for the tangent, L.C. I like to study symbolism, in many arenas, not just KGC. I jumped in this thread just to comment on the prevalence of sun symbolism and because that hourglass symbol was nagging at me. I'll not clutter it up further, explaining the completely obvious to Rebel.

People that communicate through symbolism tend to be pretty sharp in doing so, much of it is hidden in plain sight, and no small amount of it has more than one meaning or layers of symbols buried within other symbols. That's about all I have to add. I'm being genuine, not a smartarse, when I say I look forward to when your book will be ready, L.C. You cast a wide net, it seems, when tracing KGC activities. I think that both rare and critically important in any attempt to muddle through some of this. This is an area where the skills of a generalist are needed and become critical when sifting through what that net has caught. Stuff in the net that will confuse, confound, and mislead the specialist.

"Core Elements of... Training"...? LOL!

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