Let's see your MD'ing business cards!

Mr. Digger

Hero Member
Nov 25, 2014
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Minelab Equinox 800, SE pro
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Have seen others do it-fleeting thought that I might a longtime ago.
Usually it's a 95% chance of getting the green light to detect the property the first meet up.
Never had a problem securing the permissions.
Yet giving them a card might be a good way of them having my number instead of rambling it off.

I know many folks have cards printed that they hand out or leave behind when looking to secure a permission. Would love to see some examples if people are comfortable sharing as I am considering having some made up. Maybe black out your contact info. Thanks all!
Hold that thought! I made some nice ones. I will return to AZ next week and post a pick of one of mine. They may have already been posted here a few years ago.... I'll try to find the post. ╦╦ç

Found it! Posted 3 years ago. ╦╦ç


  • card.jpg
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This one has worked good for me over the years.
Jon from s/e Michigan 8-) :cat: :occasion14: :headbang:


  • bizcard.jpg
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you may or may not want the world to have this info you've posted?
I appreciate your concern but today's digital world already has that info on the web for all to see. My name, address, and phone are all over the internet for those that know how to find it. ╦╦ç

SNORT. I was just thinking about this the other day. Just getting back into this world after being away for about fifty-five years. Figured giving people my contact info would improve chances of getting permission to check out property.

I MIGHT make up two different ones. One for the car and one for the truck and that even have plate numbers on them.

Anyway, I use WordPerfect [WP] and it has files you can call up to make business cards. In addition to photos, you can add watermarks that can be typed over, or near. With its reveal feature, which shows the codes for the spot your cursor is on, it trumps Microsoft [MS] products (I've used WP to repair many a MS document someone brought me (their codes can be buried several lines back, but can throw every thing a ways down off.

Anyway, with your word processor, some card stock from the office product store and some flittering, you can pump out all sorts of cards. I've even made identification cards using the tables features. Once a card is done, it's easy to edit it for improvements or other changes.

SNORT. I was just thinking about this the other day. Just getting back into this world after being away for about fifty-five years. Figured giving people my contact info would improve chances of getting permission to check out property.

I MIGHT make up two different ones. One for the car and one for the truck and that even have plate numbers on them.

Anyway, I use WordPerfect [WP] and it has files you can call up to make business cards. In addition to photos, you can add watermarks that can be typed over, or near. With its reveal feature, which shows the codes for the spot your cursor is on, it trumps Microsoft [MS] products (I've used WP to repair many a MS document someone brought me (their codes can be buried several lines back, but can throw every thing a ways down off.

Anyway, with your word processor, some card stock from the office product store and some flittering, you can pump out all sorts of cards. I've even made identification cards using the tables features. Once a card is done, it's easy to edit it for improvements or other changes.
I had mine done at a pro print shop, using their suggestions to make the card a little more SNAPPY. ╦╦ç

Just so you know, anyone well versed in word processing can copy, in minute detail, any business card.
Just to say, I am not trying to make FAKE-PROOFE cards, just good looking ones beyond my ability to produce. I have no card-making apps. ╦╦ç

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