Little tidbits


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Nov 12, 2012
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13 moons by Robert Johnson Not really a gold prospecting book but it has ties to the American River.. I wonder how many people know it but on the Euchre Bar bridge
Cutthroat Rattlesnake Johnson is the author of 13moons.. I am told he has quite the sense of humor.. Anyway not a bad book to read if you are partial to gold country.
Another book that I think is often overlooked is Nature Noir by Jordan Fisher Smith.. Again not really a prospecting book but a good book neverless..
Now another one is Iowa Hill the town that refused to die by Mary Parker.. Another good book that I enjoyed and had some good tidbits of info in regards to Iowa Hill.
Also the Dutch Flat Chronicles by Russel Towle .. Russel Towle in my opinion has the most complete works for the NFA that I have ever come across.. his Blog is updated with more entiries from his journal from time to time.. By no means is all his works yet posted. So its worth checking back from time to time..
Anyway for me history and prospecting go hand in hand and I admit sometimes that I enjoy the history and the exploring more then the gold a lot of the time.. But anyway lots and lots of known books and obscure books. Anyway figured with the wet weather some of you may be looking for something to read.

I figure most of you already know of the miners ten commandments.. I found them in Mary Parkers book.. But since found it in a few others..

A man spake these words, and said: I am a miner, who wandered "from a way downeast," and came to sojourn in a strange land, and "see the elephant." And behold I saw him, and bear witness, that from the key of his trunk to the end of his tail, his whole body has passed before me; and I followed him until his huge feet stood still before a clapboard shanty; then with his trunk extended, he pointed to a candle card tacked upon a shingle, as though he would say Read, and I read the


I. Thou shalt have no other claim than one.

II. Thou shalt not make unto thyself any false claim, nor any likeness to a mean man, by jumping one; whatever thou findest on the top above or on the rock beneath, or in a crevice underneath the rock; or I will visit the miners around to invite them on my side; and when they decide against thee, thou shalt take thy pick and thy pan, thy shovel and thy blankets, with all that thou hast, and "go prospecting" to seek good diggings; but thou shalt find none. Then, when thou hast returned, in sorrow shalt thou find that thine old claim is worked out, and yet no pile made thee to hide in the ground, or in an old boot beneath thy bunk, or in buckskin or bottle underneath thy cabin; but hast paid all that was in thy purse away, worn out thy boots and thy garments, so that there is nothing good about them but the pockets, and thy patience is likened unto thy garments; and at last thou shalt hire thy body out to make thy board and save thy bacon.

III. Thou shalt not go prospecting before thy claim gives out. Neither shalt thou take thy money, nor thy gold dust, nor thy good name, to the gaming table in vain; for monte, twenty-one, roulette, faro, lansquenet and poker, will prove to thee that the more thou putest down the less thou shalt take up; and when thou thinkest of thy wife and children, thou shalt not hold thyself guiltless, but insane.

IV. Thou shalt not remember what thy friends do at home on the Sabbath day, lest the remembrance may not compare favorably with what thou doest here. Six days thou mayest dig or pick all that thy body can stand under; but the other day is Sunday; yet thou washest all thy dirty shirts, darnest all thy stockings, tap thy boots, mend thy clothing, chop thy whole week's firewood, make up and bake thy bread, and boil thy pork and beans, that thou wait not when thou returnest from thy long tom weary. For in six days' labor only thou canst not work enough to wear out thy body in two years; but if thou workest hard on Sunday also, thou canst do it in six months; and thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy male friend and thy female friend, thy morals and thy conscience, be none the better for it; but reproach thee, shouldst thou ever return with thy worn out body to thy mother's fireside; and thou shalt not strive to justify thyself, because the trader and the blacksmith, the carpenter and the merchant, the tailors, . . . and buccaneers, defy God and civilization, by keeping not the Sabbath day, nor wish for a day of rest, such as memory, youth and home, made hallowed.

V. Thou shalt not think more of all thy gold, and how thou canst make it fastest, than how thou wilt enjoy it, after thou hast ridden rough-shod over thy good old parents' precepts and examples, that thou mayest have nothing to reproach and sting thee, when thou art left ALONE in the land where thy father's blessing and thy mother's love hath sent thee.

VI. Thou shalt not kill thy body by working in the rain, even though thou shalt make enough to buy physic and attendance with. Neither shalt thou kill thy neighbor's body in a duel; for by "keeping cool," thou canst save his life and thy conscience. Neither shalt thou destroy thyself by getting "tight," nor "stewed," nor "high," nor "corned," nor "half-seas over," nor "three sheets in the wind," by drinking smoothly down "brandy slings," "gin cocktails," "whisky punches," "rum-toddies," nor "egg nogs." Neither shalt thou suck "mint-juleps," nor "sherry-cobblers," through a straw, nor gurgle from a bottle the "raw material," nor "take it neat" from a decanter; for, while thou art swallowing down thy purse, and thy coat from off thy back, thou art burning the coat from off thy stomach; and, if thou couldst see the houses and lands, and gold dust, and home comforts already lying there, "a huge pile," thou shouldst feel a choking in thy throat; and when to that thou addest thy crooked walkings and hiccuping talkings, of lodgings in the gutter, of broilings in the sun, or prospect-holes half full of water, and of shafts and ditches, from which thou hast emerged like a drowning rat, thou wilt feel disgusted with thyself, and inquire, "Is thy servant a dog that he doeth these things?" Verily I will say, "Farewell, old bottle, I will kiss thy gurgling lips no more. And thou, slings, cocktails, punches, smashes, cobblers, nogs, toddies, sangarees, and juleps, forever farewell." Thy remembrance shames me; henceforth, "I cut thy acquaintance," and headaches, tremblings, heart burnings, blue devils, and all the unholy catalogue of evils that follow in thy train. My wife's smiles and my children's merry-hearted laugh, shall charm and reward me for having the manly firmness and courage to say no. I wish thee an eternal farewell.

VII. Thou shalt not grow discouraged, nor think of going home before thou hast made thy "pile," because thou hast not "struck a lead," nor found a "rich crevice," nor sunk a hole upon a "pocket," lest in going home thou shalt leave four dollars a day, and go to work, ashamed, at fifty cents, and serve thee right; for thou knowest by staying here, thou mightest strike a lead and fifty dollars a day, and keep thy manly self-respect and then go home with enough to make thyself and others happy.

VIII. Thou shalt not steal a pick, or a shovel, or a pan from thy fellow miner; nor take away his tools without his leave; nor borrow those he cannot spare; nor return them broken, nor trouble him to fetch them back again, nor talk with him while his water rent is running on, nor remove his stake to enlarge thy claim, nor undermine his bank in following a lead, nor pan out gold from his "riffle box," nor wash the "tailings" from his sluice's mouth. Neither shalt thou pick out specimens from the company's pan to put them in thy mouth, or in thy purse; nor cheat thy partner of his share; nor steal from thy cabin-mate his gold dust, to add to thine, for he will be sure to discover what thou hast done, and will straightway call his fellow miners together, and if the law hinder them not, they will hang thee, or give thee fifty lashes, or shave thy head and brand thee, like a horse thief, with "R" upon thy cheek, to be known and read of all men, Californians in particular.

IX. Thou shalt not tell any false tales about "good diggings in the mountains," to thy neighbor, that thou mayest benefit a friend who has mules, and provisions, and tools and blankets, he cannot sell, lest in deceiving thy neighbor, when he returneth through the snow, with naught save his rifle, he present thee with the contents thereof, and like a dog, thou shalt fall down and die.

X. Thou shalt not commit unsuitable matrimony, nor covet "single blessedness," nor forget absent maidens; nor neglect thy "first love," but thou shalt consider how faithfully and patiently she awaiteth thy return; yes, and covereth each epistle that thou sendest with kisses of kindly welcome--until she hath thyself. Neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor's wife, nor trifle with the affections of his daughter; yet, if thy heart be free, and thou dost love and covet each other, thou shalt "pop the question" like a man, lest another, more manly than thou art, should step in before thee, and thou love her in vain, and in the anguish of thy heart's disappointment, thou shalt quote the language of the great, and say, "such is life;" and thy future lot be that of a poor, lonely, despised and comfortless bachelor.

A new Commandment give I unto thee--if thou hast a wife and little ones, that thou lovest dearer than thy life, that thou keep them continually before thee, to cheer and urge thee onward until thou canst say, "I have enough--God bless them--I will return." Then as thou journiest towards thy much loved home, with open arms shall they come forth to welcome thee, and falling upon thy neck weep tears of unutterable joy that thou art come; then in the fullness of thy heart's gratitude, thou shalt kneel together before thy Heavenly Father, to thank Him for thy safe return. AMEN

--So mote it be.


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Thanks for sharing. The north fork is the most beautiful place that I have been to and I plan to explore it as much as possible. I know I have only seen the edges of this magical place and will likely be amazed by what I have yet to see. I looked up Russel Towle's blog and just spent the last hour reading it..great stuff.

Russell Trowel is hiking trails much further north these days.
He was taken from this world tragically in a car accident on August 7, 2008.
Some would argue that he's in a better place, but after reading his blog, I'm inclined to disagree with that sentiment.
Read his blog, you will see that he loved the North Fork of the American River with all of his heart and soul, and for him it was truly heaven on earth.

North Fork of the American River


Let those who say death is a better place make haste towards that better place.
I do not think Russel was taken from this world.. He is still very much apart of it. One can still find him on the NFA. the only thing that has changed is his role in the world.

My favorite book of all time on Ca which is in my opinion way more accurate than history taught in textbooks here (despite it being considered a biographical fiction novel by a French poet) is "Being the Marvellous* History of General John Augustus Sutter"

This book is available for around $7 at a few vendors

The book without revealing too much of the plot reveals a lot about how the army General (which is now often forgotten) had prior agreements with the Mexican government then with the US govt to homestead/claim the land, but later as we know he was overrun by prospectors.

But.. he had an arrangement with the US govt to protect him and his land on the SF peninsula now SF.

He won a law suit against the US government where they essentially admitted they took Yerba Buena (San Francisco) and by lack of protection his land in the Sierra's and the courts ruled in his favor for a large sum.

I'll let people read to see if he got to collect that large settlement from the govt but I will say the story was essentially changed dramatically in modern textbooks and all the public is taught is that gold was discovered at Sutter's Creek.

Correct me if I misunderstood anything in the novel if anyone reads it or has read it. I did research the court case and it happened as the author states maybe I can maybe find the link and post it I might have the court case link. Edit found a link about the case, the courts uphold the Mexican governors land grant to Sutter because they did not want to disturb and wanted to respect previous settlements in a nutshell

Edit: Supreme Court case: United States Vs John A Sutter;view=1up;seq=3

It's not a local history book obviously like the ones you posted MM but I always want to bring this book up and it seemed a good thread to do so.

*spelled wrong or different than usual:)

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Since everyone is recommending books...Age of Gold, by H.W. Brand is definitely worth reading if you have any interest in California history: It is highly informative but not so dry that you’ll lose interest. Also, Irving Stone’s, “Men to match my mountains.”

Russel Towle's writing is definitely incredible - his use of imagery, knowledge and love for the NF definitely shine through. I would have loved to have met the guy before his passing.

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Thanx for posting MM the miners commandments. I was starting to type them up, the exact real one, but not now , factoid is- "The miners 10 commandments was entered according to a act of congress in 1853 by J.H. Hutchins in the clerks office in the US District Court for the Northern District of the State of California. Your copy is one of the fanciful renditions , close but not correct on many items. Close enough as morality dictated by government has always been a joke-John PS-Fantastic reading all over on mining-GOLD GOLD 1959 by Lowell Klappholtz-complete overview of the 49r gold rush. Handbook for Prospectors and Operators of Small Mines-1943- M.W.von Bernewitz and revised by Harry Chellson , original printing 1926. Fantastic account on the needs,wants and desires of miners of old. Amazing lists of equipment/tools utilized and costs in 1926 of a miners year. BOTH worth their weight in gold.

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I'll throw my 2 cents in " Bacon and Beans from a Gold Pan" George Hoeper.

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