πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Lost and found urn bracelet charm! Made the papers!


Full Member
Nov 25, 2012
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
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All Treasure Hunting
This charm is an urn and was found in a field. Posted the pic on FB in city page where it was found. The girl who lost it 8 years prior was so happy I found it. The ashes of he grandfather are in it and her friends on FB tell me I have no idea how upset she was when she lost it and how close she was to her grandfather! I am meeting her tonight to return it and have brought it to jewelers to have cleaned. When the jeweler heard the story he dropped the price by 75%, stopped working on other pieces and did this in 2 hours so I would have it to give to her! The cities newspaper is meeting us tonight to do a story on it! My best find!! Better then the coins and gold!! ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1476903703.485913.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1476903719.552540.jpg

Honorable Mention if there ever was one! Thank you for going the extra mile to see that it will be returned, and paying to have it cleaned was above and beyond.

You are wonderful. -Lisa & John

That's got to be a good feeling to get that back to her and the fact that you had it cleaned! Your a good person and deserve an honorable mention here on TreasureNet. Keep up the good work! :icon_thumright::icon_thumright::icon_thumright:

Good job and great story!

This is the coolest story I've heard in a while! Thanks for going out of your way to get it back to her this is what this Hobby is all about!:occasion14::hello2::headbang:

Made the papers!


Nice job finding the owner of that locket. What a great feeling!

That's awesome! Now you're famous, people will ask you to find lost things for them all the time. I'm sure this would lead to some more permissions for you.

I'm also intrigued by the "buy one/get one free" turkey burgers. Yum!

Ye ole Fudruckers turkey burger! Lol! I'll stick to a hamburger

So sweet of you to have it cleaned before return - Sending a big hug your way!

Now that's cool, good job!!

The fact that her grandfather's ashes are contained in that piece of jewelry elevates it to the height of priceless!:thumbsup:Have you ever wondered why time and circumstances aligned to make this all possible?

The fact that her grandfather's ashes are contained in that piece of jewelry elevates it to the height of priceless!:thumbsup:Have you ever wondered why time and circumstances aligned to make this all possible?

Other people have been saying things like it's not coincidence that the guys who's ashes they were was name Kenny and my name is Kenny amongst other things. The only thing that I thought was weird is that it's the 1st time in 8 1/2 years that she moved into an apt. And was away from the ashes,so kind of like he wanted to still be near her. Just coincidence? Who knows. Honestly just think I was metal detecting, found a lost item and she happened to still be around to see the post! Oh ya and that of all of her family that could have seen the post it was actually the grandmother (the wife of the ashes) that saw my post and then called her! Never know!

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