

Sr. Member
Feb 17, 2016
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro/ Garrett Pro Pointer AT
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Am I lucky? I may have found an amazing dump spot!
I was at a customer's house and their house is near a historic property. I was talking to the customer how I love history and bottle digging/metal detecting.
The customer brought me this bottle and said that her son found it back in the woods near the creek. She was using this bottle to water her plants!
Because of me showing interest, she gave me the bottle and also gave me permission to come back and do some bottle digging!
Is this as old as I think it is? 1870s-80s?
Is it worth going back?


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Great looking 3 piece mold whiskey bottle.
For dating it, your probably right.
Heck ya, it's a great invite.

I would say if you are into history and old bottles I would have already ask the customer if they could give you an exact location as to where the old bottle dump is at And I would be digging there ASAP Or even sooner than that Be sure and post you finds if you go back

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I would say f you are into history and o0ld bottles I would have already ask the customer if they could give you an exact location as to where the old bottle dump is at And I would be digging there ASAP Or even sooner than that Be sure and post you finds if you go back
I did ask, she’s 90+ years old and said she just knew it was “in that direction” and pointed to a section of wooded area. I’m pretty good at finding dumps, so a directional start definitely helps!
I have a very busy schedule so I don’t get out often. I have a bunch of permissions stacked on top of eachother just waiting for me to go! Haha

Hunter I see you are located in MD. i am just north of you in PA The MD/PA area of the early days of settlement of America is rich with history dating back to before the ar rival of the Pilgrams in 1620 IF the founder of the bottle you pictured pick it up as a surface fine there isa good chance there are some much older items under neath I have found some items that are more than 4 feet deep .And as old as 1850 to 1870 And one of the oldest bottles I found was 4 feet deep and has an open pontil which means t was hand blown . I can relate to having more to do than time to do AND I am not trying to be pushy But if that is a surface find than what is under groud could be some absolute gold mine of old old awesome items that olny very rarely come along And if you don't seek them out time has a habit of getting away My oldest bottle was on a farm that I pretty much had permission to do whatever I wanted to do I located the spot one weekend I was helping to do some farm planting He told me to go ahead and dig there anytime I wanted to dig .Ten years went by until I thought I was ready II earned that he sold the property ad moved out of state I contacted him and he told me he would talk to the current owner about dig ging The new owner gave his approval So I thought I was to have at it. However what had been cropped fields of corn and soybeans was now planted into 4 foot tall switchgrass And it had been strips of various crops was now one solid field of the tall grass So I knew about where to look it was not cut and dried I spent many days and hours until I was able to locate what I saw 10 years before And it was late OCT. OF 2018 found what I first learned of in about 2002 But a digging I went However it was hunting season and I had promised to young twin neighbor boys I would be taking them and their non hunting Dad hunting So yet that year to dig The place was the most awesome spot I ever ha to find old bottles and other relics that where pottery, .copper ,.iron brass etc .Winter arrived and for several months digging was not and easy chore Spring hit nd I was trying my best to play catch up for al the time between when I first learned of the place until I actually realized what an unbelievable gift I had found From when I first knew about this spot and when I began to dig I also found out I had some medical issues They are progressive in nature and they impact my ability to do much physical labor IE digging in broken glass, wire stones wet or soggy dirt etc The summer of 2019 arrived early in 2019 as far as the hot weather that comes with our summers in southern PA So I had to pace myself as far as how often and how long I would dig But the large number of great bottles I was finding on an almost every time out kept up my interest and desire to keep looking As the fall arrived along with the cold the digging stopped And as the illness continued to take' its toll it just was not in my best interest to keep doing it . I have been doing a little better lately and perhaps I can get out at times to find some more items from our past descendants life and lifestyle here in our local area .It is neat for me to find bottles with the names of the local towns in the area Do nOt do like me and think I ca do that later i Because later gets here aster than you think it will And it seldom shows up when you are feeling better than you generally feel Not trying to present you a sermon But time flys even if you are not having fun. And most times at least for me the things I was doing turned out not to be worth as much as I was sure they where when I was planning to do them later Maybe we don.t live to far apart ad I could be your helper, supervisor and you could be my watchdog physical advisor to good health and make a day trip to your new location And remember you mentioned the lady that gave you the OK to look is not young anymore If something happens to her there likely goes your access to what could be historical in numbers and finds I sort of missed out on my chance But am still LUCKY enough to come out on the winning side in my situation Best of luck on your new spots and keep digging and posting your adventures Even ifI don't dig anymore I enjoy learning of other peoples efforts r

Bottle has a European look and they made such bottles well into the 1930s-40s. It may not be nearly as old as you think.

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