Lyme Disease!


Bronze Member
Feb 18, 2013
Great Lakes
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi folks,
Just found out a life long buddy was bitten by a tick over a year and a half ago...and is now in stage three of the Lyme Disease....he has since become a "little reclusive"..(his own words!). Still getting treatment but cannot work with 'the boys' in his goldmine operation in the northern most part of British Columbia (just south of Yukon border).
Anyone know of any "New or successful treatments"??

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I dunno any treatments but whenever right go out in these tick filled woods of Arkansas i come home and take bath in diluted bleach

So sorry about your friend! I'll keep him in my prayers.

So sorry about your friend! I'll keep him in my prayers.
Thanks O.D.
Unreal, that these tiny little buggers can literally change a persons life!...not just the body..but the mind Too!!
Done abit more research....the Western and Eastern 'black legged tick' they believe is the carrier of the disease.

I have had it for over six least.Long story....not positive when exactly I contracted it,but had symptoms for the last six years and the doctors kept telling me I was fine...I knew damn well I was not.Have since found out "Yes",there are over 18 varities,little is known about most of them,they are not sure which one I have,its terrible,I have quit the antibiotics I was on for three years and not doing anything but killing my liver.Sad thing is,I have had two friends die from complications caused from it.As far as I know nothing "new",has come down the pipe.My cousin got it two years ago,and they caught it,and treated it quick.I wasnt so lucky.

Thanks O.D.
Unreal, that these tiny little buggers can literally change a persons life!...not just the body..but the mind Too!!
Done abit more research....the Western and Eastern 'black legged tick' they believe is the carrier of the disease.
I dont ever recall bein bit.They say its a tiny tick,very hard to see.

I've had Lymes twice. The first time I missed a whole week of work. Thought I had the flu and laid on the couch until Thursday when I finally went to the doctor. I had a bad headache all the while and felt like I was freezing but was sweating profusely. I mean I had sweat dripping off my nose. The sheets on the bed would be soaked with sweat each morning. The final straw was when I went to the bathroom before I went the doctor my urine was very dark and I suppose I was quite dehydrated by that time. I almost ended up in the hospital. They gave me an IV of antibiotics. I believe it was doxicyclene and I probably spelled it wrong. After about three days I was fine. I never did get the classic bullseye rash that time. The second time I started feeling ill in the same way only the next morning I had the bullseye rash on several places on my torso and neck. I got a prescription for doxicyclene pills and again was ok after several days. I didn't find a tick on me either time. I often wonder if that is the source of my aches and pains these days or if it's just me getting a little older (53). A coworker got it bad or at least didn't get it diagnosed for a period of time and he ended up off from work for several months. Lymes sucks!



I have had it for over six least.Long story....not positive when exactly I contracted it,but had symptoms for the last six years and the doctors kept telling me I was fine...I knew damn well I was not.Have since found out "Yes",there are over 18 varities,little is known about most of them,they are not sure which one I have,its terrible,I have quit the antibiotics I was on for three years and not doing anything but killing my liver.Sad thing is,I have had two friends die from complications caused from it.As far as I know nothing "new",has come down the pipe.My cousin got it two years ago,and they caught it,and treated it quick.I wasnt so lucky.
Yeah Kuger, don't think my buddy caught it early enough either, diagnose for it 1-1/2 yrs ago (already Stage 3)....don't know alot about the illness 'stages'...but read that there....Is only '3 stages'!!?
Hope all works out for ya!

..............The pain in my hips and knees is un describable....excruciating,and pretty much constant,that and the weight loss is what bothers me the most.I have noticed my eye sight isnt what it was either,but not sure that has anything to do with it.I was also never was allergic to bee's but went into anaphalactic(SP?)shock last time I was bit?

Yeah Kuger, don't think my buddy caught it early enough either, diagnose for it 1-1/2 yrs ago (already Stage 3)....don't know alot about the illness 'stages'...but read that there....Is only '3 stages'!!?
Hope all works out for ya!
Thanks amigo,I think I will be OK,life isnt what it once was,but I have learned to deal with it.They say the damage is done

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I've had Lymes twice. The first time I missed a whole week of work. Thought I had the flu and laid on the couch until Thursday when I finally went to the doctor. I had a bad headache all the while and felt like I was freezing but was sweating profusely. I mean I had sweat dripping off my nose. The sheets on the bed would be soaked with sweat each morning. The final straw was when I went to the bathroom before I went the doctor my urine was very dark and I suppose I was quite dehydrated by that time. I almost ended up in the hospital. They gave me an IV of antibiotics. I believe it was doxicyclene and I probably spelled it wrong. After about three days I was fine. I never did get the classic bullseye rash that time. The second time I started feeling ill in the same way only the next morning I had the bullseye rash on several places on my torso and neck. I got a prescription for doxicyclene pills and again was ok after several days. I didn't find a tick on me either time. I often wonder if that is the source of my aches and pains these days or if it's just me getting a little older (53). A coworker got it bad or at least didn't get it diagnosed for a period of time and he ended up off from work for several months. Lymes sucks!


Thanks for sharing SV45, thinking it may be more wide-spread nowadays...instead of 'a rare disease' which seems to be the 'consensus'!!

Sorry to hear of people's misery with Lymes. I have a buddy who has had problems with it before and my wife has had it as well. Fortunately her paranoia of tick bites paid dividends there. Soon as the red dot target showed up she was to the doctor and on the antibiotics. By comparison she has been extremely lucky, no more symptoms.

Ticks of every species are all very common here. I'm in the woods a LOT, hunting every season and fishing in between, now metal detecting when you can't do either of the others. I just can't recommend permethrin high enough. I buy it at Tractor Supply, sold as an ant and termite killer in the highest concentration available in any form. It is use a lot in for many different applications and buying it this way is the cheapest way to get it. Then you can mix it down with water to match the application. Ants and insects around the house or buildings, flea and tick applications on the dog, and I use it on what ever outter clothing, pants, shoes, shirts, hats, tents, truck seats that go in the woods or the yard or comes in contact immediately after return. If you happen to even see a tick using this, it is normally about dead and almost never attached to your skin.

Sorry to hear of people's misery with Lymes. I have a buddy who has had problems with it before and my wife has had it as well. Fortunately her paranoia of tick bites paid dividends there. Soon as the red dot target showed up she was to the doctor and on the antibiotics. By comparison she has been extremely lucky, no more symptoms.

Ticks of every species are all very common here. I'm in the woods a LOT, hunting every season and fishing in between, now metal detecting when you can't do either of the others. I just can't recommend permethrin high enough. I buy it at Tractor Supply, sold as an ant and termite killer in the highest concentration available in any form. It is use a lot in for many different applications and buying it this way is the cheapest way to get it. Then you can mix it down with water to match the application. Ants and insects around the house or buildings, flea and tick applications on the dog, and I use it on what ever outter clothing, pants, shoes, shirts, hats, tents, truck seats that go in the woods or the yard or comes in contact immediately after return. If you happen to even see a tick using this, it is normally about dead and almost never attached to your skin.
Great tip J.R., thanks.

Lymes disease has always frightened me. I go once a week to walking wooded park and try and make sure I check for ticks but my hair is very thick so its hard to.Im sorry about your friend,I know the disease is really rough.

Ticks freak me out. Once upon a time ago I got the Lymerix immunizations while they were available. They haven't been available for years. Since I don't have Lymes I supposed I'll never know if they shots worked or not.

Only thing I've heard is to use repellent with DEET liberally. Maybe tucking your pants in high boots like the really old days.

Its its lovely when ya think your dieing and the Doc's keep telling you your fine!!!Half Doctors dont even beleive in Lymes,thats real nice too!

Only thing I've heard is to use repellent with DEET liberally. Maybe tucking your pants in high boots like the really old days.

Deet is a repellant and not REAL good at that for ticks. Plus you have to spray it on your skin causing problems for many people. You never spray the permenthrin on you skin. Only on your clothing and let it dry. It will still be effective even after washing a time or two but I spray my pant legs, hat, and shoes about every time any way. It's cheap and doesn't stink like most repellants.

Lymes disease has always frightened me. I go once a week to walking wooded park and try and make sure I check for ticks but my hair is very thick so its hard to.Im sorry about your friend,I know the disease is really rough.
Thanks CG, yes he says he has bad and good days (physically & mentally) recently 'the latter'. I'm sure he's got some good medical specialists.
I believe ticks will usually stay at 'hairline and lower'...(never bitten but taken a few off me),and tucking your pant legs into your socks helps as well.
Take Care & Happy Hiking!! :)

A friend of mine has created a website where he has cured a disease called Morgellon's, but he says his "cure" for mogellons works on MRSA and Lymes. Morgellons is a horrific disease, where you feel like there is a colony of bugs inside your skin and they are biting you all the time. Mainstream medicine doesn't believe it exists and thus gives the patients anti-psychotic drugs. Check out his site: CAN MORGELLONS DISEASE BE CURED? - How I Cured Morgellons - he currently doesn't sell anything on the site and he has a protocol listed there and he says there are over 200 people who have been cured using his protocol. If you are a mogellon's sufferer, he will call you and coach you through your recover and he asks nothing in return. He has been helping people all over the world for over 3 years now. The problem is his time is being taken up by more and more people and in the near future, he has been threatening to start charging for his time. His web traffic is growing exponentially, as he is the only person in the world who has a cure for morgellons and MRSA. I'd give it a try, the protocol doesn't cost that much- maybe $100 a month, and for Morgellons, it usually takes 18 months to get rid of it. I'm not sure if Lymes is longer or shorter recovery. Someone may want to contact him to see what he says. He is a good guy, and he doesn't realize it, but he is changing the world- one person at a time. My hat is off to him.

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