M-3 GoldenIrishmans Monsoon Mining Thread

Well.... At least I was thinking of ya buddy! No chance of testing the repair today since the wind is blowing about 30 mph with even higher gusts. Tomorrow is SUPPOSED to be calm again with cooler temps so I'll give ya three guesses where I'll be.

Jan is still waiting for that link to the hutch too.

The last two days it has been 35 degrees @ sunup! Not funny! If you build one of them Lamella Separator boxes, let me know. Could be cheaper to build 2 or 3 at the same time.

I'll send the link to your e-mail. She will have to sign up to see it tho as it's FB. Someone wants to see it Sat. $250 reserve...let the bidding begin! :laughing7:

Yeah... Temps dropped here as well but at least the wind has cut back to a level that will allow us to work today. Everything is already loaded (us excluded) so it's test day at last!

Well the drywasher is working really well now. Weights stayed in place and no binding on the fan at all. We managed to get a few buckets run before the wind started up. Haven't panned the cons down yet but even though I'd like to see some gold in there, today was more about making sure that everything was working the way it should. Once I got the feed rate adjusted, the materials going across the riffle tray looked kind of like water going down a sluice box. I kept the angle shallow and the feed on the slow side. I'm going to have to do some experimenting to see what feed rate and angle works best but that's something I'd have to do with any new piece of gear. Got to learn how the toys play best after all!

You may have noticed that us drywashers are a unique sub-culture within the prospecting community and are often referred to as the "dirt eaters"
Welcome to the club Jeff

I'm thinking this will increase your annual gold take quite a bit...hope I'm right!!

You may have noticed that us drywashers are a unique sub-culture within the prospecting community and are often referred to as the "dirt eaters"
Welcome to the club Jeff

Well Rob, having been stationed at Ft. Hood with the 1st Cav I'm used to having to eat dirt and dust. Ever seen a column of APCs going down a tank trail? You PRAY you're in the lead or that there's a nice strong cross wind! If you're stuck in the "Tail Gunner Charlie" position the average buildup was about an inch of dust per mile..... :censored:

I'm thinking this will increase your annual gold take quite a bit...hope I'm right!!

I'm sure it will Kev. It's also going to make life as well as logistics in the field much easier since I won't have to be hauling all that water for the recirc system out with me. The lessened weight will allow me to get into new areas for prospecting as well and I won't have my back cursing me from moving those barrels around. Now if we hit a good area and the terrain allows for it, I'll still take the recirc system out since it's got a much better recovery rate on fines, but only after the area has proven itself to be worth the effort.

The wife and I will be coming out this summer for several days and she's cool with me hanging out with you some of that time and moving some dirt. That sucker should be well tuned by then and ready to eat!

Will be looking forward to it Rob! Between the three of us we should be able to really move some materials! I'll make sure that there's not a huge amount of windshield time required to get there so we can spend more time digging and processing materials. Maybe we can get together and hit Bubba Gumps as well.

What's wrong with this picture? We have the drywasher, areas that look very promising and need testing, all the tools ready to go and lot and lots of RAIN!!!!! So much for the "luck of the Irish". I'm chomping at the bit wanting to get out there and Mother Nature is doing her best to keep me cooped up at the house. I'm still happy that we don't have to put up with real winter weather but I'm going nuts here! I really wouldn't do well in a prolonged snow situation.

My last two drywashing trips out to Jo-burg were derailed by the rain. Too wet to drywash.....not wet enough to run a sluice. I felt like pulling my hair out (if I had any hair left)

Going to head out to Franconia Wash to check out a couple of the areas that just opened up. No rain for almost a week but lots of wind to help dry things out. Temps are heading up towards the low to mid 90s but will be cooling off again come this weekend. Don't like the weather in Arizona? Give it a minute and it will change!

Well I've found LOTS of .50 Cal and .30 Cal rounds and their disintegrating link belt pieces out there. Even though they came out of the sky I don't think they're going to count. Found out that area was an aerial gunnery range during WW-II. Needless to say this was well before Lake Havasu City was around. If they were to try using it for gunnery practice today I think the people on the other side of the mountains just MIGHT have a little problem with that.

EDIT: Btw Rob, there have been several meteorites found on the clubs Gold Basin claims.

I've heard of Franconia meteorites. I started out looking for a meteorite. I think I have 2 "maybes". I would imagine they would be caught because of their density.

Have you "introduced" the rebuilt drywasher to your favorite #2 shovel yet Jeff? They just might make beautiful music together.

Well... they've met Rob but just for coffee. You know how first dates are. They're going to be going out on a date real as soon as I can get the projects around the homestead caught back up. Lots of wind damage and cleanup to be taken care of. At least I got the garden in. I also need to hit the county recorders office for a due diligence check on some new areas I want to hit. Looks to be fairly easy access by following the pipeline road. We used part of the pipeline road further north near Griffith and compared to some of the other roads we've used, it's like driving down I-15 at 3 in the morning.

Give me a call when you're at a computer and I can give you the details on what I found out there thanks to Land Matters.

I'd say your well on your way to becoming an "old timer" pal

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