πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Made a new friend


Sr. Member
Sep 28, 2016
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 800 & Excal II, Tesoro SandShark, White's DFX
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Yesterday I was driving to work and saw a man swinging a MD in a recently disced farmer's field. Since I never see anyone MDing, I decided to stop and introduce myself. After the intros, the guy explained that he was looking for a lost Zippo lighter. It had belonged to his father and he dropped it while climbing out of the cab of his truck during harvest. He had a general idea where to look, but was running out of time to look for it. I got his phone number and went to work.

This morning, I texted him and asked if he had found his lighter. He didn't find it and did not know when he would be able to look again. I told him I had some time and would go look for it for him.....After 2 1/2 hours I was running low on my battery. I had been digging EVERY signal. Lots of nails, harness rings, aluminum can bits and shotgun shells. Finally, I figured I would turn around and head back down the row. I got about 7 feet when I got a loud signal that read about 4" deep. I started digging and Bingo! Umm, I mean Zippo! Took a picture and texted it to the guy. About 5 minutes later the guy pulled up. He dropped everything and drove to the field. He was pretty choked up when I handed him the lighter.

I have only found 2 things worth anything with my MD. This lighter and a silver ring lost by a 10yo girl at the beach. Neither worth a ton of money, but high in sentimental value for the owners.


Awesome post, hope you get a chance to detect with that fellow. I nominate for Honorable Mention. I love it when sentimental or valuable items are returned to their owner. Kudos to you. :notworthy:

Great job! Gotta love the feeling handing him something that meant so much to him.

Great job. Congratulations and thank you on behalf of all MDers. This sort of conduct helps the image of the hobby. I'm glad the two things "of value" you've found have been great ones!

Thank you to everyone that had kind words for me. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

A find that has heart value returned, is more precious than gold - good going!

What a great story and it brightened up my evening to read it! I'm sure it meant the world to him to have his father's lighter back. :icon_thumright:

Great story, way to go!

Cool Story, thanx for sharing it and making our hobby look good!

Man. what a great story!! Good for you!! I really want to do that for someone one day!

Good on you. You buy your way in with every good deed. (You know where)

Good job you are a good person.. That's a treasure you cant find with a metal detector

Glad you made a new friend, You made one of a lot of us just by posting this :) Thanks again

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