Maine will be losing some more streams to dredge with motors


Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2009
Detector(s) used
Deep Tech Vista RG 1000, Deep Tech Vista Gold, Deep Tech RELIC, Garrett prop pointer.....bazooka gold 36" gold trap, Angus MacKirk Grubstake sluice, my version of mikes trommel, echo crevice vac, Gold
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Well according to a local newspaper in my area on the front page of the advertiser democrat(a liberal print agency at that) on the front cover was telling about soon there will be more rivers and tributaries will soon be closing to motorized dredging but not saying which ones yet because the enviro's want to ensure the water quality for the atlantic samon and trout I urge everyone that pans and wants to future dredge in our state to join a club fight for our rights let our voices be heard because here were up against the fly fishermans accociation and trout unlimited to name a few and they have big money backers for the lobbyists not only that which I'm very upset with the darn president of the minerals club made comments and said also they should of stopped dredging 50 years ago.........unbelievable just when you thought this went hand in hand with the gem folks? I know there is a lot of you guys out there that just want to stay hidden out of the lime light a little but we need to join clubs and voice and fight for our rights and teach these people what truly its like dredging they make us out that were running excavators and full size rock crushers and screens the way they go about it............all I can say is...... we do not want to become Vermont hands and pans only my friends unless you want to pay $75.00 to sluice I believe the fee is for that that's where we'll be at............don't get me wrong I like to fish like anyone else but anyone that's ever dove while dredging there's a lot of times you will see the fish come to you to check you out to see what you can stir up for them so for those of you that come to maine to vacation gold sluice or family out just to pan if you can join a club that would be great I might have more info after the 21st of this month and this not about just getting membership its another way to show were united as hobby miners from dredgers to panning

You said you fish, well then you should know and understand that Trout Unlimited, and the Fly fishermans Associations want you regular fisherman off "their" pristine dry fly only streams and rivers as much or more then they want miners on them. They know they can't take the regular fisherpeople off until they remove the miners. You need the regular fisherman on your side and involved. They are not exempt, they are next, and try as they might their not gonna be able to save their own azz and cut a deal, it doesn't work like that. Regular fisherman out number the purists 10 -1, you have the numbers. They don't realize that mining and prospecting go hand in hand. We create habitat for the fish they seek and we remove the downside of their endeavors which is lead. WIN WIN. Learn from the other states mistakes and successes. Know that those opposing you only have one playbook and haven't bothered coming up with anything new because this one has been foolproof so far. A few of us were cussing and discussing on email today and one of the more astute gents pointed out that it is all about the science. The laws already protect mining, but they do not protect it from the bad science. You have to beat the bad science to be succesful. Then it's a matter of making them follow the laws as written, and on that front we are winning.

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Looks like the changes mentioned were updates to the LUPC closed areas based on the 2014 Legislative changes that went into effect last year. They are just updating the closure list to reflect these changes. Virtually all of the AA waters were already closed in 2001 by LUPC based on TU's lobbying so there aren't really any major changes here. We still have a major battle to address the legislature on environmental impacts of different equipment. Right now they close all forms of motorized prospecting in the listed areas regardless of type or size of equipment and are making decisions simply based on whether the river/stream is important fish habitat. Of course this is what the elite members of TU want like fowledup mentioned. This has turned into a "not in my river" issue as leading members of TU are using false information and scare tactics on their own membership and the legislature to gain broader support. I know if I took some fellow fly fisherman out with me to dredge for the day they would be baffled on why this activity would be prohibited. I think it's time to take some folks out to a river so they can see for themselves.

Timber, been done many times, taken the enviros and gov out to show them how the dredge operates, one test i read about i think was in Oregon big outing, all kinds of self proclaim nature people and the staff of the circus be it BLM, FS, BOS, passed a hotdog through the hose and jet flair and out the sluice box, all the eyes were wide open when observing the undamage critter

Here in the state of Misery I tried to take out and inform the Department of Natural Resources and the Misery Department of Conservation about all types of mining equipment. I would either bring my equipment to them for a static display question and answer OR take them out to a location they pick to give them a hands on ! Ive spent hours on the phone and emails to them to NO AVAIL! I tried for 3 years to get some sort of response out of them and didn't get sqwat!

The time for revolution is near. Government healthcare, gay marriage, BLM off limits, Isis, over regulation, President is a dictator, Boehner grants amnesty to illegals, Keystone pipeline vetoed, so no jobs there. IRS scandal, NSA scandal, Bengazi, and we are $18 trillion in debt.. You think joining a club will solve the dredging problem? I'm sure I missed a lot.

well armchair I hear you the real problem is uneducated or biased idiots in Washington and in each of our states that have money backed lobbyist that's bought and paid the government officials and us guys that try to have a good time of our choosen hobby and there's always some ass that comes along that thinks they know better than you or the mommy knows best S.O.B's that ruin it for others...........oh I would love to see a revolution I'd be in the front lines with a million others my friend!

In 1993 we took the CDFG dredge czar Bill Maxwell and Stephanie Tong-head lawyer-along with Terry Villanova head of Forest Service manager for the west out to dredge on the Trinity. We used a unpermitted 10" and had a great day. Scared them suckers to death though as that gravel suckn' monster was too much sensory overload. Have you ever seen a 6'+ diver with 100lbs a lead around his waist run on water hahahaha well we sure did as Terry(20+ years diving experience) freaked out with the current and awesome might of a 10" gravel suckn' monster. Soooo much fun,we got our book out of it and spread everywhere,even Douglas City Wyoming Rangers had it. John


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John I can't imagine moving that big ol'10" around LOL!

Timber, been done many times, taken the enviros and gov out to show them how the dredge operates, one test i read about i think was in Oregon big outing, all kinds of self proclaim nature people and the staff of the circus be it BLM, FS, BOS, passed a hotdog through the hose and jet flair and out the sluice box, all the eyes were wide open when observing the undamage critter

I can only hope that getting some of the committee members out along with state biologists may help. We supplied considerable scientific information last year and I was surprised how little impact this had. The committee clearly had no interest in researching or discussing environmental impact and looked for the easy answer. We need to make friends with a couple of members who will ask the hard questions we want asked because the proponents for closures have learned how to steer the committee by only asking specific questions which limited the responses of our state biologists and others who are not against us. One thing I learned is don't expect the committee's to do any work changing the language in a bill based on testimony, submit amendments to the bill and look to them to vote to adopt the amendments.

The 2013 & 2014 legislative bills are illegal and unconstitutional as they were both passed as "Emergency Bills".

Under the Maine Constitution, the ONLY way ANY bill can be submitted as "Emergency Legislation" is if it deals directly with the "health & safety of the Citizens of Maine".
That is a direct quote.

I WILL dredge and if I end up in court I will take it to the highest Maine Court and DEMAND Jury trial!

I was jus' a waitn' till ya chimed in MJ :headbang: give'm LL bud. By the by ,they are rerunning the complete Ice Cold Gold series and your owed $$$$$$$$$$$$$ for reruns.....stick it to'm MJ-respect-John

The 2013 & 2014 legislative bills are illegal and unconstitutional as they were both passed as "Emergency Bills".

Under the Maine Constitution, the ONLY way ANY bill can be submitted as "Emergency Legislation" is if it deals directly with the "health & safety of the Citizens of Maine".
That is a direct quote.

I WILL dredge and if I end up in court I will take it to the highest Maine Court and DEMAND Jury trial!

I think taking this to court is where it will end up in the long run and may be the best course to re-establish landowner rights. Jack, the first bill LD1135 was passed in the first regular session so it wasn't emergency legislation. When they came back with emergency legislation LD1671 from TU's list of closures that they wanted added to LD1135, I was shocked that they could do this and we had very little time to gather information and fight this bill. I do think it's time to get some legal council involved before they have us in front of them again in the second session (emergency again) starting in January 2016.

I have consulted with a Constitutional Law Professor, [NO NOT obama, A REAL ONE].
I'm all set for this year.
And since very few ever bother to get involved here in Maine I'm done babysitting.
Quebec is very open on Placer mining, Permit is just $50CAN, and I have access to claims there. Screw Maine! [Liberal, blue-sucking, motherf#ck@rs]

As soon as I get my back back I'm the f outta this place too. Will the last miner to leave please bring the real flag as the new one is fulla pansies and rainbows sic sic sic .............................emergency my dyn' arse..........John

I have consulted with a Constitutional Law Professor, [NO NOT obama, A REAL ONE].
I'm all set for this year.
And since very few ever bother to get involved here in Maine I'm done babysitting.
Quebec is very open on Placer mining, Permit is just $50CAN, and I have access to claims there. Screw Maine! [Liberal, blue-sucking, motherf#ck@rs]

Ha ha ha, I love it! Madjack did your sensitivity training certificate expire? Serious question- Can an American hold a claim in Canada or is it a lease deal? Any royalty, kings fifth, tax, BS asscociated with a foreigner mining in their country?

Quebec has never asked for any share of gold I recovered from their Provence.
Anyone can OWN claims in Quebec but I've heard BC and Yukon requires Canadian partner to own claims with foregners.

And John, we may never dredge together in this life but we'll surely enjoy sinking dredges with too much gold on the other side with the likes of Geno, Wally Koz, Goldak, Viking, and the rest of them sum-biches gone before us!

MJ: Nova Scotia is the same as BC and YK - you must have a CDN partner to own the claims here as well.


Never say never as doing all the insane procedures multiple docs tell me to go through. No giving up till them idjets kill me,then yes we'll be with GREAT company as I'll mine hell with Belzabob till we hit Antartica and hell freezes over,then I'm done hahahaha-Stay warm bud and give'm hell in Maine!!I wear my t with pride from Ice Cold Gold---new show sucks as them &^%$#@ indigenous(analrexic) folks close off their lands too. Amazing,let americans spend $$$$$$ work like dogs,find valuables then close the door with no explaination??? Wow is some american politician/tribes training them suckers??John

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