MANDATORY EVACUATION ORDER SC...Should we stay or should we go?

Thanks. Yeah, if this was still holding on a direct hit here, I wouldn't need to think about it. But hitting the edge of it, I think I'd rather stay to limit damage, if needed.

18 ft. elevation? Tons of rain and potential surge?

If you can ensure potable water ,food and shelter and sanitation and medical attention if needed by your own hands for a couple weeks you could gamble and stay.

With my lucks history ,I'd have already been in Kentucky yesterday! And be quite willing to take the risk of not having had to evacuate.
And I really dislike leaving home for long. I can hunker down for many things and have done so,but not a hurricane , and I'm not near any coast.

As a child I stood on a rebuilt pier destroyed by a hurricane. Even then questions of how a pier could be gripped ,and hydraulics effect on it were enough to convince me there was no place for me near a coast during such an events potential arrival ,surrounding weather events ,and aftermath....
Admire them (coasts) when no storms are present though!

I say ..... the weatherman/woman has been wrong 90 percent of the time here where I live in NJ and they will “cry wolf” just to keep you safe ! Although it will probably be a-dud , everyone does need to leave! Forget the Hurricane parties because they are deadly too! Not worth playing Russian roulette! Get out of Dodge!

Another concern I would have are looters. If you leave Tuesday morning, that gives someone WAY too much time to ransack your home. They could break in Tuesday night and take their time emptying it out. No hurry, since they know you won't be back until Friday, at the earliest. If you stay until Wednesday afternoon, that would reduce the chance of someone robbing you blind. It could still happen, but making yourself highly visible on Wednesday would encourage looters to check your house off the list. Why bother with your place, when all your neighbors have left their homes ripe for the picking?

"Mandatory evacuation"

If you have to ask - leave.

Would I? Probably not. But then I chose high ground and can go long-term without electricity or indoor plumbing.

Below is a link to Hurricanes that have affected the Gulf Coast of Alabama even though all but one did not make a direct hit but all did major damage and resulted in quite a few deaths.

One of those that made a somewhat direct hit along the Alabama/Mississippi border was Frederic and below is a report about Frederic by the National Weather Service, my former employer.

They are fearsome things for sure.

Are you gonna be stuck in traffic tomorrow at 11:00AM?

I think I'd rather be in my own living room doing nothing but worrying about the storm than be stuck in traffic and worrying about the storm. Kinda risky though, maybe. Make sure you got a full tank of gas in the car and some emergency what nots.

How exactly is evacuation mandatory?

Well, yeah. The mandatory thing kind of got me. The curfew is next. The guvmunt threw up a curfew last year during a storm. Everyone ignored it, police didn't try to enforce it.

Hit the road Jack and don't come back 'til it's over.:laughing7:

18 ft. elevation? Tons of rain and potential surge?

If you can ensure potable water ,food and shelter and sanitation and medical attention if needed by your own hands for a couple weeks you could gamble and stay.

With my lucks history ,I'd have already been in Kentucky yesterday! And be quite willing to take the risk of not having had to evacuate.
And I really dislike leaving home for long. I can hunker down for many things and have done so,but not a hurricane , and I'm not near any coast.

As a child I stood on a rebuilt pier destroyed by a hurricane. Even then questions of how a pier could be gripped ,and hydraulics effect on it were enough to convince me there was no place for me near a coast during such an events potential arrival ,surrounding weather events ,and aftermath....
Admire them (coasts) when no storms are present though!

No RC. 8 feet elevation. That's my conundrum.

Another concern I would have are looters. If you leave Tuesday morning, that gives someone WAY too much time to ransack your home. They could break in Tuesday night and take their time emptying it out. No hurry, since they know you won't be back until Friday, at the earliest. If you stay until Wednesday afternoon, that would reduce the chance of someone robbing you blind. It could still happen, but making yourself highly visible on Wednesday would encourage looters to check your house off the list. Why bother with your place, when all your neighbors have left their homes ripe for the picking?

Yep. Precisely.

Even if you are far enough inland to not be affected by storm surge, and even high winds, the torrential rainfall, flash flooding, and extended power outages all make it good enough reason to take a road trip.
We weathered Gustav here bout 10 years ago, and we are 100 miles inland. Looked like a war zone here, had no power for 2 weeks.
Safe your property, and get out. and for gods sake STAY OFF THE INTERSTATES at all costs..
Backroads are the way to go, trust me on that.
I rescued my aunt from New Orleans less than 24 hrs before her neighborhood was under 8ft of water for 2 weeks. She surely would have never made it, we got out that city on back roads in 2 hours while thousands languished on I-10 even with ContraFLow for days...
Good Luck and Stay Safe..

Yep. Precisely.

Looters would see my junk ,and probably leave 20.00 out of pity...:laughing7:
My valuables are portable and what isn't I can do without.
Most stuff could use replaced anyways.

haulin a dozen dogs would not be without interest ,but they are more valuable to me than a couple tired appliances. They could bunk with me on a covered pile of guns just fine though on the cheap.

Time matters in buggin out. Wed. stampede is likely going to be busy. If enough fuel exists. Then there is where to go and what refugees are already there.
My trail cams if still left would reveal if any of the few neighbors were hauling any junk out of my house, despite their having their own junk. Still ,my well being is worth more than "stuff".

A friend had a dozen or more guests in his Alabama vacation home from when they got hit and evacuated from Florida. He was not there and none of them looted it....No reports of any of them having been looted on their return home either. They were all healthy though.

well my being a female here is my take on the matter , You are the man of the house and responsible for your wife's, and children's safety if you have any. So if you insist on staying its your decision but send your wife to some place safe, only give her all the important papers, insurance policies, and burial policies so she can take care of your broken body if the roof falls on you while your sleeping, or a tree comes through the wall while your standing in two feet of water after just being bite by a snake and there's no one to call for help because they've all left. Sounds like a good time for a family vacation to me. Be safe ; Rebelsmom

They have closed the schools here in Aiken County in preperation for evacuees . Kray if you come this way and need anything let me know and I will try to be of assistance. Good luck.

How exactly is evacuation mandatory?

They won't force you to leave, but they won't risk any lives trying to save you if you run into trouble by staying behind...

Hey Ya'll. Our Guvnuh, McMaster, has ordered a MANDATORY evacuation of ALL evacuation areas on or near the state coast. And must begin evacuation NO LATER than 11 AM tomorrow, Tuesday.

I am in Georgetown SC, and it looks like this hurricane is just going to brush us with 70+ mph winds or so. Envisioning this scenario, playing it out three or more days, with half of the state's population, seems like a fate worse than just being without power.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

Good luck to you and yours. I am a little further north of you. Just about at ground zero. Swansboro NC to be exact. My wife wants to go but I have never left for one of these yet. Kinda too late now. All of my family is here and not leaving also. We are watching and praying for the best. Good luck and safe keeping to all other Tnet people on the east coast.

Another concern I would have are looters. If you leave Tuesday morning, that gives someone WAY too much time to ransack your home. They could break in Tuesday night and take their time emptying it out. No hurry, since they know you won't be back until Friday, at the earliest. If you stay until Wednesday afternoon, that would reduce the chance of someone robbing you blind. It could still happen, but making yourself highly visible on Wednesday would encourage looters to check your house off the list. Why bother with your place, when all your neighbors have left their homes ripe for the picking?

The only problem with waiting that long to leave is that all the roads will be jammed up with people waiting till the last minute and you might wind up stuck on an interstate with no place to go.

They have closed the schools here in Aiken County in preperation for evacuees . Kray if you come this way and need anything let me know and I will try to be of assistance. Good luck.

A generous offer. At this point it appears we're out of the leave or die zone. Coastal North Carolina, not so much.

I'm reading the news this morning and the storm is nearing Cat. 5

That equals mass destruction. I'm in the mountains in the path and I've read 10" of rain coming with it. It'll just wash out my bridge again.

Cousin Billy lives in a trailer in Southport. Talked to him a couple days ago and he said he wasn't leaving. Hopefully he's changed his mind now - good guy, don't want to lose him.

God's blessings and protection to all of you in harm's way.

Good luck to you and yours. I am a little further north of you. Just about at ground zero. Swansboro NC to be exact. My wife wants to go but I have never left for one of these yet. Kinda too late now. All of my family is here and not leaving also. We are watching and praying for the best. Good luck and safe keeping to all other Tnet people on the east coast.

You're in a bad spot! Winds are going to be ferocious if landfall is near you. Of course you know that. I wish you well.

I'm reading the news this morning and the storm is nearing Cat. 5

That equals mass destruction. I'm in the mountains in the path and I've read 10" of rain coming with it. It'll just wash out my bridge again.

Cousin Billy lives in a trailer in Southport. Talked to him a couple days ago and he said he wasn't leaving. Hopefully he's changed his mind now - good guy, don't want to lose him.

God's blessings and protection to all of you in harm's way.

A trailer? If I was him I'd leave. He's very close to the projected landfall. Aftermaths of storms like these are concrete pads where the trailers used to be. Best wishes to all affected by this storm. Good luck with your flooding, Deepseeker.

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