Math Question Help -- PLEASE

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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I'm Recently Home from Hospital (chf)

I was told No More then 2 Liter of Liquid a Day.

if I drink 2 cups of water from 2 liter of Water how many Liquid OZ are Left ?

Each Morning I Drink a Cup of coffee consisting of 2 actual Cups of water

I just drank a 12 ounce can of Gingerale

if I drink another can throughout the day. what do I have left ?

I can't seem to figure Out does 2 measured liquid Cups Plus 24 Oz leave me enough space for water through out the rest of the day ?

Thanks, So if I Decide to Drink that 2nd Can. I Can Refill it twice with Water Through Out the Day :thumbsup:

Thanks !

Thanks, So if I Decide to Drink that 2nd Can. I Can Refill it twice with Water Through Out the Day :thumbsup:

Thanks !
yep, though I am not sure if it matters about the diuretic effects of the caffeine in the coffee and sugar in the soda and if that matters for you or not. Being limited in liquids and drinking too many diuretic liquids may be a cause of concern. Did your doc happen to mention anything like that?

Dr. Shruggs off the Coffee & Gingerale as Unimportant .
Mainly Worried about my Water . He said they Almost
intubated (Spelling) me. They did Put somethng ovr my Mouth That Forced Oxygen In my lungs. Sounded like bypass or Bipack ???

It was Clamped to my Face Like a Sci-Fi Alien :tongue3:
& So strong My Cheeks were puffin Out.

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Dr. Shruggs off the Coffee & Gingerale as Unimportant .
Mainly Worried about my Water . He said they Almost
intubated (Spelling) me. They did Put somethng ovr my Mouth That Forced Oxygen In my lungs. Sounded like bypass or Bipack ???
Do you mean a bipap/bpap? a mask type thing? you musta been in rough shape to be needing oxygen and almost get Intubation, which is when they jam a tube down your throat or through your nose to clear an air way. Hope you feel better

I'm Recently Home from Hospital (chf)

I was told No More then 2 Liter of Liquid a Day.

if I drink 2 cups of water from 2 liter of Water how many Liquid OZ are Left ?

Each Morning I Drink a Cup of coffee consisting of 2 actual Cups of water

I just drank a 12 ounce can of Gingerale

if I drink another can throughout the day. what do I have left ?

I can't seem to figure Out does 2 measured liquid Cups Plus 24 Oz leave me enough space for water through out the rest of the day ?
2 liter = 67.6328 oz. - 2/8oz (16oz)coffee=51.6328 oz.-12 oz Gingerale =39.6328oz left
That's if I'm reading the statement correct.

yep, though I am not sure if it matters about the diuretic effects of the caffeine in the coffee and sugar in the soda and if that matters for you or not. Being limited in liquids and drinking too many diuretic liquids may be a cause of concern. Did your doc happen to mention anything like that?
Jeff, there's a book called Coyote Medicine by Lewis mehl -madrona m.d. read it! Have your doc read it. Mine was pushing the kidney disease thing. Now all of a sudden no prostate or kidney issues. One of the elevated levels was a side effect of one of my meds. Off that med lo & behold! Level where it should be. Go through your meds and check all the side effects ask your doc why you're taking it.

Did you remember to take batteries for your detector this time?😋

Do you mean a bipap/bpap? a mask type thing? you musta been in rough shape to be needing oxygen and almost get Intubation, which is when they jam a tube down your throat or through your nose to clear an air way. Hope you feel better
Probably, I was Hyperventilating & Gasping like I was Drowning For air I Heard bipas But Probably Bipap

Jeff, there's a book called Coyote Medicine by Lewis mehl -madrona m.d. read it! Have your doc read it. Mine was pushing the kidney disease thing. Now all of a sudden no prostate or kidney issues. One of the elevated levels was a side effect of one of my meds. Off that med lo & behold! Level where it should be. Go through your meds and check all the side effects ask your doc why you're taking it.

Did you remember to take batteries for your detector this time?😋
I refused the Rehab this time and insisted on coming home:icon_thumleft:

I'm not into Sharing Bedspace with Others.

Hospital has Private Rooms Because of The Cooties.
Rehab I'd have to Share, & I can't choose a 21 Year old Female

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I refused the Rehab this time and insisted on coming home:icon_thumleft:

I'm not into Sharing Bedspace with Others.

Hospital has Private Rooms Because of The Cooties.
Rehab I'd have to Share, & I can't choose a 21 Year old Female
And your wish is granted to you sir.
Now off to rehab you go.

I refused the Rehab this time and insisted on coming home:icon_thumleft:

I'm not into Sharing Bedspace with Others.

Hospital has Private Rooms Because of The Cooties.
Rehab I'd have to Share, & I can't choose a 21 Year old Female
Yeah you probably would've got stuck with some grouchy fart like me.

They were gonna cut me loose, then decided to hold me another week. I told em to get security while I called the police to have whoever signed the order charged with kidnap. They couldn't get the paper work fast enough! Saddled up &. Signed out out the door in under 30 minutes! Nine days ICU & CARDIAC CARE was enough.

Find that book! Eye opener you'll enjoy it.

I will trade your Jeff, I will limit myself to 67 ounces of liquid a day you take my extremely low carb diet. (50 grams of carbs or less a day)

Have they said if you have any damage? I ended up with 35 or 40% of my capacity left.
no idea

my breathing oxygen level as I left was mid 90's
I think.

I had a lot of water when I got there .
I know some is gone, when I get on my knees
it's ever so slightly easier getting back up using furnature,
but just enough to notice

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