Math Question Help -- PLEASE

I just had a Call , I still have Nurses Working their way my Direction for Visits, checkups and and info on programs.
Meals on Wheels, etc to see if there is anything I can make use of

under 1400 Miligram Sodium, But Don't know Per Meal or Per Day
Per day Jeff

1,300 mg

Recommended sodium intake
1,200 mg for children aged 4 to 8. 1,500 mg for people aged 9 to 50. 1,300 mg for adults aged 51 to 70. 1,200 mg for seniors over 70 years of age.

But this old thinking also.
Newer studies have increased the daily levels

Our healthcare system is broken up here.
Good friend's new bride got her nose broken being in the way of a turning wood beam.
They had to go to New York State to get it set yesterday.
2 visits to the emergency up here was a frigging joke.

Ask for paperwork for everything
Trust a druggie more than the healthcare system
No fault of the nurses it's the broken system
A bottle of 25 tylenol will expire in our household before ever being used up.

The Mrs (71) just had a check up this spring-first one in 9 yrs.
High maintenance-nope

under 1400 Miligram Sodium, But Don't know Per Meal or Per Day
Takes awhile to get used to, but a lot less hassle. I don't add salt to anything even restaurant food period. Apparently it works by my numbers. No math no nothing. Only bummer no tater chips..,.

I haven't added salt to anything but watermelon for years actually

Only recently started Buying Potato chips to enjoy with My Burgers . lost a taste for chips a month ago
have the remains of a long expired pack still here on the counter between the microwave and the wall :tongue3:

Takes awhile to get used to, but a lot less hassle. I don't add salt to anything even restaurant food period. Apparently it works by my numbers. No math no nothing. Only bummer no tater chips..,.
There's enough salt in the restaurant food to chock a horse.
Best thing is stay away from anything that one doesn't cook themselves.
We try to live by the 90/10 rule.
Eat 90% healthy, & 10% fun.
The body then is able to deal with the 10% with no issues.
But the 10% can't deal with the 90%.
Salt, sugar, fat is the killing ingredients. When abused

There's enough salt in the restaurant food to chock a horse.
Best thing is stay away from anything that one doesn't cook themselves.
We try to live by the 90/10 rule.
Eat 90% healthy, & 10% fun.
The body then is able to deal with the 10% with no issues.
But the 10% can't deal with the 90%.
Salt, sugar, fat is the killing ingredients. When abused
Well, you can use my grandpa's system, "If you can't spell it or pronounce it DON'T EAT IT!!!" Worked for him till he went to the hospital. If something gives you the Hershey's quick steps, apply a liberal dose of common sense! Quit eating it.

There's enough salt in the restaurant food to chock a horse.
Best thing is stay away from anything that one doesn't cook themselves.
We try to live by the 90/10 rule.
Eat 90% healthy, & 10% fun.
The body then is able to deal with the 10% with no issues.
But the 10% can't deal with the 90%.
Salt, sugar, fat is the killing ingredients. When abused
I like that!
Doc keeps asking a ton of questions about my eating habits. I tell him I eat when I'm hungry! It's not a hobby. Everyone within earshot laughs & it shuts him up for a visit or two.

I've noticed around here the restaurants have cut back. The food doesn't taste like it was cured in a salt barrel anymore.

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