Most common comments/questions while you are metal detecting?

You'd be surprised how many times I've been asked "Does that thing find glass?" ???
It's a METAL detector.

I'm pretty tired of questions, so I usually respond like a smart-ass if the person is being a pest......

"How much did that detector cost?" How much did you pay for your car?
"How much money did you find?" How much was your last paycheck?
"What was the most expensive thing you've found?" What's your annual income?
"Do you EVER find anything?" No. In the 28 years I've been detecting, I've NEVER found one thing!
"Looking for gold?" No, I don't like gold. I'm looking for rust.
"You know where you should go with that thing? You should try the beach." WOW! In the 28 years I've been detecting, I've never thought of that!::)
It's funny, if you don't answer people's stupid questions, they get mad like they're so important and entitled for you to stop what you're doing and answer PERSONAL questions that are none of their business.
A guy could be doing handstands naked in the middle of the park and no one asks him what he's doing but as soon as someone pulls out a metal detector........

Ah, that's why I head out to the country where no one can bug me.:headbang:

My wife and I just read this one and had a great laugh, but then we came up with a great plan!!!

The plan is go to someone's old property in a remote part of town that you usually don't go too and offer to weed whack their yards for free, show them your metal detector and then tell them it the newest weed wacker out it does it electronically, the weeds do not get cut but the electronic signal break down the weeds, it only affect weed and will not hurt grass, the weeds will die and fall off level with the ground in week or so and kill any weeds that are just starting to sprout, but there will be a few really tough weeds species that we will have to dig up to get rid of the root :laughing7:, this was just a joke so don't take us seriously and do this, but we had fun with the scenario!!! :tongue3: :tongue3: LOL

Awesome! LOL

My best one ever was just about three weeks ago. I'm at the beach and it's packed. Hot day. I spotted no less than four other detectorists dry sanding it so I figured avoid all the hubbub and dry suit it. It's pacific so it's cold.

I detect for two hours straight and finally get out of the water to take a break and the tides getting rough. I'm pretty exhausted and this kid in his early 20s comes up and says hey man why are you wearing that your scaring the kids... I'm thinking oh haha this kids trying to be funny so I laugh and say yeah I bet I look like a beached whale in this thing. He then starts coming towards me and says no man seriously take it the F off. Im thinking to myself am I really going to have to dirt nap this kid with my hand clenched around my stealth scoop. But I play it cool and ask him hey are you ok? Are you drunk? He says nah man I'm a mother Fr gangsta. Now I grew up in a rough neighborhood on the east coast and this pasty skinned white kid with glasses is about as far from gangsta as you can get.

So he proceeds to tell me to take the dry suit off or he's going to beat my ass. I'm thinking hmmm ok when I lay this guy out, or get my arse kicked trying, in front of about 500 beach goers and 8 lifeguards, not to mention the security guys roaming the beach and boardwalk how long will I be stuck in jail because it's the weekend and I'll be lucky to see the judge by Tuesday. Not that that has happened before (cough). And yes the outfits are a nice orange and I love the flip flops and free soap, spoon, and toothbrush you get to leave with. But four or five days just isn't worth it anymore.

After a prolonged stare down he decided he's going to try and spit on me but he's so drunk he ends up spitting on himself. And then walks off down the beach. Bebopping to his iPod and lighting up a smoke to enhance his cool factor.

I had a great day and found two rings. Whoot.

"What's the best thing you ever dug up?" he asked...... (this guy had been bugging me for days)

I said "my wife, only she wasn't my wife at the time, but once I took her home, cleaned her up, and put her in the rocking chair, she sure did look pretty..."

he didn't bother me again......

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