My Ankles itch while dowsing. Why????

I have dowsed and I know exactly why you itch. You are creating a higher level of energy that runs through your body, and that makes you itch. I have actually felt electricity to the point that it "shocks" me, and I mean startled. I equate it with completing the circuit. Water running underground, large mineral deposits, they all do it. I feel it in my hands and they begin to get itchy. Your ankles do. I don't know why the difference other than we are wired differently.

Thanks, I feel better now that I'm not the only one. Thanks for your explanation. It's definitely worth looking into more.

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Put your shoes back on. Its poison ivy!

Hi, I just starting dowsing a few days and notice every time I dowse around my ankles itch. It gets so itchy that I have to stop dowsing and scratch my ankles.

Does anyone know why?

Has anyone else also experienced this?

Talking with other dowsers in the past I have been told of muscles twitch just before the tool moves, some have told of different kinds of body tingling in hands, feet, face, and of feeling light headed as if to be lifted off the ground.
I doubt if there is any definitive answer. One reason for no answer is because some are afraid of ridicule, and some just will not speak up.

I never had anything itch, ankles nor hands. If it's a strong signal I can feel tightening in my gut. Good signals have substance and can be felt, not just seen. Dowser

Try Gold Bond Diabetic itch powder. LOL Remember you are supposed to block out the five senses when dowsing. I recall someone said to wear leather-soled shoes. Many times I feel the energy coming through my feet and I don't have leather. Many dowsing manuals talk about the energy is supposed to come through the left hand (for males) and you are supposed to hold the left hand lower by at least a foot compared to the right hand. Spread the fingers out so they are not touching each other or your body. This is for one rod.

Good analogy, We actually would not a need Pendulum, or "L" rods if everyone could knew how to capture the tell-tale signs that our body is capable of producing. So far I haven't but I understand that some are successful with using only the body.
My advice, use what works for you.

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Yeah, rodless is harder and really doesn't accomplish anything more than a rod can do. I think where a lot of people go wrong is where they focus their awareness--if you are staring at the rod, well that is not what you are searching for. i like to use the golf analogy--don't look up, don't peek. Same with dowsing--best to pick a spot to look at out in front of you--something insignificant--and then put your awareness on your body response. When the rod moves, you will know it. You don't want to be stiff, just act cool.

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Subconsciously, we're aware of unseen fields, energies and molecular connection lines. L-rods allow us to see what our bodies are feeling/sensing.
During strong x-ray flux, Dowsable anomolies can be felt, not just seen.
A Labyrinth. A unicursal circuitous path
A correctly constructed Labyrinth is made with, same Mineral, Element compound boulders. Molecular connection lines connect from each boulder, to every boulder. As you enter the labyrinth, and slowly walk the circular path toward the center, you cross more and more connection lines, eventually reaching the center, where all the lines, of all the folders, concentrate to one center point.
Your body feels the increase and decrease of the energy fields, as you enter, then leave the labyrinth.
You don't need l-rods to feel that. It's the same signal we Dowse. Dowser

It's about as far from an exact science as you can get. Analysis paralysis is to be avoided. I catch myself saying "It can't be over there." No, no, no!!!

One dowser talked about having a stack of suspected treasure maps. He divided into two piles and then dowsed each pile. Then rejected one pile and repeat the process. Sounds good but with a normal dowse one mistake and the whole process is doomed. That's not your normal situation because he had every map as suspected treasure, so yeah, he was more likely to hit something. That's not the same as dividing one map into half and rejecting one side. I don't know if you can see what i am saying, but once you've "amputated" that part of the map you have performed analysis before it's time to do so. Say what you want. but that's not the way to do it. I mean dowsing is just unreliable from the start so why make it worse?

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If you close your eyes while dowsing, don't do it near cliffs. Just sayin!

. Many dowsing manuals talk about the energy is supposed to come through the left hand (for males) and you are supposed to hold the left hand lower by at least a foot compared to the right hand.

That sounds gender biased! What if i am a male who identifies as a female? Then what? Or...what if i am a male who lost his left hand. Sounds like discrimination to me.:dontknow:

Years ago.
To convince myself that Dowsing with L-rods, and using Elements to find same Elements, really worked, I did, night time, eyes closed tests.
Diamonds is what I used for this test.
I put that Diamond chip, in that fingernail polish jar, and after dark, I would throw it backwards over my shoulder, as far as I could, out into the lawn.
I had Carbon water filters duct taped together in a 5 gallon bucket, for my signal.
Barefoot and "keeping my eyes closed", using L-rods, I could follow that signal line, from the Carbon signal, to the Diamond chip, and locate it with my bare feet. Dowser


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That sounds gender biased! What if i am a male who identifies as a female? Then what? Or...what if i am a male who lost his left hand. Sounds like discrimination to me.:dontknow:
Go AMMO Jenner!

Years ago.
To convince myself that Dowsing with L-rods, and using Elements to find same Elements, really worked, I did, night time, eyes closed tests.
Diamonds is what I used for this test.
I put that Diamond chip, in that fingernail polish jar, and after dark, I would throw it backwards over my shoulder, as far as I could, out into the lawn.
I had Carbon water filters duct taped together in a 5 gallon bucket, for my signal.
Barefoot and "keeping my eyes closed", using L-rods, I could follow that signal line, from the Carbon signal, to the Diamond chip, and locate it with my bare feet. Dowser

My ankles didn't itch, but I do feel the signal. I feel it in my hands, because I feel non-swivel rods move. And I feel the signal in my gut, might be the Thorax, not sure. Dowser

That sounds gender biased! What if i am a male who identifies as a female? Then what? Or...what if i am a male who lost his left hand. Sounds like discrimination to me.:dontknow:

I don't know, try either. LOL Typically males have positive polarity on right hand, females positive polarity left hand. Each finger opposite polarity to the next one. So thumb and middle finger same polarity. If you have a copy of Vern Cameron "Aqua Video", look at the back cover how he holds the rod.

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