My first Shield Nickle !


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2014
Eastern Shore of Maryland
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro w/DD coil.
also, still have a Fisher F2
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hello all;
I am new joining to TreasureNet; I have been looking here for awhile and found many confirmations of my finds here.
I'll have to get in the swing of things, But I appreciate everyone's finds and help for things unknown, so, I
figured I'd just jump in !
I live in an area on the East Coast that was founded in 1600's. I have found some pretty old coins and many many colonial artifacts.
So, it seems funny to me that it can take so long to find relatively newer things.
I had yet to find a shield nickle and today, I got my socks blessed off.
Sending two pics. but also have a question for the coin collectors.
In the Official Red Book, for U.S. Coins.. It shows in some of the listings, a number in parenthesis that has no label above it. It is usually the first number if it is there at all.
I couldn't find an explanation in the book. Is this number possibly coins known to date ?
For example, in my case, under this nickle it lists (700+).

I detected about thirty years ago, and stopped. Have been back the past two years, and the newer detectors are unreal. I have found an amazing amount
of early relics, and some nice coins.
Thanks for any help you can give in advance.


  • 1875 shield nickle obverse.jpg
    1875 shield nickle obverse.jpg
    79.3 KB · Views: 124
  • 1875 shield nickle reverse.jpg
    1875 shield nickle reverse.jpg
    69.2 KB · Views: 126
Upvote 10
That makes sense.. Because I was wondering how they would ever know how many are out there. Thanks for clearing that up.

This area is funny. For farming we do have acid soil. Not super strong, but as far as finding artifacts, I have been in many yards that I have been shocked at the decent quality of the pcs.
That's not to say I don't get my share of worn pcs. too. but even then, many of the coins look just that - worn. I do find some eaten away tho.
And the newer zinc cents don't last long. So I'm not sure what it is.
I recently found a 1840's LC that looked like it just came from the bank, not counting the normal patina of age. It was at this very site as a matter of fact. I mean on the LC and this nickle, you can still see the divisions in the stars ! I was amazed.

Congrats on the great find- that nickel is in amazing shape!

-- Jeff --

Glad you joined us friend! I share in not finding some of the more modern items. I started a little over a year ago and have hunted the earliest sites I could find. So I basically started with 1700s coins lol. Trust me my friend it's not a bad problem to have lol

considering that many are found without a date left, you did good on that one...lots of good strong detail left.

The date is tiny too! I was surprised. I do get fair shape on many of my coins, but not all. my 1700's usually have a poor reverse, for some reason, and I have a blank, I don't know what it is !
It's the same size as a LC or an english Half Penny. The weight would lean towards the Half Penny, possibly even a counterfeit weight, which I know was widespread back then. But
the planchette is completely detail-less !!! It's perfectly smooth except for a gouge in it. One of the Strangest things I have.

Welcome. I am always stunned how in the Eastern U.S. people have found 1700's and 1600's coins and have never found say a buffalo nickel, ect. Im just jealous. lol

No Lie; I didn't find an Indian cent until ten months after restarting, no Buffalo's until 4 months after that, I STILL haven't found a Barber dime !
But I have found, several LC's an 1806 Half cent, a KG III, and several KG II's. I am very glad to have those, but it is weird the way things work out.
BTW, after I found the first Indian, then they started popping out of everywhere ! Go figure...

Nice nickel. I am always amazed at how the grass seems to stay so green and healthy looking on the eastern shore during the winter time. Lots of huge farms down your way, it proves you have good soil. It seems like southern Jersey soil, lots of sand mixed in. Not much sand in North East MD and North Delaware soil. That could be the kind coin difference.

Nice nickel. I am always amazed at how the grass seems to stay so green and healthy looking on the eastern shore during the winter time. Lots of huge farms down your way, it proves you have good soil. It seems like southern Jersey soil, lots of sand mixed in. Not much sand in North East MD and North Delaware soil. That could be the kind coin difference.

Thanks - We have lots of sand here too. But in town, where I have been searching since I restarted detecting, it IS pretty healthy. fairly nice yards.. kept up anyway. That may be it. I DO get toasted artifacts too though... But I have really been blessed as it seems the great majority of the coins esp. have been fairly intact. They may be worn, (from use ?) but not like, degraded, metalicly, you know what I mean ?
I am close to the Ocean, and the stuff in sand there is awful, from the salt.. so things here aren't all good. lol
I see you're close by.. so , I know you do ! ha

Nice dig man you dont find them in that shape often..


That's for sure. Thanks for the note. BTW, my wife is from R.I. last time I went home with her, I did a little detecting in her family's yard in East Greenwich.. found a neat little cache of jewelry. I think it was a kids treasure trove. had a couple of kids silver rings, a copper bracelet and three buttons, that at the time would have been very shiny.
You are in a great area for doing this stuff ! Happy hunting.

No Lie; I didn't find an Indian cent until ten months after restarting, no Buffalo's until 4 months after that, I STILL haven't found a Barber dime !
But I have found, several LC's an 1806 Half cent, a KG III, and several KG II's. I am very glad to have those, but it is weird the way things work out.
BTW, after I found the first Indian, then they started popping out of everywhere ! Go figure...
No Indian Head pennies for me yet. I've found 4 of these shield nickels and 7 Seated coins. Weird how things work like that. Nice Nickel !!

No Indian Head pennies for me yet. I've found 4 of these shield nickels and 7 Seated coins. Weird how things work like that. Nice Nickel !!

Oh my Gosh! Nice finds, love to find a seated anything.. It is funny. But, just means we still have things to look forward to ! lol

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