My Gold For The Weekend

kiwi jw

Full Member
May 8, 2006
Hi Guys, Here is my 2.5 grams I got with my 4" dredge up A Coromandel creek in the North Island of New Zealand in the weekend.



Not much but better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick

Happy hunting

JW :thumbsup: :coffee2:

thats good looking stuff john. at least it has some meat-lately all i have got was fines and small flake.

Hi Guys, Thanks. All bloody hard work though as Hoser John will tell you. There was a lot of boulder winching & rock wrestling to get to the bed rock. Gives the old forearms a good working out.

Happy Hunting

JW :thumbsup: :coffee2:

i'm tellin you these boys are using miracle grow! :headbang:

:icon_sunny: AMEN TO THAT KIWI-just went through 18 months a LL gettn' a rebuild on both them shredded,torn,overused and abused elbows sir!! Now seeing as I'm a ol' 60 year old mining dog I should be good to go for another 20 years or so and then jus' sit on the ol' porch with my drool cup chock fulla righteous nuggets and a gleem in my eye :tongue3: tons a au 2 u 2 -John :laughing7:

Well Kiwi,
If that color averages from 650 fine to 850 fine (750 fine), that's about $77.48 US today. MUCH better than a poke in the eye! WTG !! TTC

Good looking gold that does not appear as though it has traveled very far--head up hill from the area in the creek where you found it and find its source.


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