My New DFX: How to get hooked in ones own yard


Jr. Member
May 28, 2007
My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

I made a post earlier but deleted it. I went back out in the yard and I have answered part of my own question. Here is the original post, followed by the update.
MDing101 :)

Nice unit and easy to manage via the menus. However, I have quickly found that it's going to take some experience to figure out how to read the tones and display. :o I'm sure this is the same with all units, so this is not a DFX criticism by any means. It's more of a newbie learning curve issue. :)

I planted a few coins in my wife's garden a few days ago. So, I know where they are. And I realize that freshly planted coins aren't a great test. However, I figured it would save me some digging, since I knew where they were.

What I found was that using the basic setting of "Coins" mode, I get reading over a wide area and it's a little difficult to pinpoint where the coin actually is.

Any tips? I thought I'd be able to swing from left and right and then forward to back to get a good reading where the center of the reading might be. But that isn't as easy as it sounds. The area over which I would get a tone was over 12 diameter circle. And the coin wasn't in the center of the area. hmmm...

I also have an area in my yard, below my balcony, where I know there were some large staples (fence staples) that were dropped about 20 years ago. So, just for grins I thought I'd go see if they could be picked up. Same thing. Got readings that covered a couple of square feet. The depth was a little confusing as it was saying about 8". I have hard packed clay about 4" down and there is no way a staple could have sunk that far. It can't be more than about 2" down. I'll go dig one up later, just to verify.

Is it normal to read over such a large area for something like a coin or nail? Or should one hear a tone over a very narrow area?

Tips on pinpointing the exact spot, before one starts digging?

I know... Welcome to the world of metal detecting! ;D

PS: I'm going to get my wife one of these next week, I think. But hers has to be "Turn On/Turn Off". She is not a techno-geek like me. She doesn't even know how to check the voice mail on her phone. ;D So hers has to be SIMPLE to use.
Too funny!

I went back in the yard to dig up one of the staples that was dropped about 20 years ago. Turns out, I learned

Lesson 1 don't assume! ;)

I decided that what I might be doing wrong was trying to pinpoint by moving the detector too slowly. So, I tried pinpointing at the same speed, so the tone sounded as a momentary blip. I started sweeping the ground on my way to the staple. About half way there I got a tone. What better way to try and pinpoint the location, with what I thought might be a better method.

I stopped, began sweeping over the same area moving forward and backward slightly but at the same speed. It appeared that it was in one particular spot but was picked up over a rather large area. I was able to determine what I thought was the center (from left to right). And in the forward to back movement, it appeared to be larger than I'd expected, however I chose the center of that area to dig.

One trowel scoop to remove the top layer of sod and I stuck my vibra probe into the hole. Got a reading right where I dug. I took a scoop of dirt out of the hole and but it beside the hole. The vibra probe got a reading in the dirt I just removed.

The photos below are the sequence of what I found.

Click thumbnails for larger view

At first I thought it was something dropped when or before the sod was put down in 1979 but the date on the coin is 1984 so it was dropped after the sod was planted. Wonder how many other coins are in my yard? ;)

Lesson 2: You don't have to go to some exotic place to get hooked on metal detecting. Your backyard is a good place to start practicing. ;)

Lesson 3: Sweeping at normal speed is better at pinpointing than trying to slow down the sweep. Going slow approaches stopping and MDs don't like to stop. ;)

PS: I found this coin (that I didn't plant) easier than I found the one I did plant. I guess that should be lesson 4. And I only had to dig a tiny hole. ;)

Coin count = 1 ;)

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Re: My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

Pull your pinpoint switch sweep over your target, It will be dead center of hole in your coil! ;)

Re: My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

Pull your pinpoint switch sweep over your target, It will be dead center of hole in your coil!
You mean I have to read the manual. :D

You mean pull the switch as I sweep over the area? I get it. I'll go try that on the staple that I never got to. :D

Actually, I did pinpoint this almost exactly how the manual said to do. I just did it before reading the manual. ;) But now I'll take the time and read the manual a little more in depth. ;)

I'm definitely going to get one for my wife. I just have to find one that is "Turn On/Turn Off". My wife won't use anything that is more complicated than that. ;)

Re: My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

My Second Coin (06/03/2007)

Don't worry. I won't bother everyone with every find.

I went back to actually find the staple that I was looking for and came across another coin. Must have leaky pockets. This one may have been dropped, before we put the sod in, as it was 1977 but the date is no guarante... just a possibility.

The photos below are the sequence of what I found.

Click thumbnails for larger videw

Coin count = 2 ;)
Value count = $0.11

PS: At this rate, it's only going to take 24 years to pay for this MD. If finding my own money is this much fun, imagine when I find someone else's. :D

Re: My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

Actually one swing of the detector can easily pay for itself! :)

Now on to the pinpointing.....first though yes reading the manual over and over and getting out and using detector.

Ok with the pinpointing you have two options, first flip switch forward locking into pinpointing mode. If you do this remember to return back to original place!

Second the one I prefer simply squeeze in and hold the trigger... here we go>>>>now as the bars appear listen for the loudest point and try to line the bars up.

Once the bars are exactly even you should also get the shallowest reading this means you are centered over target and ready to dig!

Re: My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

Squezzzzzz that trigger you will save your self a ton of time pinpointing. I am going to take my DFX on a walk on the beach at 4:30am. Low tide.

Re: My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

Next time you are on the grass and decide to dig a hole, set the dirt on a small plastic sheet next to the hole. This makes it easier to slide ALL the dirt back in the hole for a neat appearance. Also makes it easier to locate the coin on the plastic.

Re: My New DFX: How to get hooked in one's own yard

18 more cents and one nail, from my yard. And the nail was ID'd as a nail. I dug it up anyway. ;) Found 3 coins in one hole.

Click image for larger view


Went back out in the yard and found 6 more coins. These were newer... probably about 20 years.

Click image for larger view

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