

Hero Member
Nov 13, 2009
Evans Colorado
Detector(s) used
AT Max
Howdy Frank!
I work in Brighton and am always happy to hunt with folks whenever I can get away
from work. I ain't an "old timer" but managed last year to clear $4,000 in coins and
gold I found with my detectors.

As to detectors, I think perhaps this might be a good starter machine for you, if you
haven't much experience with detectors. There are a whole bunch of reasons I wouldn't
own one, but that's a personal thing with me. High on my list of priorities is whether the
unit is made in America. I don't think yours will be. Second on my list of priorities is what
sort of customer service you'll get when your machine gives you troubles. Third is the
reputation of the company behind the machine. There are a whole bunch of other concerns
I look to, and one of the most important is what frequency does the machine operate on?
With any of my 3 machines, I can tell you precisely what frequencies I am running. I noticed
the description of your machine never touched the subject of operating frequency at all. That
would give me pause.

But in the final analysis, the detector is only a tool. It is an aid to helping you find targets.
Much depends on what sort of targets you hope to find. Are you planning to hunt for gold
nuggets? Coins? Relics? What is your intended hunting style? Where do you plan to hunt?
Mountains? City? Beaches? These are all relevant questions.

If my opinion had been asked, granted that it wasn't, I'd have suggested a machine from
White's, Garrett or Fischer before this particular machine. I've never seen one, and I've
been involved in 2 competition hunts where you'd see all sorts of detectors in use. There
are a handful of brands that will show up at competitions, but the 3030 wasn't among them.

Anyhow, I'd be happy to give you some pointers along the way if you'd like to hunt up
around that area. I'd be interested in seeing how that machine performs in actual hunting

I hope you have great success with your new detector, and
find as much gold as I have found with my units.


yeah yeah yeah I am already trying to get the funds together for a Ace 250 got $100 and thought I had another $150 but got gipped from a paint job the guy didn't pay me so now I need to save some more for the Ace but I am going to get one before summer one way or another. Being on a fixed income I haul scrap metel from within Greeley and Evans area for grocery money but will just have to set some aside for the detector now. Only had time to take the 3030 out twice before snow fell and got busy whenever it thawed alittle so haven't really tested it but yeah it is not USA made heck the manual came from a older model without the depth gauge all they did was tape a piece of paper with new model number over the old one. Man would love to get a third of your take for last year and sure hope once I get the Ace and get out enough that I make a decent haul.

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