NorCal Nuggets!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2013
Placer County, CA
Primary Interest:
Hello gold hunters!

I joined this site in 2013 and started prospecting then. I have learned so much from you all, a very helpful community. I figured I'd start my own journal since I'll be here a while. I've been primarily sluicing with my Bazooka Prospector, but I decided to switch it up last weekend and crevice the Middle Fork of the American River.

The first crevice I tried, I came up with two pickers (to me, they're nuggets) and a ton of lead shot. This was about 15 feet above the waterline in a v-shaped bedrock crevice. They must have been sitting on a clay layer, because once I continued to work down in the hole, I only got a few pieces of lead and a flake or two. I returned the following day and nothing more to show for the effort. Enjoy!



Very nice pickers!!!

Nicely done!

I've been out of country for 3 weeks-- I hope to get back on the gold next week, if the fires near Foresthill subside.

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