Not again! Please help...


Sr. Member
Jan 26, 2012
Primary Interest:
It happened again. I know there was a similar post last week, but i think my situation is a little unique. I've done a box a week for 8 months now (about 30 boxes). Of those, I've had 24 skunks. I can deal with the skunks. It's how I'm getting them that bothers me. Of those 24 skunks, 15 were searched boxes delivered straight from brinks. How do I know? I'm getting sealed boxes with rerolled halves (refolded, not crimped on one edge) with a pen line circling the middle of the roll to indicate the rolls were searched.

Is there anything I can do to get brinks to do their job and actually machine wrap the rolls instead of repacking opened rolls?

Before anyone says change order banks, I've called the 16 banks that are close enough that i can reasonably buy from, and this is the only ones willing to buy for me. they are also happy to help me which is more than i can say for most of my dump banks. any ideas on how to handle this? I'd prefer not ask the vault teller to talk to the armored service. i'd prefer if there is a way to handle this myself.

thanks all and i hope you have better luck than i did today (unless you are the guy who's dump i goot. j/k, i blame brinks for this one).

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All I did when I had it happen to me was ask the vault teller if they came in like this, she said yes, I said ok and went home. I just decided that I would have to work through them if they started showing up more, which it sounds now like it just might. I think all we can do is hope brinks stops doing it.

Sorry to disagree with you but they are doing their job. If the box was short then you have a right to complain. Just because you got a box that was previously searched that is part of the game. It is the same thing when you buy CWR and they are dumps also. Their job is to deliver an order, not silver, if the order was searched it is not their concern. While I agree it sucks to have happen, it does. Move on. What we are doing is exploiting the system for personal gain. They do not have to order coins for you at all, and likely are doing you a favor to benefit you in some cases. If you find stuff great, you win. If you don't move on or stop playing. I'm not trying to be harsh but in all honesty you got what you paid for, pure and simple. I know it can be discouraging but that's in the rules and if you don't like it don't play the game.

Not true Gareb - while I agree with you "yes we are exploiting the system for gain" - if the bank is willing to order, then the processing service - i.e. brinks, garada, whoever, should provide the bank with the same boxes and quality assurance it provides for all orders, MWRolls that are sealed and not just forwarded dumps.

Brinks job is to deliver MWRolls that have been verified by their counting system, by simply putting a new piece of tape on the box they are not delivering "their guarantee" to the bank and it's customers.

Hokie - couple things

1. Go over this with the bank manager, don't mention silver, etc, just say that you are a coin collector, but when you buy a box for $500 you expect all the rolls to be sealed MWR so that you know their integrity is intact. Ask Him/Her to follow up with vault services and find out why this is happening. Throw in a "white lie" that your last box was shorted $5, nothing extravagant but it will get their attention.

2. If there are 16 banks within "Reasonable distance" , visit them in person, talk to the vault teller in person, if you get denied, talk to the bank manager, you should be able to get it no problem, but for the bank its easy to say no on the phone vs. face to face.

Don't give up Hokie! The key to this hobby is face to face interaction, small talk, relationships, etc. It takes a little social engineering but once you are "in" you are "in" and they will order whatever you want.

Best of luck!


well said Big Heed. when you are in you're in. a faceless voice on the phone, you've got nothing. I now order two boxes a week from banks routinely that were hesitant the first time to order. I really like the tellers at my banks, i always get a good feeling from visiting them. if they get that feeling back, you're in the clear. if not, well then I don't know what to say. never take anything personally.

So, to actually answer your question rather than go off on my own rant,

1) complain to the bank
2) complain to the courier
3) do nothing and find more banks

my suggestions
1) I heard a guy on this forum that did this and it fixes his problem immediately. in your case, it didn't help so you've already explored this option
2) you may as well try, they are not the people you have to keep a good face with like the tellers. I don't know that it will do any good, but let us know either way
3) This is what I would do. 16 banks not ordering you half dollars sounds ilke either they are easily denying you over the phone, or you don't have an account with these banks. In my greater area I have two banks out of 10 that won't order me halves. I am still working on them.

You could learn something from TimZim. read his old posts. adversity? F*$K it and move on!

of course I say this all in the most helpful way. to be honest hokie, this sort of thing would piss me the hell off. I had a post on here a short time back where I was upset because my boxes had the ends taped up. That is not nearly as bad as what you are getting.

Really, my campy previous post aside, I would take it up with the courier. I am always pulling for the tellers, these ladies (and gentleman) go out of their way to facilitate our hobby, and I commend them for it. the couriers on the other hand are just straight up running a business. I know the tellers are too but it's different in a way. they deal with people, couriers just deliver ordered product.

IF you decide to call the couriers let me know what they say, Im curious. good luck man

As long as you are receiving the correct amount of coins in your boxes, Brinks has done it's job. Lying to a branch manager or vault teller is not the way to go. Time to put in some real face time with some of the other banks in the area. In the end money always talks. At least one branch manager will be willing to order for you if you switch to their bank. Be persistent and be honest. That is always your best option.

Whats key here is not the fact that they are sending dump, but that the coin processor is allegedly not sending out that have been counted and verified. However, I do know that the large couriers weigh the boxes and bags in and out, if they are within a certain percentage, they are given the OK stamp. All the bags of ikes I have received have a tag on them with the denomination and weight. It matters not that the coins are rerolled, customer wrapped, etc, all that matters is the weight. Like it or not, this has been my experience.

It sucks, but there isn't much you can do about it. You're ordering boxes of halves, and you're getting boxes of halves. The way I see it, you have 3 options. You can either wade through the skunks, find a new order bank that uses a different courier, or quit.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to the branch manager about it, but I'm afraid there isn't much that can be done.

If it continues why don't you just switch up to some dimes? For most they are a consistent producer of silver but you most likely will never see the BIG score that would be possible with halves (which you are not getting right now anyway). Dimes can be a lot of fun and I always get a kick out of finding a Merc, silver Canadian, etc.


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