Now Casting - treasure/mystery hunters !


Oct 11, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi all:hello:,

First want to say thank you to the community here - everyone has been wonderful and helpful to communicate with!
I'm posting here in search of individuals who have dedicated their life (or a portion of their life) to uncovering one particular mystery or treasure. Someone who's journey has made a major influence on themselves, their life, their family etc.
The project I'm working on is very positive and not meant to paint anyone in a bad light. We are looking to tell the stories behind extremely motivated individuals and the mission/goal that has played a major role in their life.

thank you all for reading. Feel free to direct message me if you are interested in chatting or hearing more about the project!

I'm in White Plains. Been chasing gold in Arizona since I was 8-years old. Good Luck on your new venture!:occasion14:

Hi all:hello:,

First want to say thank you to the community here - everyone has been wonderful and helpful to communicate with!
I'm posting here in search of individuals who have dedicated their life (or a portion of their life) to uncovering one particular mystery or treasure. Someone who's journey has made a major influence on themselves, their life, their family etc.
The project I'm working on is very positive and not meant to paint anyone in a bad light. We are looking to tell the stories behind extremely motivated individuals and the mission/goal that has played a major role in their life.

thank you all for reading. Feel free to direct message me if you are interested in chatting or hearing more about the project!

be very careful of casting calls from new members on metal detecting forums. More often than not, they are fishing for money. if they don't have solid film making credentials that you can verify like on IMDB web site stay away. Don't fall for info their web site, anyone can create a web site that looks oh so official.

how do I know this? been developing web sites off and on since 1996.

I have searched from Antartica to Australia. Came close to death a few times along the way. Once fell overboard on route to Guyana. Best thing that ever happened. Spotted an undiscovered wreck in the shallows. Be prepared for non stop adventure and treasure tales if I'm invited on board. Might even tell you about the time I was captured by a lost tribe in the amazon as I searched for lost treasure.

Hey there, Just want to say I am not "fishing for money" whatsoever and this is not a casting scam. I work for a major production company in NYC and am happy to relay the specifics of that information to anyone interested in discussing further. The concept is still confidential since it is in the early stages of development. For those interested in discussing further feel free to message me personally - will be completely transparent and would love to hear your stories in hopes of collaborating. thank you

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be very careful of casting calls from new members on metal detecting forums. More often than not, they are fishing for money. if they don't have solid film making credentials that you can verify like on IMDB web site stay away. Don't fall for info their web site, anyone can create a web site that looks oh so official.

how do I know this? been developing web sites off and on since 1996.

pulltabfelix, ny.alchemist has not asked for any money at all, ny.alchemist is a member here and deserves the same respect you and all other members receive.

Well if you need more stories I have a ton of them. If you don't like them I can easily alter them to suit your requirements. First episode could be about when I was recruted by a top secret govertment agency to travel to Antartica to recover alien relics. (Because its all classified we will have to change things around considerably to tell the story.)
Another time hunting on the Arizona desert searching for Big Mike Montana's lost treasure, I slipped and fell into a deep craves. It was full of angry rattle snakes. Where some see danger I see opportunity. In no time I had strung 12 of them end to end and manages to pull my way to safety. ( We can alter that one too. Instead of snakes Im thinking Indian ghosts. Now that I think back Im pretty certainn there were Indian ghost. Just goes to show that you never know how a story is going to develop when you have a failing memory.

Any man that can make a ESCAPE rope out of 12 Rattlesnakes impresses me !!

Im sure there are others with faulty memories that can give a good account of there treasure hunting exploits. I guess we do tend to be secretive when it comes to treasure.

As its said, "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story."".

I’ve spent a good portion of my adult life trying to solve a mystery... how to make it through an entire day without somehow aggravating my wife. Not a very exciting story. It’s mostly centered on my confusion and frustration and I don’t think that I’m anywhere close to solving the mystery.

Kindest regards,

Who will be catering the shoot? I need a stunt double. I'm filming an action adventure right now but I will be available early next fall. I only stay in Airstreams when on location, stocked with 12 cases of Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani (Solid Gold Bottle). I'll need 50 pounds of organic salad, one pound of filet mignon and a wheel of sheeps milk Blue Cheese daily. I only eat KETO. As far as incidentals, my agent will fill you in. My SAG card is current.

Does anyone have a pair of waders that will accommodate my size 17EEEEE feet and the bib not wrap across my head and halfway down my back?? The stuff is getting deep in this Thread and I believe I will be needing a pair.

Sign me up as long as the pay is good!

I have searched from Antartica to Australia. Came close to death a few times along the way. Once fell overboard on route to Guyana. Best thing that ever happened. Spotted an undiscovered wreck in the shallows. Be prepared for non stop adventure and treasure tales if I'm invited on board. Might even tell you about the time I was captured by a lost tribe in the amazon as I searched for lost treasure.

I remember reading about your Amazon adventure, that was cool. And also worried about you when you fell off the boat on your trip to Guyana. I cannot remember you doing anything in Guyana, since you probably did't make it there. Are you planning another trip? This OP would love for you to finance his film project that would never get made.

I remember reading about your Amazon adventure, that was cool. And also worried about you when you fell off the boat on your trip to Guyana. I cannot remember you doing anything in Guyana, since you probably did't make it there. Are you planning another trip? This OP would love for you to finance his film project that would never get made.

Yes I would be pleased to finance any expedition in search of treasure as long as the person is enthusiastic and committed. In order to gauge sincerity, I require a $20,000 good faith payment before preceding. :laughing7:

"Someone who's journey has made a major influence on themselves, their life, their family etc."

Does Divorce Count??

My finds have paid for many Family needs. hmmmm

Welcome hope you find the right people!!!!!!!

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