Nugget Hunting a Hydraulic Pit


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2005
Northern California
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites and Minelab
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Nugget Hunting a Hydraulic Pit

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Me and Gary @Two Toes head deep into the Sierra's in search of those elusive Gold Nuggets the Old timers missed.
Yes I include Gary in with the Old Timers as he has Detected this spot before.
Nugget Hunting in a Hydraulic pit isn't the easiest thing to do but it's one of the funnest and most rewarding ways of finding Gold.
On this adventure we take three different Metal Detectors The Minelab SDC 2300, White's TDI, and a White's Gold Master V-Sat this allows us to use both Pulse Induction and VLF technologies in our search for Gold and Treasures.
Watch as we pull those Gold Nuggets the old timers missed over a hundred years ago out of the ground !!!!!
Gary finds a old Lead soldered painted Can with Gold inside what did the Old timers us it for ?
I find Six musket balls encased in rotting wood how long have those been there ? Plus Many many old square Nails !!!!!
Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the adventure we sure had fun finding all the cool stuff and wondering what and how they used it.
SG 046


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Nice finds boys! Your dedication paid off.

All the best,


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