Old Gold Mining Site..


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2012
Primary Interest:
Well this area is in Placer County California.. I found this spot a few months ago. I doubt anyone has lived here since 1980. The roads to the area were locked by the Forest Service even though it on public land. Anyway I travel with bolt cutter's as it is my RIGHT to be in such places and I enjoy exploring.. The history of this area is awesome dating back to the 1850 thought the cabin I think was built in 1920-1930.. The surrounding property has quite a few of old outhouses and the one building though I am almost sure I found a second building but wont know for sure until This next week as I plan on going back and camping for a week.. The other building is close the creek that runs near by but it is a very steep and I have yet to find a somewhat safe way down the 900 foot drop.. Anyway I am excited as I love exploring.. Their is a mining ditch that runs for over a mile thru the area.

There are 3 different drift mines that are supposably in this area. I have only found one and can't find any record of it as it is not even near where the other mines are supposed to be.. Still haven't found the other 3 but they wont evade me for long.. Just an awesome experience for sure.. I am sorry for being so vauge in the location.. Though I will say it be in the LAST CHANCE MINING DISTRICT some remote territory for sure... Anyway I hope everyone is off to a great start this year.

i found i rarely need bolt cutters.

Every forest service gate i have found has a lock on it so the local vol fire department can open the gate.

I lived in a mining town in northern calif and was a vol firefighter.

All the forest service gate had a 4 dial combination lock with the last 4 numbers of the district office phone as the combo.

Every time we had a lighting storm i went out and checked for fires and explored these roads.:dontknow:

If caught i was covered as a firefighter. even though i was a miner just exploring.

Great post looks like fun I love to explore also. Tommy

Do you stay in the Cabin while your there

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