Oldest Coin So Far


Jr. Member
Feb 20, 2014
Not really that old.. But I found this 1947 wheatie 4-5 inches down in the sand in 2 feet of water with my compadre. It was at a local swimming beach.

I mostly detect in parks and i usually find clad in the 70-80s. Im surprised that i don't find older stuff. I try to dig the weaker signals but its hard to tell if its a deep object or just some trash with these Tesoros. Its been 100 hours and no silver coin yet which is disappointing. I think its time to upgrade for more depth.


Upvote 12
Where there's wheat, there is silver... good luck!

Took me six months and an upgrade to a Minelab Explorer XS before I found my first silver coin. What machine are you using?

If your in the right location, you can find silver with a pinpointer. Don't give up on the compadre. My seven year old found a 1927 SLQ with a compadre with the smaller coil

Hey, that coin is almost as old as I am, and I'm as old as DIRT! :laughing7:
Keep swinging that coil, you sure to find some silver, eventually...!

Congrats! There's always a first for everything!
Look for out of the way places at the beach and parks where large old trees may have been, but are now dead stumps or long gone, where people with silver coins in their pockets may be sat in it's shade.

Congrats on the wheat. You have a better chance of scoring silver on an older permission property than most hunted parks. Last season I hunted maily parks and public lands. I pulled tons of clad, but very few silver coins. Every permission I have gotten this year has yielded silver.

Nothing wrong with that at all. We have days where all we want to find is a wheat!!!!!! Your certainly in the right area for that first silver! Keep going!:icon_thumleft:

I agree with Loco. Research places to ask for permission. I have found my few silver coins on permission sites that I researched to have had human traffic for 100+ years, whether the current structure was there that long or not.

Loco-Digger is correct. I dig public as well as private. I find some silvers in public places, but it aint easy... actually it is really tough.

You have to find a "permission". A house with unaltered (non-landscaped) yard, you will know it is the right place because it has big old trees and the grass blades are thin. Door knock and tell the owner that you love history and for God's sake don't say "treasure" or "dig"... it gets people all squirrelly. If the first one says "no", select another one, keep trying until you get a "yes".

You or someone you know id bound to be able to put you into a yard of a house built before 1960. There are other places to look, but the "permission yard" is the low hanging fruit.

You can PM me if you want. I started in Jan 2014, took me until April 5th to find a silver coin. I found 60 by year end! I have 46 so far this year! It is not easy, but with a solid game plan, you can be successful too! Best of luck!

On the flip side of this advice.... I have found quite a bit of silver, and quite a few old coins and interesting artifacts, and I rarely hunt permissions.

You can find very nice things in school fields and parks, if you do your research. Often, schools and parks are made from older home sites that have fallen into disrepair, and eventually come into possession of the local government.

If you use Google maps, old local maps, and old topographic maps, you can generally find the precise location of old homes right on the school grounds. Or in a park. And often, these old home sites are in the least used (and least hunted) areas. You'll know you're in a home site when you start getting tons and tons of iron signals. Work outward from the home site in concentric circles. Works every time.

I have found 2 large cents, a 2 cent piece, and a seated half-dime just in the last couple weeks this way.

Nothing wrong with permissions... but don't give up on schools and parks either.

Dig smart... it pays off.

Congrats on your oldest coin. Find the older places to hunt, & the older coins will appear !

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