On a sad note...


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
Notice of Death Letter.jpg

Notice of Death Back.jpg

There's a letter in the envelope which I've never read.

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It's stored away in a box, if I run across the box (my stamp collection), I'll scan the letter and post it.

That address relates to a home that was built in 1880--and is still occupied.
Have you thought of giving the letter to a next of kin if one could be found?
PS: BTW, I checked the four cemeteries in Union City; no Kate, Catherine or Katherine King buried there.

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That address relates to a home that was built in 1880--and is still occupied.
Have you thought of giving the letter to a next of kin if one could be found?
PS: BTW, I checked the four cemeteries in Union City; no Kate, Catherine or Katherine King buried there.

Don, absolutely I would give the letter to the next of kin! They'd rather I didn't read it, thus time to just hold onto it without peeking in...

The fellow I purchased the stamp collection from's name was Don King. He was a neighbor holding a yard sale, in his 90's at the time. I bought the collection in about 1990, I was living in Madison, Ohio at the time (199 Square Drive).

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Love the history on the letter. Hope you can find the folks to send it too. Good luck Deep!

By any chance was Don King's wife's name Evalyn?

Might very well have been. Don was a very long time boy scout leader. Many of the stamps in the collection are boy scout related.

Edit: I do believe his wife's name was Evalyn....

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I think you'll like this; and it may lead you to the living next of kin:

"..... a professional scouter in Madison, Ohio. He is Donald F King, who was active in community affairs here during his local tenure as scout executive N orn January 1951 until May 1955. King received a personally autographed picture of the President along with the congratulatory letter at the retirement dinner Friday night in Mentor, Ohio, on his 65th birthday. He had served as a professional scouter for 34 years. "I dread retiring alter having worked 60-to-80 hour weeks but It will be good to get out of all that responsibility," was his comment before 250 guests at Hellricgel's, site ol the dinner. King met Ford originally in 1974 when Ford was vice president and keynote speaker at a National Boy Scout meeting In Hawaii. King at the lime o( retirement had been serving since I960 as executive of the Northeast Ohio Boy Scout Council. He and his wile, F.velyn. live at 211 Square Drive in Madison. He was a member of notary here, American Legion, assisted In YMCA campaigns, was an active member of Grace United Methodist Church and teachcror the Lighthouse Class. His wife, Evelyn, was a former president of the Grace WSCS, YWCA execulive board secretary, secretary of the local Council of Church Women and the Women's Club Federation, a member and officer ol the Belles Lettres Club and a Cub Scout den mother. Their daughter, Doris, now Mrs. Draper of Herrman, Mo., graduated from Oil City High School In 1951. When they left here their daughter. Betty, now of Rosebud, S.D., was a high school sophomore and their son, Chayies, was In grade school. He now lives In Louisville. Ky. The Kings haw three grandchildren. Originally from Union City. King taught school at one time In Bessemer. King pointed out that 90 per cent ol the American astronauts were lormer scouts and Iwo thirds uf the medals earned in the Pacific during World War 11 were presented lo former scouts. "The scouting program is geared to help bovs acquire character, initiative and responsibility." he said, adding that most boys join, however, just loliave fun."

Source: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/67222814/
I added the blue emphasis.

Don, I'd been away from this thread for a while. Life does happen. I've still not opened the letter. I've done nothing since my first post.

I will absolutely respect your input on whether I should go any further. Basically in life, I'm pretty private without any assumptions of what I should do.

Historically, to the family, this letter may be very important - could it perhaps change a life? Kinda worry about that.

Don, you are one of the people on here I most respect.

In the next few days, I'll find it, read it, scan each page, and send it to you privately. I'm pretty lazy these days, gotta find it again = going through 5 boxes to find it again, and I haven't opened those boxes in probably 30 years. But I feel like this is important to do. 5 boxes, in my side closets, gotta get the gumption to brave the many many bugs back there, and find the letter again.

It is important I guess, who knows who's life might change? Or who this letter might affect. I'll send it to you first, okay = I absolutely believe you make the correct choices when the right things matter..


If you should get lucky enough to attempt to give the letter to one of her kin, be prepared for anything in the spectrum of emotions. Some examples:
1. They will hang up on you without getting into a conversation.
2. They will deny you have such an item in its original form.
3. They will ask you, sarcastically, how much to you want for the letter?
4. They will ask to see a copy of the letter by Email before deciding if they want the original.
5. They will hesitate in their response if the letter triggers a deep reaction;or if they doubt your stated intent.
6. They will gladly talk to you about the addressee and ask how you came into possession of the letter.
7. They will say they are not interested in receiving it; even after you gave them the backstory.

If they say they are not interested, ask what other kin might be interested.

Personally, I'd open the letter only with the intent to get other names and addresses, etc.



If you should get lucky enough to attempt to give the letter to one of her kin, be prepared for anything in the spectrum of emotions. Some examples:
1. They will hang up on you without getting into a conversation.
2. They will deny you have such an item in its original form.
3. They will ask you, sarcastically, how much to you want for the letter?
4. They will ask to see a copy of the letter by Email before deciding if they want the original.
5. They will hesitate in their response if the letter triggers a deep reaction;or if they doubt your stated intent.
6. They will gladly talk to you about the addressee and ask how you came into possession of the letter.
7. They will say they are not interested in receiving it; even after you gave them the backstory.

If they say they are not interested, ask what other kin might be interested.

Personally, I'd open the letter only with the intent to get other names and addresses, etc.


Good things to consider Don, I haven't gone into my closets yet. I know I need to do that. Then when I do, I trust you Don, and will contact you by PM in order to consider the next step. Just be patient, may take while - gotta go brave the spiders first = the've been in the eaves for over 30 years now - don't like spiders.....

That address relates to a home that was built in 1880--and is still occupied.
Have you thought of giving the letter to a next of kin if one could be found?
PS: BTW, I checked the four cemeteries in Union City; no Kate, Catherine or Katherine King buried there.
Don the letter is coming from St Joseph Missouri? If she were buried in Union City there would be no need for the letter? Which probably wills the recipient all her gold and property? Why not?

That's super cool! I would love to see a scan of the letter!

I am from NE Ohio as well... you've got to be the guy who hunted out all the good sites around here lol just kidding.

I'd open it. I honestly don't think that there is anything inside that's like sensitive information or anything... especially if it's almost 90 years old. If you guys are so worried about something inside being life-changing for the heirs wouldn't it be the best idea to open it first?

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