Opening the tin. Sealed away surface find


Full Member
Jun 9, 2015
Detector(s) used
Whites MX-7 / Nokta Simplex+
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I was able to venture out to an old homestead,I had frequented on a handful of occasions before. I concentrated mostly on the yard areas, but this outing I decided to spend some time trying to pull up some deeper targets buried in the deeper ash remnants of where the house once stood. My first find brought to light this fully intact lady's buckle. As I moved on slowly I grabbed a solid, unwavering 88 signal loud and clean. My eyes began to glaze over....please be something more I thought. I brushed the leaves away. The sound stayed the same steady,clear tone. I dropped down pulled my pinpointer out, and there it was. Already on top exposed next to a small vine snaking up through the trees. I brought it home, and rinsed it off and I have to say. That this is the most intact makeup tin I have yet to find. The cloth is still mostly intact. I cannot find any info on the buckle. And the tin itself doesn't seem to have any identifying marks. Hope you all enjoyed!


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Upvote 15
What a sweet Find...! :thumbsup:

Yep, I've found a few but none intake in that good of shape. Real nice find - display case material for sure

Interesting buckle and nice rouge compact tin with application pad! Thanks for sharing with us.

Cool find and in great condition!

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